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Multisensory culture experience

The Jordan Culture Trunk contains a variety of artifacts that reflect the diversity of everyday life in Jordan, with an accompanying interactive digital guide to spark further discussion and exploration with your students. The items and resources can be adapted in any way for students K-12, and was created by a teacher like you! 

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Books & Media

Title: 16th Century Mosque, A
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Fiona Macdonald, Mark Bergin
Publication Details: New York, NY: Peter Bedrick Books, 1994
Description: Attractively illustrated book that examines the Suleiymaniye mosque in Istanbul, focusing on its cultural, religious and social significance. The book includes good introductions to Islam, the Ottoman Empire, and the culture and technology of the sixteenth-century Islamic world. Highly recommended.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: About the World of Children (حول العالم للاطفال)
Region: Arab World
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Kiyali, Maher al-
Publication Details: 38 pages
Description: A bilingual (Arabic-English) picture dictionary for children in the style of Richard Scarry.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Afghanistan: Enchantment of the World
Region: Afghanistan
Country: Afghanistan
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Foster, Leila Merrell
Publication Details: (Children's Press, 1996). 128pp.
Description: A well-written book on the land, people, culture, society, politics, and economy of Afghanistan. Published in 1996, it does cover the Taliban’s rise to power and many of the problems associated with it, but does not address any of the issues associated with the events of 2001. An excellent resource for all ages: simple enough for advanced elementary students, yet informative enough to be of use to high school students in need of a general reference.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Afghanistan: Opposing Viewpoints
Region: Afghanistan
Country: Afghanistan
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Woodward, John
Publication Details: (Greenhaven Press, 2006). 212pp.
Description: Part of the Opposing Viewpoints series, this volume examines a number of debates related to the war in Afghanistan and the country's future in a point/counterpoint format using short, primary source articles to lay out the key arguments in each side. Highly recommended.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Afghanistan: the culture
Region: Afghanistan
Country: Afghanistan
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Erinn Banting
Publication Details: (Crabtree Books, 2003). 32pp.
Description: Part of the Lands, Peoples, and Cultures Series (see also volumes on Egypt and Israel), this well-written addition to the series discusses the myriad of cultural elements in Afghanistan. Up to date, the book features beautiful photographs and clearly written text.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Afghanistan: the land
Region: Afghanistan
Country: Afghanistan
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Erinn Banting
Publication Details: (Crabtree Books, 2003). 32pp.
Description: Part of the Lands, Peoples, and Cultures Series (see also volumes on Egypt and Israel), this well-written addition to the series discusses both physical and human geography, including discussion of the conflict that has torn the country apart for decades. Up to date, the book features beautiful photographs and clearly written text.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Afghanistan: the people
Region: Afghanistan
Country: Afghanistan
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Erinn Banting
Publication Details: (Crabtree Books, 2003). 32pp.
Description: Part of the Lands, Peoples, and Cultures Series (see also volumes on Egypt and Israel), this well-written addition to the series discusses the different peoples of Afghanistan, and includes discussion of the conflict that has torn the country apart for decades. Up to date, the book features beautiful photographs and clearly written text.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Africa Enslaved: Comparative Slave Systems Outside the United States
Region: All Middle East
Country: Egypt
Type: Online Resource
Theme: History
Author: Arsenault, Natalie; Rose, Christopher.
Publication Details: (Austin: University of Texas, 2007)
Description: A Document-Based Question (DBQ) unit designed around the AP World History curriculum and aligned with Texas and National standards for history and geography, Africa Enslaved explores comparative slave systems outside of the US, with particular focus on Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. Co-developed by the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Download the full unit from the Hemispheres Website.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out:  

Title: Africa's Carthage (Calliope)
Region: North Africa
Country: Tunisia
Type: Magazine
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications)
Description: Magazine for children about the Roman-era kingdom of Carthage, Hannibal, and the Punic Wars. Some discussion of the Arabs in Tunisia in the middle ages rounds out the discussion.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Africa: Opposing Viewpoints
Region: Other
Country: Other
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: William Dudley
Publication Details: (Greenhaven Press, 2000). 212pp.
Description: This title explores a number of issues relating to (mostly sub-Saharan) Africa, including politics, economy, and environmental issues. It places expert opinions in a pro/con format, selecting the viewpoints from a wide range of diverse sources. Readers are exposed to many sides of a debate, which promotes issue awareness as well as critical thinking.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No

Title: Agnon's Alef Bet
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Agnon, S.Y. (translated by Robert Friend, illustrated by Arieh Zeldich)
Publication Details: (Jewish Publication Society, 1998). 72pp.
Description: A collection of twenty-two classic poems, each based around one letter in the Hebrew alphabet, written by the Israeli Nobel laureate S.Y. Agnon. Beautifully illustrated, the original Hebrew text is also included in a rear section of the book.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Aishah: The Beloved of Mohammed
Region: Arab World
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Nabia Abbott
Publication Details: (Saqi Books, 1998). 230pp.
Description: Biography of 'Aishah by a noted scholar: There is much controversy about how many wives the Prophet Mohammed had. Some say there were four, others claim to identify nine or more. On one point, however, everyone agrees: Aishah was his favourite. The real story of this remarkable women has been concealed or ignored for generations. She lived for several decades after Mohammed's death and was deeply involved in the turmoil of political conflict and civil war that shaped the early Muslim state. It can scarcely be said of Aishah that she conformed to the prescription that women in Islamic society should play no role in public life.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No

Title: Aladdin and other Tales from the Arabian Nights
Region: Arab World
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Publication Details: (Everyman's Library Children's Classics). 346pp.
Description: A collection of short tales from the 1001 Nights collection that has grown famous as an example of medieval Persian and Arabic literature.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Alexander the Great
Region: Other
Country: Other
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Denys Johnson-Davies
Publication Details: (London: Hood Hood Books)
Description: This book, from the "Heroes from the East" series, discusses the life of Alexander of Macedon -- Alexander the Great to his fans, and Dhu'l Qarnein (the "Two-horned one") to his enemies, and his conquest of the known world at the age of 21.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Algeria: Enchantment of the World
Region: North Africa
Country: Algeria
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Marlene Targ Brill
Publication Details: (Children's Press, 1990). 128pp.
Description: An excellent, if slightly dated, overview to Algeria’s history, culture, society, politics, etc. There is a notable hole concerning the strife of the 1990s between the FIS and the secular government, as the book was published in 1990, just as things were getting started. However, as an overview of other aspects of Algeria, it is quite useful.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Alif the Unseen
Region: Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Fiction
Author: Willow Wilson, G.
Publication Details: (Grove Press, 2012). 431pp.
Description: In an unnamed Middle Eastern security state, a young Arab-Indian hacker shields his clients - dissidents, Islamists, and other outlaws - from surveillance. He goes by Alif, the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. A New York Times Notable Book of the Year.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Amazing Adventures of Ibn Battuta, The
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Noura Durkee
Publication Details: (London: Hood Hood Books). 32pp.
Description: This book introduces the famous Moroccan traveler to young children and presents some of the more amazing and enchanting events of the medieval Islamic world. The text is written in verse.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: America Under Attack: Primary Sources
Region: Other
Country: United States
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Roleff, Tamara L.
Publication Details: (Lucent Terrorism Library, 2002). 96pp.
Description: Part of a 4-volume series on 9/11 and the subsequent war on terror. This volume compiles primary sources from eyewitnesses and key players around the world, from President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair, to Osama bin Laden, and even Jerry Falwell.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: America Under Attack: September 11, 2001
Region: Other
Country: United States
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Stewart, Gale B.
Publication Details: (Lucent Terrorism Library, 2002). 96pp.
Description: Part of a 4-volume series concerning 9/11 and the subsequent war on terror, as well as the history and personalities behind terrorism on a worldwide scale. This volume focuses specifically on the September 11 attacks and the immediate U.S. reaction.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Ancient Egyptians, The (History Makers)
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Gaff, Jackie
Publication Details: (Parragon Publishing, 2002). 32pp.
Description: A text-and-illustrated drawing book describing Ancient Egypt, its culture, technical accomplishments, and history.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Ancient Hebrews, The
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Mann, Kenny
Publication Details: (Benchmark Books, 1999). 80pp.
Description: Describes the history and origins of the Jewish faith, the ancient Hebrews, and traces the history of Judaism to the modern day. Although the book appears designed for a young audience, the language is more appropriate for more advanced students of at least middle school age.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Ancient Nubia (Calliope)
Region: Other
Country: Sudan
Type: Magazine
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications)
Description: Children's magazine about the culture and lands of ancient Nubia and Kush.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Ancient Religions of the Mediterranean
Region: Other
Country: Other
Type: Videocasette
Theme: Religion
Publication Details: (Schlessinger Media, 1999). 50min.
Description: As the world's largest sea, the Mediterranean has nourished various civilizations for centuries. Trace the spiritual history of the Mediterranean Basin of examining the ancient cultures that have greatly influenced the religions of the modern world. From Mesopotamia and Egypt to empires in Greece and Rome, discover the mythology, gods and rituals that played an important role in the social and political lives of these ancient peoples.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No
Level3: Graduate

Title: Animal Tales from the Arab World
Region: Arab World
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Johnson-Davies, Davies
Publication Details: (London: Hoopoe Books). 48pp.
Description: A collection of Arabic folktales from various sources, including the Thousand and One Nights, Kalila and Dimna, and more.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin: Negotiating Peace in the Middle East (Modern Peacemakers)
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Wagner, Heather Lehr
Publication Details: (Chelsea House, 2007). 120pp.
Description: Part of the Modern Peacemakers series that profiles recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize and the work they were doing when they received the award. This volume describes Egyptian president Anwar al-Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin (who were jointly awarded the Nobel prize in 1978), their respective paths to political leadership and the challenges faced on the road to the Camp David Accords.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Arab American Voices
Region: Other
Country: United States
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Hall, Loretta
Publication Details: (UXL, 2000). 232pp.
Description: Through twenty-seven full or excerpted speeches, newspapers accounts, poems, memoirs, interviews, and other materials by and about Arab Americans, this book explores issues central to what it means to be of Arab descent in the United States today. The book is broken into seven sections, including "The First Wave of Arab Immigrants," "Arab Americans, Civil Rights, and Prejudice," and "Religion in Arab American Communities." Each of the entries is accompanied by an introduction and biographical and historical information, a document-specific glossary, and sources for further reading.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No
Level3: Graduate

