College of Liberal Arts
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College of Liberal Arts

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The Latino Research Institute is a research-focused entity within the College of Liberal Arts. The mission of the LRI is to provide the infrastructure for the creation and dissemination of quality information about issues affecting Latino populations in the region, state, and nation.

The LRI supports the production of research and community-based projects that conduct health/social equity and public policy research in the following areas: Chronic disease, prevention, and control, human development and parenting, mental health in at-risk populations, substance use and violence prevention, women’s health across the lifespan.

Our Mission

The Latino Research Institute is a research-focused entity within the College of Liberal Arts. The mission of the Latino Research Institute is to cultivate a community of engaged scholars producing interdisciplinary research that informs policy and actions to enhance the well-being of Latinos and their communities.

Together with the Center for Mexican American Studies and the Department of Mexican American and Latina/o Studies, the Latino Research Institute generates knowledge through research and supports the cultivation of future leaders through its educational programs.

A Message from the Director

The launch of the Latino Research Institute a few years ago was a milestone in the history of Latino Studies at The University of Texas at Austin. Over five decades, our presence at UT has grown from a single unit offering courses on Mexican American topics to three interconnected units that work together as a nationally recognized powerhouse in the field. As part of Latino Studies at UT, the Latino Research Institute is poised to become a national leader in research and policy about issues affecting Latinos. About two out of every five people in Texas, and one out of every six people in the United States, are Latino. What happens to Latinos happens to the nation. Our physical, economic, and cultural well-being is critical to the well-being of the United States as a whole.

Sound policy starts with good information. The goal of the Latino Research Institute is to provide the infrastructure for the creation and dissemination of quality information about issues affecting Latino populations in the region, state, and nation. We serve as a resource for communities, advocates, researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders.

In just a few years, we've launched several major grants to study health issues that disproportionately impact Latino communities in South Texas. We've begun expanding our presence in Central Texas, launched a competitive fellowship program and a first-of-its-kind summer training institute for intersectional qualitative researchers, developed an impressive body of research on topics like immigration, women's and mental health, and education, and strengthened vital relationships in the greater Austin community. I am honored to serve as the inaugural director of the Latino Research Institute and I welcome you to join me in shaping a healthy, vibrant future through research.

Dr. Deborah Parra-Medina

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