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Minor in Law, Justice, and Society

Transcript Recognized Minor in Law, Justice, and Society

Study government, crime, and social justice from an interdisciplinary lens that includes the perspectives of Sociology, Philosophy, History, and Political Science.

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College of Liberal Arts

The transcript-recognized undergraduate academic minor must be completed in conjunction with an undergraduate degree at the University of Texas at Austin. For more information regarding the requirements for achieving a minor, including a comprehensive list of minors, please visit the Minors and Certificate Programs section of the Undergraduate Catalog.

Law, Justice, and Society Minor:

2020-2022 and 2022-2024 Catalogs


18 semester credit hours of coursework, consisting of:

  • 6 hours of approved Government courses
  • 3 hours of approved Sociology courses
  • 9 hours of a combination of chosen from the approved Government and Sociology courses, and/or additional approved courses
    • At least 12 hours of the coursework must be upper-division, at least half of the courses must be completed in residence, and at least one course must be from outside the student's major


Please be aware that only select courses are offered in any given semester. Therefore, we recommend that you declare your minor as soon as possible, as it may take 3 to 4 semesters to complete.

  • Approved Government Courses


    GOV 312P Constitutional Principles: Core Texts
    GOV 314D Human Rights Theories and Practices
    GOV 320K United States Constitutional Development: Structures
    GOV 320N United States Constitutional Development: Rights
    GOV 331L Law and Society
    GOV 335D Natural Law Theory
    GOV 335Q Global Justice
    GOV 337D Law and Democracy in Latin America
    GOV 351C The Classical Quest for Justice
    GOV 357L Judicial Process and Behavior
    GOV 357M Topics in Public Law (any topic)
    GOV 365S Comparative Legal Systems
    GOV 365W Human Rights and World Politics
    GOV 357V Asian American Jurisprudence
    GOV 357J Law and Politics
    GOV 357G Structure of Individual Liberties
    GOV 357F Constitutional Structure of Power
    GOV 357E Supreme Court and Public Policy
    GOV 357D Civil Liberties
    GOV 357C Constitutional Interpretation
    GOV 355M
    (select topics)
    Topics: Constitutionalism in Divided Societies, Amending the US Constitution

    At least 6 hours of approved GOV courses are required.

  • Approved Sociology Courses
    SOC 307D  Capital Punishment in America
    SOC 307T Punishment and Society
    SOC 318 Juvenile Delinquency
    SOC 321D Demography of Crime and Punishment
    SOC 323C Policing
    SOC 325K Criminology
    SOC 325L Sociology of Criminal Justice
    SOC 336P Social Psychology and the Law
    SOC 340D Violence
    SOC 366 Deviance
    SOC 322U United States Immigration
    SOC 322L Law and Organizations

    At least 3 hours of SOC coursework is required.

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  • Additional Government and Sociology Courses**

    9 hours of coursework from the approved list of Government and Sociology courses, and/or a combination of additional approved course options listed below.

  • Additional Approved Courses
    C C 375 (select topic) Seminar in Classical Studies (Topic 1: Roman Law)
    PHL 347 Philosophy of Law
    EUS 346
    (select topic)
    Topic 4: Law and Society in Early Modern Europe
    HIS 350R
    (select topic)
    Topic 4: Constitutional Issues in the Twentieth-Century United States
    HIS 355S United States Constitutional History
    LAH 369H Comparative Legal Systems
    PHL 342
    (select topic)
    Topic 1: Natural Law Theory
    R S 358K Islamic Law
    PHL 342T Advanced Political Philosophy
    AFR 360 Race, Law, and United States Society
    RHE 330E Topic 9: Rhetoric and the Law.
    LAH 350 (select topics) Topics: Guns in America, The Paper Chase: Law School and the Life of the Law, The Feds & Texas: Expanding the Infrastructure for Border Militarization
    LEB 320F/LEB 323 Business and Law Ethics
    KIN 353 Sport Law


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Questions about the Law, Justice, and Society Minor?

Send them to:

Krista Zampacorta

(512) 232-7283

Declare your minor or certificate online

COLA Minors Website

COLA Certificates Website