Title: Arab Americans, The
Region: Other
Country: United States
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Naff, Alixa; Moynahan, Daniel Patrick (intro)
Publication Details: (Chelsea House, 1999). 110pp.
Description: Discusses the history of the Arab Americans, when and why they emigrated to America, what they did when they came, their heritage, and prominent figures from the Arab American community. Designed to be accompanied by a video, the Arab Americans (must be checked out separately) (Also in the series: "The Jewish Americans")
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Arab Americans
Region: Other
Country: United States
Type: Videocasette
Theme: Culture
Publication Details: (Schlessinger Media, 2000). 30min.
Description: Part of the Multicultural Peoples of North America video series (see also: "The Jewish Americans"), detailing the heritage of the Arab Americans, when and why they emigrated, where they settled, which occupations they took up, and noted personalities from the Arab American community. Designed to accompany the book of the same name.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Arabic Groove
Region: Arab World
Type: Audio CD
Theme: Art and Music
Publication Details: (Putamayo World Music). 48min.
Description: A collection of modern Arabic music, combining traditional musical styles with electronic instruments and beats. An intoxicating introduction to music from diverse countries throughout the Arab world
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Arabs in the Golden Age, The
Region: Arab World
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Moktefi, Mokhtar; Ageorges, Véronique
Publication Details: (Millbrook Press). 64pp.
Description: Describes the Arab World as it existed around the first millennium, CE, when Arab society was among the most advanced in the world, technologically, scientifically, and culturally.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Are You Listening? Voices from the Middle East: Growing Pains, Unit One
Region: Arab World
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Publication Details: (Teaching Resource Center, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard U.), 92pp.
Description: Teacher's guide comprised of five selections from fairly well-known Arab writers talking about their childhood during the time of westernization and modernization in the Middle East (19th and 20th century). Suggestions for discussion, activities, sample questions, and suggestions for further reading are included.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Assyrian Empire, The
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Nardo, Don
Publication Details: (Lucent Books). 96pp.
Description: Discusses the history of the Assyrian Empire, including its early people, the rise of the Assyrian nation, its rebirth, the empire at its height, and the nation's collapse. Part of the World History Series.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Atatürk: The Birth of a Nation
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Graphic Novel
Theme: History
Publication Details: (Revak, 1998). 54pp.
Description: A graphic novel biography of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, detailing his role in World War I, the Turkish war of Independence, and in the founding of the Republic of Turkey in 1923.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Atlas of the Middle East
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Publication Details: (National Geographic, 2003). 96pp.
Description: A collection of maps from National Geographic detailing the Middle East, component countries, statistical indicators, time lines, etc.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Avicenna: Prince of Physicians
Region: Iran
Country: Iran
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Shah-Kazemi, Reza
Publication Details: (London: Hood Hood Books). 32pp.
Description: From the "Heroes of the East" series, Avicenna (or Ibn Sina) was one of the most remarkable men in history. He started as a child prodigy and ended up a master of medicine, mathematics, geology, philosophy, zoology, and physics.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Bahrain: Enchantment of the World
Region: Arab World
Country: Bahrain
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Fox, Mary Virginia
Publication Details: (Children's Press, 1992). 128pp.
Description: Well written introduction to the land, people, culture, history, politics and economy of Bahrain. Slightly dated (1992), but even handed in its description. An excellent reference for all ages from advanced elementary to high school.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Beduins’ Gazelle, The
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Temple, Frances
Publication Details: (Harper Trophy, 1996). 150pp
Description: Tale of a Bedouin boy and girl who are pledged to be married as children, then separated by a war between feuding tribes and their struggle to be together again. The time frame is not set very well -- the book is set in the Middle ages and should NOT be used as a study of contemporary culture.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Beginning of Civilization in Sumer, The: The Advent of Written Communication
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Parrish, Joan
Publication Details: (National Center for History in the Schools). 46pp.
Description: This unit, designed for grades 5 - 8, introduces students to the achievements and historical significance of the ancient Sumerian civilization. Units concentrate on introducing Sumeria and its accomplishments, then shift to discussing the advent of the cuneiform writing system.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Beni's War
Region: Middle East
Country: Israel, Palestine
Type: Book
Theme: Six-Day War
Author: Stein, Tammar
Publication Details: (Kar-Ben Publishing, 2020). 273pp.
Description: "Beni is unhappy when his family moves to a remote farming community in northern Israel. Everything changes on Yom Kippur when war comes, and his soldier brother Motti goes off to fight. As worries mount about Motti's safety, Beni realizes that he must act to save the day."
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Breadwinner, The
Region: Afghanistan
Country: Afghanistan
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Ellis, Deborah
Publication Details: (Groundwood Publishers). 170pp.
Description: Eleven-year old Parvana lives with her family in one room of a bombed out apartment building in Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital city. Parvana’s father, a history teacher unitl his school was bombed and health destroyed, works from a blanket on the ground in the marketplace, reading letters for people who cannot read or write. One day he is arrested for the crime of having a foreign education, and the family is left without someone who can earn money or even shop for food. As conditions for the family grow desperate, a solution emerges. Forbidden to earn money as a girl, Parvana must disguise herself as a boy in order to become the breadwinner for the family. Prequel to "Parvana's Journey." Winner of the 2002 Middle East Book Award.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Butterfly Mosque, The
Region: Middle East
Country: Egypt, United States
Type: Book
Theme: Memoir, Religion, Islam
Author: Willow Wilson, G.
Publication Details: (Grove Press, 2010). 304pp.
Description: American writer and journalist G. Williow Wilson's story of converting to Islam and falling in love with an Egyptian man in a volatile post-9/11 world.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Byzantine Empire in the Age of Justinian, The
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Miller, Linda Karen
Publication Details: (National Center for History in the Schools). 46pp.
Description: This unit may be taught as part of either the Middle Ages of the later Roman Empire. This unit focuses on the sixth century, when the Empire was at its peak, and before the rise of Islam. Tied into the National History Standards.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Byzantine Empire, The
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Corrick, James A.
Publication Details: (Lucent Books). 112pp.
Description: A historical overview of the cultural phenomenon of the Byzantine Empire and its legacy. Part of the World History Series.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Byzantium, Constantinople, Istanbul (Calliope)
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Magazine
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications)
Description: Magazine for children discussing the history of the city of Istanbul through its phases over time as the Roman city of Byzantium, the Christian city of Constantinople, and the Ottoman and Turkish capitol, Istanbul.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Byzantium: The Lost Empire
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Videocassette
Theme: History
Publication Details: 4 parts of 50 mins ea.
Description: Relive the glory that was Byzantium: the powerful legacy of ancient Greece and Rome, the first Christian Empire and the last flowering of classical civilization before it fell to the Ottoman Turks. Explores the lost history and majesty of the empire.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No

Title: Cairo: Living Past, Living Future
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Online Resource
Theme: History
Author: Rose, Christopher.
Publication Details: (Austin: Center for Middle Eastern Studies, 2000).
Description: An interactive web unit designed specifically with K-12 students and educators in mind. This unit will allow you to explore this history, culture, society, geography, and environment of this fascinating city that sits at the crossroads between ancient and modern, east and west, tradition and innovation. Access the Web site here. (No hard copy exists.)
Level1: All levels
Checked Out:  

Title: Caravan
Region: Afghanistan
Country: Afghanistan
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: McKay, Lawrence Jr.
Publication Details: (Lee and Low Books, 1995). 32pp.
Description: This tale describes a young boy’s first trip accompanying his father on a caravan through the Hindu Kush in northeastern Afghanistan. Illustrated with brilliantly colored and dramatic paintings.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Casting the Gods Adrift
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: McCaughrean, Geraldine
Publication Details: (Cricket Books, 1998). 103pp.
Description: Tutmose, an apprentice sculptor, and his nearly-blind brother, Ibrim, an apprentice musician, are content at the court of Pharaoh Akhenaten, but their father rages against Pharaoh's rejection of traditional Egyptian gods and plots a deadly revenge.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Cheng Ho
Region: Other
Country: China
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Marshall, Julia
Publication Details: (London: Hood Hood Books). 32pp.
Description: Part of the "Heroes of the East" series, this book focuses on the Chinese admiral Cheng Ho (also "Zheng He"), who travelled throughout the known world by sea on a voyage to collect tribute for the Ming Dynasty Emperor Yung Lo.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Children of Egypt, The
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Pitkänen, Matti A.
Publication Details: (Carolrhoda, 2000). 40pp.
Description: Describes the lives of several children from locations all over Egypt, their daily lives, culture, religion, society, education, entertainment, etc. An excellent resource, with many photographs.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Children of Mauritania, The: days in the desert and at the river shore
Region: North Africa
Country: Mauritania
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Goodsmith, Lauren
Publication Details: (Carolrhoda, 2000). 40pp.
Description: Follows the lives of two children from two of the cultural groups in the Saharan African country of Mauritania. Part of the World's Children series.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Children of Morocco, The
Region: North Africa
Country: Morocco
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Hermes, Jules
Publication Details: (First Avenue Editions, 2000). 48pp.
Description: An excellent book that discusses what life is like for children from various locations all over Morocco. Discusses culture, society, education, the family, entertainment, etc. Contains many photographs.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Children's Illustrated Arabic Dictionary
Region: Arab World
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Publication Details: (Hippocrene Books). 96pp.
Description: A picture dictionary of 500 basic terms in English, translated into Arabic script as well as with pronunciation.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Child’s First Book of Jewish Holidays, A
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Kolatch, Alfred J.
Publication Details: (Jonathan David Publishers, 1997). 36pp.
Description: Book for very young children about the major Jewish holidays and the way that they are celebrated.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Chldren of the Roojme: a Family's Journey from Lebanon
Region: Arab World
Country: Lebanon
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Abinader, Elmaz
Publication Details: (University of Wisconsin Press). 304pp.
Description: A memoir of a Lebanese family and the forces that led to their emigration from the Middle East to resettle in western Pennsylvania.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No

