College of Liberal Arts
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After the Application

After Submission

  • Immediately after you submit your UT admissions application, you should complete the UT housing application. Your spot in line for dorm placement is determined by when you submit your housing application. You do not need to wait to receive an offer of admission from UT to complete the UT Housing Application. 
  • Students admitted into an honors program are eligible for honors housing, so in order to have a better chance at living in the honors quad or other housing preference, apply early.
  • More information and a link to the housing application can be found here.
  • The most difficult part of the application process is waiting for a decision. We strive to make and send out decisions quickly. In the past, all admissions decisions were made by the end of February. In the future, it is our goal to meet or exceed this deadline.

After Being Accepted

  • Students have until May 1st to inform LAH if they intend to be a part of the program. If you know sooner,  please go to your Status page  Use the tab to accept the Liberal Arts Honors offer of admission. If you have decided to choose another UT Honors Program or institution, please select the Decline button.  If LAH does not hear from you on or before May 1 we must rescind the LAH offer of admission.
  • If you decide to attend UT, you must register for an orientation session. Orientation information and registration can be found here.
  • If you would like to learn more about the Liberal Arts Honors Program, we hold regularly scheduled Information Sessions in the Fall and Spring. Attending a session can be extremely helpful when making your college decision.  Click here to register for the LAH Prospective Student Information Session you wish to attend. If the session shows as 'full,' please email Stacey Amorous (, and we may be able to add you to a full session.

Other Degree Enhancements

  • LAH receives over 1300 applications for around 120 spots. Because of this high demand, there are bright and talented students that LAH cannot accept into our program. There are, however, other opportunities for those students to expand their academic breadth and depth while at UT:
  • Departmental Honors are programs offered by most majors in the College of Liberal Arts that lead to special honors in the major.
  • Liberal Arts Honors (upper division) allows students who have earned 60 hours of credit and have at least a 3.5 GPA the eligibility to take part in a series of interdisciplinary courses taught by some of the best faculty on campus that lead to a student receiving honors in the College of Liberal Arts upon graduation if they receive two A-‘s and one B in three classes.
  • The Humanities Program offers highly motivated and able students the opportunity to fashion their own course of study as an honors major for a B.A. degree.
  • Core Texts and Ideas provides an integrated path through UT's core curriculum based on a study of the great books. Students earn a Certificate in Core Texts and Ideas at the end of their programs.
  • The Bridging Disciplines Program allows students to earn an interdisciplinary certificate through a course of study that integrates classroom, research, and internship experiences.