College of Liberal Arts
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The Center for Middle Eastern Studies' Outreach Program has been working to enhance knowledge and understanding of the Middle East and its component cultures in K-12 and postsecondary schools, businesses, civic and nonprofit organizations, the media, and the general public since the mid 1970s.

College of Liberal Arts

Lebanese musician May Nasr in concert at UT

The Outreach Program brings the resources of the Center to schools and the community through a variety of avenues, including:

As an active member of Hemispheres, the International Outreach Consortium in the College of Liberal Arts, the University's Educational Outreach Consortium, and the Middle East Outreach Council, our program participates in the coordination of outreach efforts nationwide.

Are you an educator? To receive resources and updates on our teacher workshops and other opportunities, subscribe to the Outreach Bulletin!

Program Contacts

Arielle Levin, Senior Outreach Program Coordinator 

CMES Outreach