Title: Christendom After Rome's Fall: in Illustration and Art
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Publication Details: (Mindsparks). Info-Pak, 20pp.
Description: A Teacher's Resource Booklet with lesson plans and reproducible Student Activity Assignments about the medieval period in European and Byzantine history. This set focuses on the chaos and disorganization following the collapse of the Roman Empire, and on the further disruptions that kept Western Europe on the defensive in the 9th and 10th centuries. In the eastern half of Christendom, something of the imperial order survived in the form of the Byzantine Empire. There, Christianity was much more subordinate to political authority than in Western Europe. The set uses 12 visual displays to focus on several of the key themes discussed.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Christianity (Eyewitness Books)
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Charing, Douglas
Publication Details: (DK Publishing, 2003). 64pp.
Description: Full-color photographs and illustrations accompanied by clear, lively captions let young readers visualize and understand Christian history, beliefs, and culture. Topics range from the origins of Christianity through the Reformation to Christian rites.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Christianity Photopack
Region: All Middle East
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Religion
Author: Rose, David
Publication Details: (Folens Publishing, 1995). Info-Pak, 10 photos.
Description: A collection of 10 full color images, 2 pages of miniatures, large color poster, and a 16 page teacher resource book for use with the photos. This book includes background information, interesting activities and practical extension ideas, plus photocopiable sheets. The activities are best designed for grades 5-7, but the photographic images are useful at all levels.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: City of Rainbows, The: A Tale from Ancient Sumer
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Foster, Karen
Publication Details: (University Museum, 1999). 28pp.
Description: Two kings claim two different cities are favored by the goddess Inanna. Enemy sorcerers wage a battle of magic to find out which king is right.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Civil Liberties and the War on Terrorism
Region: Other
Country: United States
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Torr, James D.
Publication Details: (Lucent Terrorism Library, 2004). 96pp.
Description: This installment of the Lucent Terrorism Library examines the effects of 9/11 and the war in Iraq on the United States, including issues of liberty vs. security, the PATRIOT Act, suspected discrimination against minorities, and treatment of suspected terrorists.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Cleopatra: Queen of Kings
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Azzam, Abd al-Rahman
Publication Details: (London: Hood Hood Books). 32pp.
Description: This book, from the "Heroes from the East" series, discusses the life of Cleopatra (officially Cleopatra VII), the last Pharaoh of Egypt, and the infamous story of her involvement with the Roman emperor Julius Caesar and his general Mark Antony.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Clever Sheikh of Butana and Other Stories, The: Sudanese Folk Tales
Region: North Africa
Country: Sudan
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Abdallah, Ali Lutfi
Publication Details: (Interlink Books, 1999). 140pp.
Description: A collection of several Sudanese folktales retold by the Sudanese author detailing life in the Sudan before modernization and the political strife of the late twentieth century.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Code of Hammurabi, The: Law of Mesopotamia
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Woodward, Jo Ann A.
Publication Details: (National Center for History in the Schools). 60pp.
Description: This unit, designed for grades 6 - 10, focuses on study of the origin, significance, and administration of law within the Babylonian Empire, with particular focus on identifying the need for law, the implementation thereof, using the law code of Hammurabi as the medium for discussion. Lessons are tied in to the National History Standards.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Coptic Liturgies | Liturgies coptes
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Audio CD
Theme: Religion
Author: Ensemble David
Publication Details: Institut du Monde Arabe
Description: A collection of traditional songs and chants of the Egyptian Christian (or Coptic) church. This collection centers around the masses of Saint Basil and Saint Gregory of Naziance.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Count Your Way through the Arab World
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Haskins, Jim
Publication Details: (Carolrhoda.)
Description: Short book that uses the numbers 1-10 to introduce various cultural points about the Arab world as well as to teach children how to count in Arabic (Egyptian dialect, which differs slightly from Classical Arabic).
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Creation of Israel, The
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Altman, Linda Jacobs
Publication Details: (Lucent Books). 112pp.
Description: Provides a historical overview of the treatment of the Jews and discusses the role of various individuals and specific events in leading to the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. Ends with the election of Binyamin Natanyahu in 1996. As the title suggests, the book is more concerned with the story of Israel and does not focus on the Israel-Palestinian issue.
Level1: Middle
Level2: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Crusades from Medieval European and Muslim Perspectives, The
Region: All Middle East
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: History
Author: Aghaie, Kamran Scot
Publication Details: (National Center for History in the Schools). 76pp.
Description: This unit, designed for use in grades 7- 12, presents the two sides of the 11th and 12th century wars known as the Crusades. In a refreshing contrast to many textbooks, the unit makes a point of understanding and validating the motivations of both sides (the Christian crusaders and the Muslims who resisted them), and avoids demonization of the players involved. Special emphasis is given to the historical figures of King Richard "the Lion Hearted" and Saladin.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Crusades, The: Saints and Sinners
Region: All Middle East
Type: Videocasette
Theme: History
Publication Details: (Learning Corporation of America). 26min.
Description: From the "Shaping of the Western World" series.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Istanbul
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Bator, Robert
Publication Details: (Runstone Press, 2000). 64pp.
Description: An interesting book that describes Istanbul at various stages in its history, including historical figures and daily life for each. An excellent review of history.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No
Level3: High

Title: Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Jerusalem
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Slavik, Diane
Publication Details: (Runstone Press, 2000). 64pp.
Description: Explores everyday life in Jerusalem from its founding in the time of the Biblical kings to the present day. Part of the Cities through Time series.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No
Level3: High

Title: Dare to Disappoint: Growing Up in Turkey
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Book
Theme: Coming of Age, Contemporary Issues
Author: Özge Samancı
Publication Details: (Margaret Ferguson Books, 2015). 190pp.
Description: Graphic novel set on the Aegean Cost in Turkey, featuring a girl named Özge who imagined a life of adventure while her parents and society demanded predictability. A surprising and funny graphic memoir about family, politics, science and friendship.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No
Level3: Middle

Title: Day of Ahmed's Secret, The
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Heide, Florence Parry; Gilliland, Judith Heide
Publication Details: (Lothrop, Lee and Shepard, 1990). 30pp
Description: Beautifully illustrated book detailing a day in the life of Ahmed, a young Egyptian boy, as he makes his way home after school to tell his family his secret: that he has learned to write his name.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Dead Sea, The: The Saltiest Sea
Region: Arab World
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Weintraub, Aileen
Publication Details: (Power Kids Press, 2001). 24pp.
Description: Discusses the Dead Sea, describing the features that make it unique as well as the scrolls that were discovered in nearby caves.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Delights from the Garden of Eden: a cookbook and a history of the Iraqi cuisine
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Nasrallah, Nawal
Publication Details: (1st Books Library, 2003). 646pp.
Description: This new Iraqi cookbook contains more than 400 recipes covering all food categories. Introducing the recipes are thoroughly researched historical and cultural narratives that trace the development of Iraqi cuising from the times of the Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians, through the medieval era. Of particular interest are the book's numerous folkloric stories, anecdotes, songs, cultural explications of customs, and excerpts from narratives written by foreign visitors to the region. Arabic calligraphy, photos, paintings and sketches add to the pictorial appeal of the book. Excellent for use in classrooms at all levels.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Democracy in the Middle East
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Davenport, John C.
Publication Details: (Infobase Publishing, 2007). 224pp.
Description: In a similar vein to the Opposing Viewpoints series, this volume attempts to examine the issue of Democracy in the Middle East. Unlike the Opposing Viewpoints series, however, articles are presented as stand-alone pieces, with no clearly defined position for each of the authors to allow students to read for perspective (in spite of the fact that many of the articles contain a strong perspective that might otherwise be taken as a statement of fact). Useful if taken for what it actually is.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Desert Trek: An Eye Opening Journey through the World's Driest Places
Region: North Africa
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Le Rochais, Marie-Ange
Publication Details: (Walker and Co., 2001), 38pp
Description: The desert: for many it is a synonym for emptiness - a wasteland of burning sand. But is the desert truly empty? Walk the desert with the Tuareg, the San "Bushmen," and the Australian Aborigines. A beautifully illustrated book.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Document-Based Activities on Fighting Terrorism: September 11, 2001 and its Aftermath (Using Primary Sources and the Internet)
Region: Other
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Vargas, Stephanie
Publication Details: (Social Studies School Service, 2002). 50pp.
Description: A series of document-based question activities based on resources found on the Internet pertaining to 9/11 and its aftermath. Specific lessons include "Responding to September 11th," "Who is Osama bin Laden?" "Defining Terrorism," "Women in Afghanistan," and "Building Bridges: Ending Arab-American Discrimination." Excellent for civics, government, AP US History and AP World History courses.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Document-Based Activities on the Rise and Spread of Islam 600-1200 (Using Primary Sources and the Internet)
Region: All Middle East
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: History
Author: Krup, Carol
Publication Details: (Social Studies School Service, 2002). 50pp.
Description: A series of document-based question units featuring original texts that can be found on the Internet. Includes discussion topics, questions, and suggestions for further research and additional resources. Excellent for World History and AP World History courses.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Dome of the Rock, The
Region: All Middle East
Country: Jerusalem
Type: Book
Theme: Art and Music
Author: Nueseibah, Said; Grabar, Oleg
Publication Details: (Rizzoli, 1996). 176pp.
Description: A picture and essay book detailing the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, its history, art and architecture. Features stunning photography of the building and its surroundings.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Egypt of the Pharaohs
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Smith, Brenda
Publication Details: (Lucent Books). 112pp.
Description: Discusses the dynasties of the Egyptian pharaohs and their impact on their own country and other societies around the world. Part of the World History Series.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Egypt, Kush and Aksum
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Sylvester, Diane
Publication Details: (Frank Shaffer Publications, 1997). 48pp.
Description: A basic introduction to ancient Egypt, as well as Kush (Nubia) and Aksum (Ethiopia) for middle school students, which includes reproducible student activities.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Egypt: Enchantment of the World
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Heinrichs, Ann
Publication Details: (Children's Press, 1996). 144pp.
Description: Introduces the geography, history, cultures, economy, and politics of the north African country of Egypt.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No
Level3: High

