College of Liberal Arts
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Past Keynote Speakers

View a list of History's past commencement speakers.


Dr. Nichole S. Prescott, Class of '96,  BA in History.
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the University of Texas System.
Proud citizen of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma (Myaamia)


Ceremony not held due to COVID-19 pandemic. 


Ceremony held virtually due to COVID-19 pandemic. Watch the video.
Dr. Jacqueline Jones, BA History University of Delaware, Ph.D. History University of Wisconsin-Madison
Professor of History, UT Austin, 2008-2021. Past President, American Historical Association.
Ellen C. Temple Chair in Women’s History and Mastin Gentry White Professor of Southern History


Ceremony not held due to COVID-19 pandemic. Departmental words of congratulations to graduates available HERE.


LeeAnn Stack, Class of ’08, J.D. ’12. BA in History and French
Program Manager, Intellectual Propery Operations at Facebook
Graduated with special honors in History. Read the transcript.


Tim Taliaferro, BA with High Honors, History and Plan II majors, 2005
Masters in Journalism, Northwestern University
Chief Innovative officer, Texas Monthly, former Editor in Chief The Alcalde


Brian P. Levack, BA History Fordham, Ph.D. History, Yale
Professor of History, UT Austin, 1969-2017
John E. Green Regents Professor in History and Distinguished Teaching Professor. Read the transcript.


Shaka Smart, B.A., History, 1999, Kenyon College  |  M.A. Social Studies, 2001, California Univ. of Pennsylvania
Head Men’s Basketball Coach at the University of Texas at Austin. Watch the video


Josiah M. Daniel, III, Class of '86 (M.A.), J.D. '78
Attorney, Philanthropist, Inaugural Chair of the History Visiting Committee (2008-2014)


The Honorable Pete Geren, Class of '75, J.D. '78
Attorney, Businessman, Philanthropist, Former U.S. Congressman, Department of Defense


Maidie Ryan, Class of '96, J.D. '01
Attorney, Philanthropist, community volunteer, Life Member, Texas Exes


Rob Thomas, Class of '87
Renowned screenwriter, television producer, and author


Joseph D. Jamail, Class of '50, J.D. '53
Lawyer and Philanthropist, Houston, Texas


Dr. Bryant "Tip" Ragan, Class of '81
Chair of the Department of History, Colorado College, Colorado Springs


Paul Bartholomew, Class of '94
Actor, 2008 Jeep Liberty Commercial


John Schwartz, Class of '79
Science Reporter, The New York Times
Since January 2009, Schwartz has been the national legal correspondent for the Times.


Dr. Nancy S. Footer, Class of '80
Vice Chancellor and General Counsel, University of North Texas System


Dr. Ricardo Romo, Class of ’67
President, University of Texas at San Antonio. B.S. Education, with teaching field in History.
University of Texas track star. University of Texas History faculty & Vice Provost.


Lynda Johnson Robb, Class of '66
“Professional volunteer”. Philanthropist. First Lady of Virginia.
Graduated with special honors in History.


Sally Kleberg, Class of '66
Family Business Office Manager (King Ranch). Philanthropist, Writer, and Educator.


Doug English, Class of '76
Philanthropist, Lone Star Paralysis Foundation. Co-Owner, ProLine, Distributing, Austin. NFL & Longhorn football legend.


Jane Macon, Class of '67
Partner, Fulbright & Jaworski, San Antonio.
National Women's Political Caucus' Long Haul of Fame.


Adm. Bobby R. Inman, Class of '50
Faculty LBJ School of Public Relations. Businessman. Active in public service. United States Navy, retired.