Title: Egypt: Land of the Pharaohs
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Publication Details: (Time-Life Books, 1992). 168pp.
Description: From Time Life's Lost Civilizations Series, the book discusses ancient Egypt with lots of pictures and maps.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Egypt: Old and New (Faces Magazine)
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Magazine
Theme: Culture
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications, 1993)
Description: Children's magazine on world history. This issue focuses on Egypt, both ancient and contemporary.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Egypt: The Culture
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Moscovitch, Arlene
Publication Details: (Crabtree Books, 2003). 32pp.
Description: Discusses various aspects of life in ancient Egypt, including the pyramids, mummies, heiroglyphs, and everyday life, and describes the religions, dance, language, music, and other arts in modern Egypt.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Egypt: The People
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Moscovitch, Arlene
Publication Details: (Crabtree Books, 2003). 32pp.
Description: Describes the lives of people in moderm Egypt - with mention of ancient times - discussing life in villages, in cities, and in the desert, festivals, family events, clothing, foods, and more.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Egypt: the Land
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Moscovitch, Arlene
Publication Details: (Crabtree Books, 2003). 32pp.
Description: Introduces the geography, weather, cities, ancient monuments, wildlife, and more in the land of Egypt.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Egyptian Myths
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Morley, Jacqueline
Publication Details: (MacDonald Young Books). 64pp.
Description: The legends of the pharaohs are magically recreated in these wonderfully illustrated tales of adventure. There are tales of creation, life after death, good and evil, and the search for the secret of all knowledge. The stories in this collection are based on ancient Egyptian temple inscriptions, sacred hieroglyphic texts, and tomb carvings and paintings.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Egyptian One-Act Plays
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Johnson-Davies, Davies
Publication Details: (Three Continents Press). 118pp.
Description: A collection of short, one-act plays by prominent Egyptian playwrights.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Egyptian Short Stories
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Johnson-Davies, Davies
Publication Details: (Three Continents Press). 134pp.
Description: Collection of short stories from modern Egyptian writers, some of which deal with adult themes.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Elijah's Violin and Other Jewish Fairy Tales
Region: All Middle East
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Schwartz, Howard
Publication Details: (Harper and Row). 304pp.
Description: At once otherworldly and earthy, pious and playful, here is a sumptuous collection of thirty-six Jewish fairy tales drawn from sources and diverse as Morocco and India, Spain and Eastern Europe, Babylon, Egypt, and Palestine.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Empires: a Simulation Exploring the First Civilizations of the Fertile Crescent
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Hulman, Brad; Sandoval, Jim
Publication Details: (Interaction Publishers, 2002). 168 pages, plus 30 copies of the 8 pages student guide.
Description: In this detailed interactive self-contained lesson plan, students experience how civilizations developed and empires were established in the ancient Fertile Crescent. Very detailed, with clearly laid out lessons and instructions for classroom implementation.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Enchanting Travels of Benjamin of Tudela, The
Region: All Middle East
Country: Other
Type: Videocasette
Theme: History
Publication Details: (Ergo Media). 9mins.
Description: This animated video brings to lfe the travels of Benjamin as he travelled the Jewish world eight centuries ago. Sailing from Tudela, Spain, during the half of the Twelfth Century (CE), Benjamin visited Mediterranean countries as well as the Near East, all the while recording his encounters in his Book of Travels. He described the conditions of the Jewish communities of Barcelona, Marseilles, Rome, Constantniople, Jerusalem, Baghdad, and Cairo, among others.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Establishment of the State of Israel, The (Teaching American Diplomacy Using Primary Sources)
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Volker, Karen; Martens, Mert; Anderson, Marilyn
Publication Details: (Center for Teaching International Relations).
Description: An excellent collection of original source materials and activities designed for high school students to explore U.S. foreign policy on the Palestine mandate leading up to formal recognition of the State of Israel in 1948. Excellent for US History classes, AP US History and AP World History, and for document-based question exercises. Highly recommended.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Everyday Life in the Muslim Middle East
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Bowen, Donna Lee; Early, Evelyn A.
Publication Details: (Indiana University Press, 2000). 327pp.
Description: A collection of articles by academics describing various aspects of life in the Arab world. This book was drafted for use as a teaching supplement in college courses: advanced high school students and teachers will find it very useful in supplementing their knowledge and answering questions about the topics: generations and life passages; gender relations; home, community and work; popular expression of religion; and performance and entertainment.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No

Title: Everything Sad Is Untrue (a true story)
Region: Middle East, North America
Country: Iran, United States
Type: Book
Theme: Young Adult Fiction, Immigration
Author: Nayeri, Daniel
Publication Details: (Levine Querido, 2020). 356pp.
Description: "At the front of a middle school classroom in Oklahoma, a boy named Khosrou (whom everyone calls “Daniel”) stands, trying to tell a story. His story. But no one believes a word he says. To them he is a dark-skinned, hairy-armed boy with a big butt whose lunch smells funny; who makes things up and talks about poop too much. But Khosrou’s stories, stretching back years, and decades, and centuries, are beautiful, and terrifying, from the moment his family fled Iran in the middle of the night with the secret police moments behind them, back to the sad, cement refugee camps of Italy…and further back to the fields near the river Aras, where rain-soaked flowers bled red like the yolk of sunset burst over everything, and further back still to the jasmine-scented city of Isfahan. We bounce between a school bus of kids armed with paper clip missiles and spitballs to the heroines and heroes of Khosrou’s family’s past, who ate pastries that made people weep and cry “Akh, Tamar!” and touched carpets woven with precious gems. Like Scheherazade in a hostile classroom, Daniel weaves a tale to save his own life: to stake his claim to the truth. And it is (a true story). It is Daniel’s.                Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Everything Judaism Book, The
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Bank, Richard
Publication Details: (Adams Media Corp, 2002). 285pp.
Description: An easy-to-understand guide to the Jewish religion offers a definitive overview of the practices, beliefs, and culture of Judaism, providing information on the Jewish holidays and festivals, the differences among the various branches of Judaism, the significance of the kosher laws, and more.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Everything Understanding Islam Book, The
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Dodge, Christine Huda
Publication Details: (Adams Media Corp, 2003). 289pp.
Description: In an effort to explain this often misunderstood religion, The Everything Islam Book covers everything from basic beliefs and practices to Islamic influence on Western civilization, including: - The Life of Muhammad the Prophet - The Qur'an and the Sunnah - The six articles of faith and other Muslim beliefs - Islam's relationship to other faiths - The five pillars of practice - Muslim daily life - Women in Islam
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Examining Iraq Through Political Cartoons
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Egendorf, Laura K.
Publication Details: (Greenhaven Press, 2003). 74pp.
Description: Political cartoons can be a revealing and entertaining way to learn about current and historical events. Each volume provides a representative and diverse collection of cartoons focusing on a particular current or historical topic and supplies essential context to help readers appreciate them.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Explorers, Traders and Merchants: Tracking the Cultural and Social Effects of the Global Commodity Trade
Region: All Middle East
Type: Online Resource
Theme: History
Author: Arsenault, Natalie; Azulay, Allegra; Meyer, Rachel; Rose, Christopher
Publication Details: (Austin: University of Texas, 2007)
Description: Inspired by the 2003 Hemispheres Summer Institute for teachers, which explored cultural contact by looking at the food we eat, Explorers, Traders, and Immigrants examines eight global commodities from their points of origin and the social, cultural, political, and economic changes they wrought along their way. Each case study covers the initial discovery of and/or access to a commodity, its progress from local good to international trade, the ramifications of large-scale production, and the drama of its boom-and-bust cycles through the years. Full unit available to download via the Hemispheres Web site.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Exploring Tutankhamen's Tomb
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Matthews, Donna
Publication Details: (Calfornia History-Social Science Project)
Description: In the same vein as the units produced by the National Center for History in the Schools, this unit uses the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb as a basis for exploring the series of rituals that surrounded Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Families of Egypt
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: DVD
Theme: Culture
Publication Details: (Master Communications, 2002). 30min.
Description: From the "Families of the World" series (see also "Families of Israel"), this video profiles the lives of two Egyptian children - one from the city, one from the countryside - who talk about their lives, interests, school, family, community, etc. Excellent for providing a cultural understanding on a level that children can immediately identify with and relate to. Highly recommended.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Families of Israel
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: DVD
Theme: Culture
Publication Details: (Arden Films, 2000). 30mins.
Description: This video, from the Families of the World series, focuses on two Israeli children, one who lives on a kibbutz in the Negev desert, one who lives in Jerusalem, who tell about their daily lives, going to school, families, games, religious activities, and more.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Festivals of Egypt
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Abbas, Jalian
Publication Details: (London: Hoopoe Books). 48pp.
Description: Discusses the main festivals of Egypt: religious and secular, including their origins.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: First Crusade, The (Calliope)
Region: Other
Country: Other
Type: Magazine
Theme: History
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications)
Description: Magazine for children about the First Crusade. From a European perspective, it focuses on the motivations of the crusaders as well as the culture of Europe at the time.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: First Thousand Words in Hebrew, The
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Amery, H; Haron, Y.; Cartwright, S.
Publication Details: (Usborne, 1984). 62pp.
Description: An illustrated picture-dictionary in the style of Richard Scarry featuring 1000 of the most common Hebrew words (with English pronunciation guide).
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Folk Tales of Egypt
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Johnson-Davies, Davies
Publication Details: (London: Hoopoe Books). 48pp.
Description: Seven folkloric tales from all over Egypt, retold for children.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Folktales of Israel
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Noy, Dov; Baharav, Gene
Publication Details: (University of Chicago Press). 220pp.
Description: A collection of many short (in some cases, 1 page or less) recountings of folktales from Israel and Jewish tradition.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Food and Religion
Region: Other
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Culture
Author: Zimmer, Elizabeth C.; Zimmer, Kelly Elizabeth
Publication Details: (Learning Zone Express). 147pp.
Description: An examination of different religions and their different perspectives on food, including: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hundu, Buddhism.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: From Rags to Riches: a Story of Abu Dhabi
Region: Arab World
Country: United Arab Emirates
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Fahim, Mohammed al-
Publication Details: (London Centre of Arab Studies). 191pp.
Description: Born in 1948 in Abu Dhabi, the author knew dreadful poverty for years before fabulous oil wealth transformed his country for ever. An interesting study in the rapid rise of the Gulf countries after World War II.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Gallipoli: A Turning Point
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Askin, Mustafa
Publication Details:  
Description: Souvenir publication from Gallipoli (Çanakkale) Peace Park, this book describes the Gallipoli campaign from the both the ANZAC and Turkish sides and the subsequent Turkish War of Independence. Lots of photographs accompany the text.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Girl Who Lost Her Smile, The
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Alrawi, Karim
Publication Details: (Winslow Press, 2000).
Description: Kindergarten-Grade 3-In this obscure story, Jehan has lost her smile, making the city of Baghdad gray and drab. Even the jugglers and fire-eaters can't cheer her up. The hoopoe bird and Jehan's father try importing artists to paint pictures to cheer her, but while the girl finds the Chinese dragons and the Italian seraphim beautiful, she still won't smile. The hoopoe rejects the religious subject matter of the Tibetan artist as "Too scary" and the Egyptian's as "Too serious." Finally, a young Persian gives her a sandalwood scraper and together they sand a wall until it glows. "Jehan saw that its beauty had always been there. It had just been waiting for her to uncover it." This message passes for the point of the story.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Goha
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Johnson-Davies, Davies
Publication Details: (London: Hoopoe Books). 48pp.
Description: Goha is a staple of Arabic (especially Egyptian) folklore. Portrayed as a simpleton, Goha's observations cut to the heart of society and culture by making wise observations only obvious to the special souls in our world.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Golden Sandal, The
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Hickox, Rebecca
Publication Details: (Holiday House). 32pp.
Description: An Iraqi version of the Cinderella story in which a kind and beautiful girl who is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsister finds a husband with the help of a magic fish. Beautifully illustrated.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Guests of the Sheikh: An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Fernea, Elizabeth Warnock
Publication Details: (Doubleday Anchor, 1965). 346pp.
Description:Guests of the Sheikh is an account of the author's two year stay in the tiny rural village of El Nahra in southern Iraq. To help her anthropologist husband gather data, Mrs. Fernea agreed to dress only in the all-enveloping black veils of the women of the region and to lead the life of a woman in the harem. The book is a fascinating look at life in a rural village in the mid-50s.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Habibi
Region: Arab World
Country: Palestinian Territories
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Nye, Naomi Shihab
Publication Details: (Simon and Schuster, 1997). 259pp.
Description: Touching story of an Arab-American girl whose family decides to move back "home" to the West Bank suburbs of Jerusalem. Although the book could easily become a basis for a political diatribe, it does not, focusing instead on the emotional reaction of moving to a new country and adjusting to life in a different culture where Liyana does not speak the language. Winner of the 2000 MEOC Middle East Book Award.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Handa's Surprise
Region: Arab World
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Brown, Eileen
Publication Details: (Mantra)
Description: Bilingual (English-Arabic) tale of a young girl in Kenya who puts seven fruits in a basket to take to her friend as a surprise. Her walk takes her past a variety of animals, and the fruits do look very inviting...
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Handbook of the Middle East, The
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Cort, Michael
Publication Details: (Twenty-First Century Books, 2002). 303pp.
Description: Profiles each of the countries of the Middle East (including the Palestinian Authority) provide descriptions of geographic regions, reviews of ancient and modern history, economic and demographic summaries, biographies of major political players, and assessments of challenges faced at the turn of the millennium. End matter includes full-color maps and flags, a chronology, and a 45-page 'encyclopedia' of people and places. Recommended for Grades 7 and up.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Hands-on Culture of Ancient Egypt
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: O'Halloran, Kate
Publication Details: (J. Weston Walch), 74pp.
Description: Neat set of lessons (this book is a lesson plan guide rather than a straightforward textbook) on ancient Egypt for classrooms across the board: Math, Science, Language Arts, Art, and Social Studies. An excellent resource for team teaching and implementing the same subject across curricula.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Hanukkah and Passover
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Videocassette
Theme: Religion
Publication Details: (Schlessinger Media, 2000). 25min.
Description: Part of the Holidays for Children Videoseries, for Grades K-4. Two Jewish celebrations - Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, and Passover, a holiday celebrating freedom and renewal - are presented to children through illustrated stories, puppets and songs. At a Hanukkah celebration, youngsters learns about the mirable of the Menorah as they light candles, play games, and sing songs to commemorate the holiday. As part of an introduction to Passover and the traditional Seder meal, a group of children visit a matzo bakery where they mix, squish, roll and flatten dough to create their own matzo.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Harry Potter ve Sirlar Odasi
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Rowling, J.K.
Publication Details: (YKY). 403pp.
Description: Turkish translation of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" (book two in the series).
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: He Named Me Malala
Region: South Asia
Country: Pakistan
Type: DVD, Documentary
Theme: Culture, Contemporary Issues
Publication Details:
(Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, 2015). 88 minutes.
Description: Tells the true story of teenager Malala Yousafzai, who was attacked by Taliban gunmen in Pakistan for advocating girls' education. Rather than be silenced, Malala emerged as a global voice for the education rights of all children, and in 2014, she became the youngest-ever Nobel Peace Prize recipient.
Level1: High
Checked Out:

Title: Historical Atlas of Afghanistan
Region: Afghanistan
Country: Afghanistan
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Romano, Amy
Publication Details: (Rosen Publishing Group, 2003). 64pp.
Description: Maps and text chronicle the history of Afghanistan, from the Aryan invasion in 1500 B.C. to the rise of the Taliban.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Historical Atlas of Iran
Region: Iran
Country: Iran
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Ramen, Fred
Publication Details: (Rosen Publishing Group, 2003). 64pp.
Description: Maps and text chronicle the history of this Middle Eastern country formerly called Persia.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Historical Atlas of Iraq
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Phillips, Larissa
Publication Details: (Rosen Publishing Group, 2003). 64pp.
Description: Maps and text chronicle the history of the Middle Eastern nation located in a region believed to be the birthplace of civilization.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Historical Atlas of Israel
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Romano, Amy
Publication Details: (Rosen Publishing Group, 2003). 64pp.
Description: Maps and texts chronicle the history of Israel from the Biblical period to the events of the present day.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Historical Atlas of Jordan
Region: Arab World
Country: Jordan
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Romano, Amy
Publication Details: (Rosen Publishing Group, 2003). 64pp.
Description: Maps and text chronicle the history of Jordan, a Middle Eastern country that became independent in 1946.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Historical Atlas of Kuwait
Region: Arab World
Country: Kuwait
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Ray, Kurt
Publication Details: (Rosen Publishing Group, 2003). 64pp.
Description: Desert nomads - oil and water- Jewel of the Gulf - the Persian Gulf War - What the future holds.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Historical Atlas of Lebanon
Region: Arab World
Country: Lebanon
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Skahill, Carolyn M.
Publication Details: (Rosen Publishing Group, 2003). 64pp.
Description: Maps and text chronicle the history of this small Middle Eastern country that suffered a civil war period from 1975 to 1991.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: History of Counting, The
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Schmandt-Besserat, Denise; Hays, Michael
Publication Details: (Morrow). 46pp.
Description: This book by an archaeologist and art historian describes the evolution of counting and the many ways to count and write numbers.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: History of Terrorism, A: Terrorism in Our World
Region: All Middle East
Type: Videocassette
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Publication Details: (Schlessinger Media, 2003). 23min.
Description: Terrorism as a form of violence is as old as recorded history, and has been used to intimidate governments and strike fear into societies all over the world. Throughout the 20th century and into the 21st, from Northern Ireland to the Middle East, terrorist organizations have used acts of violence to focus attention on their causes and to pressure governments to give in to their demands while governments themselves have used terrorism to maintain their power.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: History of Terrorism, The
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Taylor, Robert
Publication Details: (Lucent Terrorism Library, 2002). 96pp.
Description: Part of a 4-volume series of books on 9/11 and the subsequent war on terror. This volume discusses some of the notable acts of terrorism in recent history.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: House of Wisdom, The
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Heide, Florence Parry; Gilliland, Judith Heide
Publication Details: (DK INK). 40pp.
Description: From the authors of The Day of Ahmed’s Secret and Sami and the Time of the Troubles comes this new book set in Baghdad at the end of the 1st millennium AD. Ishaq, the son of the chief translator to the Caliph, travels the world in search of precious books and manuscripts and brings them back to the great library known as the House of Wisdom. Excellent set up for a discussion to Islamic contributions to knowledge. As with the other two books, older audiences may well appreciate the tale and the illustrations.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: How the Fisherman Tricked the Genie: a Tale within a Tale within a Tale
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Sunami, Kitoba
Publication Details: (Atheneum). 40pp.
Description: When a poor fisherman casts his net out into the Arabian Sea and pulls in a genie in a bottle, he expects three wishes. But this genie isn’t like other genies... Three interwoven stories within a story illustrate that good deeds should never be rewarded with evil, a lesson the genie will not soon forget. Based on tales from the Arabian nights.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Human Rights: Opposing Viewpoints
Region: Other
Country: Other
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Egendorf, Laura K.
Publication Details: (Greenhaven Press, 2000). 212pp.
Description: The rights of women, refugees, child laborers, and political prisoners are among the issues debated in this collection of articles and essays in the Opposing Viewpoints series. The focus is on both the U.S. and the universal scene, whether the argument is about the use of land mines or the role of free trade, or on the basic issue of whether human rights and freedom are culturally relative. Contributors from many sides include Hillary Rodham Clinton, Midge Decter, Katha Pollitt, Jimmy Carter, Amnesty International, and the China Internet Information Center, and as always in this series, there are fine bibliographies to stimulate students' further reading.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Ibn Battuta: A View of the Fourteenth Century World
Region: All Middle East
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: History
Author: Arno, Joan; Grady, Helen
Publication Details: (National Center for History in the Schools). 74pp.
Description: Using the travels throughout the (known at the time) world of the 14th century Muslim traveller Ibn Battuta as a stepping stone, this unit of study for grades 7- 10 introduces the medieval world, looking at cultural background, perspective, and geography. Units are tied into the National History Standards.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Ibn Tulun: the Story of a Mosque
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Macdonald, Fiona
Publication Details: (London: Hood Hood Books). 38pp.
Description: The story of Ahmad ibn Tulun and the mosque he built in Cairo, Egypt, which is still considered one of the most striking and beautiful examples of medieval architecture in the world. Beautifully illustrated.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Id-ul-Fitr: A World of Holidays
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Kerver, Rosalind
Publication Details: (Steck-Vaughn). 31pp.
Description: You may not be able to pronounce it (say “eed al-FIT-r”), but Eid al Fitr is one of the most important Islamic holidays, marking the end of Ramadan. This well written book talks about the holiday, its customs and traditions, and significance within Islam in a manner that is easy for non-Muslim children to understand.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: I'm New Here
Region: International
Country:  Guatamala, South Korea, Somalia, United States
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues, Children, Refugees
Author: Sibley O'Brien, Anne
Publication Details: (Charlesbridge, 2015).
Description: This childrens picture book explores themes of immigration and adjustment to American schools and features children from a variety of countries, religions and cultural traditions.
Level1: Elementary
Checked Out: No

Title: Images of the Orient: Nineteenth-Century European Travelers to Muslim Lands
Region: All Middle East
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: History
Author: Douglass, Susan L.
Publication Details: (National Center for History in the Schools). 86pp.
Description: This unit, designed for grades 9 -12, consists of a dramatic moment and six lessons arranged according to categories of travelers who visited Muslim regions of Asia and Africa during the 19th century. Each lesson covers a different type of travel experience, including explorers, pilgrims, tourists, archaeologists, artists, colonial officials and their families, journalists, photographers, and literary figures. Units are tied in to the National History Standards.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: In the Tradition of Moses and Mohammed: Jewish and Arab Folktales
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Serwer-Bernstein, Blanche L.
Publication Details: (Aronson Press). 300pp.
Description: A collection of both Jewish and Arabic folktales that are ideally suited for use in a middle or high school English or literature class.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Inanna: From the Myths of Ancient Sumer
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Echlin, Kim
Publication Details: (Groundwood Publishers). 300pp.
Description: Long before the Bible and the Koran, before the myths of the Greeks and Romans were set down, the people of Sumer recorded the stories of their gods and kings on cuneiform tablets. The world's oldest epic poem is the Epic of Gilgamesh, the tale of a hero who was part god, part man. But just in the past century a thrilling discovery was made - the four-thousand-year-old stories of his powerful sister; the goddess Inanna.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: International Biographies: Book 1: Africa and the Middle East
Region: All Middle East
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: History
Author: Mary Anne Anderson, Stephanie M. Hamilton, Karen Martin Tryda
Publication Details: (The Center for Learning)
Description: Collection of biographies for middle school readers (including activities and questions) about noted personalities from Africa and the Middle East. Personalities include: Cleopatra, Kahlil Gibran, Lawrence of Arabia, Makeda: Queen of Sheba, Mansa Musa, Queen Nefertiti and Anwar Sadat.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Introducing Muhammad
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Sardar, Ziauddin; Malik, Zafar Abbas
Publication Details: (Totem Books, 176pp.)
Description: Cartoon/text book discussing Islam with special emphasis on the prophet Muhammad. Has a very strong political identity (leaning toward the left), but doesn't shy away from real discussion of issues of fundamentalism, women's rights, etc.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Introduction to Egyptology, An
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Putnam, James
Publication Details: (Eagle Editions), 112pp.
Description: An introduction to Ancient Egypt, with specially commissioned photographs of numerous Egyptian artifacts. Simple enough for middle school readers; detailed enough for high school and beyond.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Introduction to Islam
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Bassiouni, M. Cherif
Publication Details:  
Description: Very basic introduction to Islam, its history, its contribution to society.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Introduction to the Arab World
Region: Arab World
Type: Videocassette
Theme: Culture
Publication Details: (AMIDEAST, 1991). 45min.
Description: This video presents the Arab world in three 15-minute sections. The "Overview" section contrasts factors that unite all Arabs with those unique to each region in the Arab world. "Islam" presents the historical background and basic tenets of the religion. "Arab Society Today" addresses the major social, cultural, political, and economic concerns of the Arab people today. Though dated (1991), this video does provide one of the more complete pictures of the Arab world as a whole. A supplementary guidebook is available (please request).
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Iran: Enchantment of the World
Region: Iran
Country: Iran
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Fox, Mary Virginia
Publication Details: (Children's Press, 2001). 128pp.
Description: A well written book describing the people, land, culture, society, politics and history of Iran. There is a slight bias in portions of the text in favor of the Shah, however his fall is evenly described. Latter portions of the book are somewhat harsh in their depictions of the Islamic Republic, although the criticisms may well be justified given the 1991 publication date. The book does not cover the election of President Khatami or the reformist movements of the late 1990s or the period of President Ahmadinejad.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Iran: Opposing Viewpoints
Region: Iran
Country: Iran
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Egendorf, Laura K.
Publication Details: (Greenhaven Press, 2006). 212pp.
Description: Part of the Opposing Viewpoints series, this volume examines a number of debates related to Iran using short, primary source articles to lay out the key arguments in each side. Highly recommended.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Iranian Hostage Crisis: a 20th Century American History Activator
Region: Iran
Country: Iran
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Lacey, Bill
Publication Details: (Interaction Publishers). 16pp.
Description: A simulation unit intended for American history, government, social studies, and civics classes that presented the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis and asks students to assume the roles of various (U.S.) key players and formulate their own response based on a set of presented facts. Definitely designed for students to understand the American response, needs to be presented in conjunction with other study on the hostage crisis as a whole in order to be effective.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Iraq and the Fall of Saddam Hussein
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Richie, Jason
Publication Details: (Oliver Press, 2003). 112pp.
Description: One of the first books rushed to press after Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003, this evenhanded overview discusses Saddan Hussein's rise to power, the Iran-Iraq War, the invasion of Kuwait and aftermath, and through the 1990s to the early rebuilding period after the fall of Saddam's government.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Iraq: Opposing Viewpoints
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Dudley, William
Publication Details: (Greenhaven Press, 2003). 212pp.
Description: Part of the Opposing Viewpoints series, this volume examines a number of debates related to the war in Iraq and the country's future in a point/counterpoint format using short, primary source articles to lay out the key arguments in each side. Highly recommended.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Scandal, The
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Martin, Michael J.
Publication Details: (Lucent Terrorism Library, 2005). 96pp.
Description: Part of the Lucent Terrorism Library, this volume focuses on the discovery of the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal, looking at the background of the war in Iraq and the justification for it, US policy in Iraq, and the fallout of the scandal, including reaction within the Arab world. Contains photos blurred for nudity, but may still be inappropriate for sensitive readers.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Islam (Eyewitness Books)
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Charing, Douglas
Publication Details: (DK Publishing, 2003). 64pp.
Description: Full-color photographs and illustrations accompanied by clear, lively captions let young readers visualize and understand Islamic history, beliefs, and culture. Topics range from the life of Islam's prophet and the Qur'an to the practices and beliefs of modern-day Muslims.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Islam Photopack
Region: All Middle East
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Religion
Publication Details: (Folens Publishing, 1995). Info-Pak, 10 photos.
Description: A collection of 10 full color images, 2 pages of miniatures, large color poster, and a 16 page teacher resource book for use with the photos. This book includes background information, interesting activities and practical extension ideas, plus photocopiable sheets. The activities are best designed for grades 5-7, but the photographic images are useful at all levels.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Islam for Beginners
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Matar, N.I.
Publication Details: (Writers and Readers, 2000). 196pp.
Description: A basic introduction to Islam, its beliefs, tenets, history, noted personalities and discusses some of the major Islamic civilizations and their legacies through a unique blend of cartoons, illustrations and text. Very good for the student who has little background information on the subject.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Islam
Region: All Middle East
Type: Videocassette
Theme: Religion
Publication Details: (Schlessinger Media, 1999). 50min.
Description: Part of the Religions of the World series, narrated by Ben Kingsley. Islam is one of the great monolothic world religions practiced today. Discover the Islamic culture through the daily life and rituals of Muslims around the world. Viewers will learn about Islam's history - from its inception in the 7th century, to the rise of the Ottoman Empire between the 9th and 12th centuries, to the present, where customs of dress, dietary laws, and holidays still exist. Explore the wealth of Islamic art, architecture, calligraphy, and other contributions that have made Islam a vital influence in the 20th century. Recommended for Grades 9 and higher.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No

Title: Islam: Opposing Viewpoints
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Hurley, Jennifer A.
Publication Details: (Greenhaven Press, 2001). 212pp.
Description: Part of the Opposing Viewpoints series, this volume examines a number of debates related to controversial points about Islam (gender rights/human rights/etc.) in a point/counterpoint format using short, primary source articles to lay out the key arguments in each side. Highly recommended.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Islamic Fundamentalism in the Modern World
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Spencer, William
Publication Details: (Millbrook Press, 1995). 96pp.
Description: An evenhanded discussion of Islamic fundamentalismthat seeks to explain the goals of Islamic fundamentalists/extremists, what their movement is all about, and the Western reaction to these movements. This book was written before the events of September 11, 2001 and does not refer to them, although it can still provide insight into what those responsible were trying to achieve. For advanced middle and high school students.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Islamic Fundamentalism in the Modern World
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Publication Details:  
Checked Out:  

Title: Islamic Spain: Calliope
Region: Other
Country: Spain
Type: Magazine
Theme: History
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications, 1995). 48pp
Description: Magazine for young children discussing Islamic Spain (711 - 1492). Much attention is given to the sense of accomplishment of the society, the arts and architecture, and the political machinery at work. There is no focus on the Jewish population of Spain during the time, however.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Israel (Ancient Civilizations Series)
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Hartley, Linda
Publication Details: (Frank Shaffer Publications, 1997). 48pp.
Description: Basic introduction to the ancient (Biblical) lands of Israel and the Hebrew peoples and their cultures. Includes reproducible student activity pages.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Israel - the Culture
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Smith, Debbie
Publication Details: (Crabtree Books, 1999). 32pp.
Description: Basic description of Israeli cultures, both Jewish and Muslim, including descriptions of religion, holidays, and secular festivals, clothing, art, entertainment, etc.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Israel - the Land
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Smith, Debbie
Publication Details: (Crabtree Books, 1999). 32pp.
Description: Describes the physical geography, environment, wildlife and other aspects of Israel, including the Palestinian territories (labeled as such). An excellent resource with many photographs.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Israel from the Air
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Publication Details: (White Star Publisher). 240pp.
Description: A breathtaking collection of aerial photographs of nearly every geographical region of Israel.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Israel: Enchantment of the World
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Hintz, Martin; Hintz, Stephen
Publication Details: (Children's Press, 1999). 128pp.
Description: An excellent, well written introduction to the land, people, culture, society, politics and economy of the State of Israel. The book contains an optimistic viewpoint of the Israeli-Palestinian issue, acknowledging the problems of the past but sounding a hopeful note for the future. Basic enough for young children, comprehensive enough for high schoolers.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Israel: Reading and Social Studies Activity Book (Teacher's edition)
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Culture
Author: Lane, Kathryn; Elliot, Marlene
Publication Details: (Crabtree Books, 1999). 32pp.
Description: Accompanying activity book for the Israel: the land/culture/people series (also available by separate request). Focuses more on cultural activities and on the positive rather than the negative, this activity book provides an excellent set of activities to gain a better understanding of the geography, culture, and diversity of Israel.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Israel: The Founding of a Modern Nation
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Silverman, Maida
Publication Details: (Dial Books, 1998). 102pp.
Description: This book tells the story of the founding of the state of Israel, from the forced exile of the Jews in Roman times to the Zionist movement that led to the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. The books focuses on the Jewish goals in creating Israel, and touches briefly on Arab objections. The book ends in 1948, covering time until the present (late '90s) in a timeline at the end of the book.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Israel: The People
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Smith, Debbie
Publication Details: (Crabtree Books, 1999). 32pp.
Description: Describes the people of Israel, dealing with issues of culture, society, the family and daily life for both Jewish and Muslim families. The book includes discussion of the Palestinians as part of Israeli culture without politicizing the issue. An excellent resource.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Israel: World in View
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Rogoff, Mike
Publication Details: (Raintree-Steck-Vaughn, 1991). 96pp.
Description: Part of the World in View series, this book provides even, clearly written and well-researched background information on Israel, its history, culture, and geography for a young audience.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: It Ain't So Awful, Falafel
Region: International
Country: U.S., Iran
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues, Coming of Age
Author: Dumas, Firoozeh
Publication Details: (Clarion Books, 2016). 378pp.
Description: A poignant and humorous novel about an Iranian-American girl in California trying to fit in at a new school at the height of the hostage crisis. From the author of Funny in Farsi.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Jerusalem Sky: Stars, Crosses, and Crescents
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Mark Podwal
Publication Details: (Random House, 2005).
Description: Jerusalem–ancient home to Jews, Christians, and Muslims–is blanketed by a sky like no other. According to legend, the Jerusalem sky held off the rains for seven years while King Solomon built his temple. In the Jerusalem sky, the Bible tells us, a rising star announced the birth of Jesus. Through that same wondrous sky, Islamic belief holds, Muhammad climbed to heaven. In our own times, the Jerusalem sky fills with the sounds of worshipers praying for peace in the synagogues, churches, and mosques below. And each year new voices rise up to the Jerusalem sky, where so many miracles have been witnessed.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out:  

Title: Jerusalem Today
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Magazine
Theme: Culture
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications)
Description: Magazine for children discussing Jerusalem today, and its importance to the three faiths that hold it sacred.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Jewish Americans, The
Region: Other
Country: Other
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Muggamin, Howard; Stotsky, Sandra; Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Publication Details: (Chelsea House, 1996). 128pp.
Description: Part of the Immigrant Experience series (see also: The Arab Americans), detailing the Jewish immigrant experience in the United States, primarily in the 20th century. An accompanying video is also available (must be requested separately).
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Jewish Americans
Region: Other
Country: Other
Type: Videocassette
Theme: Culture
Publication Details: (Schlessinger Media, 2000). 30min.
Description: This compelling series celebrates the heritage of fifteen different cultural groups by tracing the history of their emigration to North America, showing the unique traditions they brought with them, and who they are today. Each volume discusses when and why each group emigrated, where they settled, which occupations they engaged in, and who the important leaders are within each community.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Jewish Holiday A-B-C, A
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Drucker, Malka; Pocock, Rita
Publication Details: (Voyager Books, 1992). 40pp.
Description: An ABC book with each letter describing something associated with one of the Jewish holidays. Includes a three page discussion of the main Jewish holidays for background reading.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Jewish Holidays and Traditions Coloring Book
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Burstein, Chaya
Publication Details: (Dover, 1990). 46pp.
Description: A book of black and white images with accompanying text that can be copied and colored in as a class project to accompany discussion of Jewish holidays.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Jewish Texans, The
Region: Other
Country: Other
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Publication Details: (Institute of Texan Cultures, 1974). 32pp.
Description: Discusses Jewish immigration to the state of Texas, and the contributions of Jewish Texans in the state's history. Good information not found elsewhere despite being out of print. (Also in the series: The Syrian and Lebanese Texans)
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Jordan: Enchantment of the World
Region: Arab World
Country: Jordan
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Foster, Leila Merrell
Publication Details: (Children's Press, 1996). 128pp.
Description: Introduces the geography, history, government, religion, and culture of Jordan. Ends before the death of King Hussein, so some updating may be necessary.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Journey Into Traditional Saudi Arabia, A
Region: Arab World
Country: Saudi Arabia
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Nance, Paul
Publication Details: (Nance Museum, 1999). 194pp.
Description: The book describes living and working in and the importance of Saudi Arabia, the development of ethnic gardens depicting early civilizations to give a world view to the setting of the museum, 230 illustrations, the museum as a resource center, reflections over the past fifteen years of the museum's operation as well as extensive Appendices of chronologies, donors, guests, publicity, outreach locations, a Glossary of Arab terms, bibliography and index.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Journey of the Seagull, The (Το Ταξιδη του Γλαρου)
Region: Other
Country: Cyprus
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Pyliotou, Maria
Publication Details: (Parga Publications, 2003). 39pp.
Description: Bi-lingual tale of a seagull who sets off to find the "angry grandfather" and tell him all about the little girl with the broken doll that he saw in the ruins... Written by a mother-daughter team of Greek Cypriots originally from a village located in the Turkish north, this story contains a central message of friendship and peace.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Judaism (Calliope)
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Magazine
Theme: Religion
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications)
Description: Children's magazine about Judaism. Includes maps, questions, activities, and chapters on the history of Judaism, and contemporary Jewish culture.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Judaism (Eyewitness Books)
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Charing, Douglas
Publication Details: (DK Publishing, 2003). 64pp.
Description: Full-color photographs and illustrations accompanied by clear, lively captions let young readers visualize and understand Jewish history, beliefs, and culture. Topics range from the religion's origins through the Jewish diaspora, pogroms, and Holocaust, with plenty of material on modern festivals and rites.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Judaism Photopack
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Religion
Author: Rose, David
Publication Details: (Folens Publishing, 1995). Info-Pak, 10 photos.
Description: A collection of 10 full color images, 2 pages of miniatures, large color poster, and a 16 page teacher resource book for use with the photos. This book includes background information, interesting activities and practical extension ideas, plus photocopiable sheets. The activities are best designed for grades 5-7, but the photographic images are useful at all levels.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Judaism for Beginners
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Szlakmann, Charles
Publication Details: (Writers and Readers, 2000). 196pp.
Description: A cartoon and text book that neatly tells the story of Judaism for an audience that does not have much exposure to the topic. Includes discussion of the principal beliefs of Judaism, important figures and the history of the Jews.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Judaism
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Publication Details: (Schlessinger Media, 1999). 50min.
Description: Part of the "Religions of the World" series, narrated by Ben Kingsley. One of the world's oldest surviving religions, Judaism is both a theology and a way of life for over 12 million followers in the world today. The first religion to be founded upon the principle of monotheism, Judaism has survived despite persecution against its people throughout the ages. Trace the history of Jewish culture, from Abraham's covenant with God to the Exile of the Jews from the Holy Land by Roman conquerors. Examine the sacred texts and various holidays, while exploring the two centers of Jewish life - the synagogue and the home.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No

Title: Judaism
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Morrison, Martha; Brown, Stephen F.
Publication Details: (Facts on File, Inc). 128pp.
Description: Judaism predates its more populous offshoots - Christianity and Islam - by many hundreds of years. Judaism offers a clear account of the history and ritual observances of the religion, including its rites of passage, its places of worship, its sacred use of the ancient Hebrew language, and the role of the faith in preserving the Jewish identity and establishing the contemporary nation of Israel.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Kalvin ve Hobs
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Watterson, Bill
Publication Details: (Remzi Kitabevi, 1996). 128pp.
Description: Turkish language edition of the "Calvin and Hobbs" comic strip compilation featuring the perennial 6 year old and his not-quite-inanimate stuffed tiger companion. This is a compilation of the earliest strips in the series.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Keeping Faith in the Dust
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Maltz, Fran
Publication Details: (Alef Design Group, 2000). 64pp.
Description: The story of Hannah, a young Jewish girl from Jerusalem in the Roman era whose family is forced to move to Masada where they become part of the last holdout against the Romans. Some students may find the mass suicide (historically accurate) at the end disturbing, although the scene is not graphic.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Kids Catalog of Israel, A
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Burstein, Chaya
Publication Details: (Jewish Publication Society). 280pp.
Description: A large book of activities, lessons, games, etc. on Israel. Designed for Jewish children to explore their own heritage and culture - Arabic culture is also included in several instances without reference to the political factors involved (perhaps a lesson for the rest of us).
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Kids Catalog of Jewish Holidays, The
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Adler, David A.
Publication Details: (Jewish Publication Society). 280pp.
Description: An entertaining collection of material from around the world, including introductory information on each holiday, international customs, the story of the Jewish calendar. Includes short stories, recipes, songs, crafts, cartoons, word puzzles, etc.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Kids Catalog of Passover, The
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Rush, Barbara; Schwartz, Cherie Karo
Publication Details: (Jewish Publication Society). 224pp.
Description: Book of activities, stories, folktales, crafts, recipies, puzzles and other fun stuff based around the traditions associated with Passover.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Kids Speak: Children Talk About Themselves
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Walder, Chaim
Publication Details: (Feldman, 1992). 195pp.
Description: Thirty four Israeli children between the ages of eight and eleven talk about themselves and share their personal problems, their fears, their joys and their unusual experiences. An excellent reference for a “how do they live” lesson.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Kiss the Dust
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Laird, Elizabeth
Publication Details: (Puffin, 2000). 278pp.
Description: Fiction. A 12 year old Kurdish girl in Iraq finds that her normal life is shattered when a Kurdish boy is shot in the street and the Iraqi secret police come for her father. Her family then flees for the mountains and is forced into a refugee camp in neighboring Iran where life is brutal and she must come to terms with the fact that her life may never be the same again.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Kurdish Family, A
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: O'Connor, Karen
Publication Details: (Lerner Publications, 1996). 56pp.
Description: Describes the journey of a Kurdish family who immigrates from their home in Iraq to California, their life in Iraq, and their new life in California.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Kurdistan
Region: Arab World
Country: Other
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Arshi and Zabihi
Publication Details: (Oriental Art Publishing, 1990). 139pp.
Description: Kurdistan is one of the most inaccessible areas of the world and little known internationally. The Kurds are one of the largest communities in the Middle East today, with an estimated population of 20-25 million in five countries. Geographically situated in the heartland of the Middle East, Kurdistan is endowed with a wealth of natural resources, and covers an area nearly the size of France.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Kurds (Faces Magazine)
Region: Arab World
Country: Other
Type: Magazine
Theme: Culture
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications)
Description: Children's magazine about the Kurds. Focuses mainly on Kurdish culture, with a section devoted to Saladin (who was Kurdish), and retelling of some Kurdish folktales.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Kurds
Region: Arab World
Country: Other
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Sabbah, Ann Carey
Publication Details: (Smart Apple Media). 32pp.
Description: Part of the Endangered Cultures series, this book describes the Kurds, their history, culture, and struggles to establish a homeland.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Legend of the Persian Carpet, The
Region: Iran
Country: Iran
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: de Paola, Tomie
Publication Details: (Whitebird, 2000). 32pp.
Description: Retelling of an Iranian folktale about a Persian king whose prized possession -- a diamond -- is stolen, and the young boy who thinks of a way to return its light to the palace.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Lessons on Africa, Part Three
Region: North Africa
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Geography
Author: Shedlock, Robert W.
Publication Details: (Learning Center, 2000). 50pp.
Description: Presents Africa's geography, culture, and modern issues through activities, word games, map exercises, puzzles, projects, and popular games. This part spotlights North Africa, the Nile, the Suez Canal, the Sahara, farming, and the countries of Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, and Libya.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Let’s Talk About the Sabbath
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Kripke, Dorothy K.
Publication Details: (Alef Design Group, 1999). 64pp.
Description: Introduction to the meaning and practice of Shabbat for children ages 8-11. Excellent for Jewish students, may require additional background for non-Jewish students.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Library Bus, The
Region: Middle East, South Asia
Country: Afghanistan
Type: Book
Theme: Books, Libraries, Literacy
Author: Rahman, Bahram
Publication Details: (Pajama Press, 2020). 29pp.
Description: "Five-year-old Pari accompanies her mother on her library bus rounds for the first time, stopping at a village and a refugee camp so taht girls there can exchange books and have a lesson in English. Talking with her mother as they drive, Pari learns that she is lucky that she can attend school the next year. Pari's mother had to learn in secret when it was forbidden to teach girls to read, and the young women the bus visits weekly have no other access to education. Inspired by the first library bus to operate in Kabul, Afghanistan."
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Libya: Enchantment of the World
Region: North Africa
Country: Libya
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Willis, Terri
Publication Details: (Children's Press, 1996). 144pp.
Description: Describes the people,history, and culture of the north African country of Libya.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Life of the Prophet Muhammed, The
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Azzam, Leila; Gouverneur, Aisha
Publication Details: (Islamic Texts Society, 1985), 135pp.
Description: A biography written for young people of Muhammad, the prophet and founder of Islam. Very good for both Muslim and non-Muslim students alike to understand Muhammad’s message, and the struggles of the early Muslims. In keeping with Islamic tradition, Muhammad himself is not depicted in the illustrations.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Little Black Fish, the, and Other Modern Persian Stories
Region: Iran
Country: Iran
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Behrangi, Samad
Publication Details: (Three Continents Press, 1987). 106pp.
Description: Collection of short stories from a noted Iranian writer of the 20th century. Behrangi's stories are for and about children, but are also thinly disguised protests against mass poverty and ignorance.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Little Piece of Ground, A
Region: Arab World
Country: Palestinian Territories
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Laird, Elizabeth
Publication Details: (Haymarket Books, 2003). 216pp.
Description: Written by one of Great Britain's best known young adult authors, A Little Piece of Ground tells the story of Karim Aboudi, a twelve-year-old Palestinian boy trapped in his Ramallah home by a strict curfew after a suicide bombing. When the curfew ends, he and his friend discover an unused patch of ground that's the perfect site for a soccer field. But in this city, there's constant danger, even for schoolchildren ...
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Lost and Found Cat: The True Story of Kunkush's Incredible Journey
Region: Middle East, Europe
Country: Iraq, Greece
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues, Refugees
Author: Kuntz, Doug and Shrodes, Amy
Publication Details: (Crown Books for Young Readers, 2017).
Description: This touching picture book focuses on an Iraqi family forced to become refugees. During the dangerous process of migrating to a new country, they lose their cat. Against all odds, a worldwide search helped locate Kunkush, and he was reuinted with his family in a new country.
Level1: Elementary
Checked Out: No

Title: Magid Fasts for Ramadan
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Matthews, Mary
Publication Details: (Clarion Books, 2000). 48pp
Description: The story of Magid, an Egyptian boy who wants to fast for Ramadan like the grownups in his family (children are exempted from the Ramadan fast), and decides to do so in secret even though his family says that he is too young. Many non-Muslim children who may perceive Ramadan as a long and terrible month will be very surprised at the depiction of the fast as a good thing, and Ramadan as a time of celebration. An excellent resource.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Mansa Musa
Region: North Africa
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Burns, Khephra
Publication Details: (Gulliver Books)
Description: A fictional account of the nomadic wanderings of the boy who grew up to become Mali's great fourteenth-century leader, Mansa Musa.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Masada
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Waldman, Neil
Publication Details: (William Morrow and Co., 1998). 64pp.
Description: This book describes the history of Masada -- the fortress near the Dead Sea that was the site of the last Jewish rebellion against the Romans in 73 AD. This book describes the king who built Masada, the rebels, the Romans who destroyed it, and the archaeologists who rediscovered it and gave it its place in modern Jewish thought and lore.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Material World: A Global Family Portrait
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Menzel, Peter
Publication Details: (Sierra Club Books). 256 pp.
Description: A unique book in which families from 30 different countries around the world are profiled, including the famous picture of each posing in front of their home with all of their material possessions. A fascinating look at the way people live throughout the world. Countries profiled are: Mali, South Africa, Ethiopia, Mongolia, Japan, China, India, Bhutan, Thailand, Viet Nam, Uzbekistan, Cuba, Guatemala, Argentina, Brazil, the U.S., Mexico, Haiti, Iceland, Western Samoa, Germany, Russia, Albania, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Bosnia, Iraq, Kuwait and Israel.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Mecca the Blessed, Medina the Radiant: The Holiest Cities of Islam
Region: Arab World
Country: Saudi Arabia
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Nasr, Seyyed Hossein (text); Nomoachi, Ali Kazuyoshi (photographs)
Publication Details: (Aperture). 194pp.
Description: A stunning collection of photographs of the two holiest places of Islam, depicting the rituals of the Hajj. Accompanied by text.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Mediterranean Trade (Faces magazine)
Region: All Middle East
Type: Magazine
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications)
Description: Children's magazine about world history. This issue focuses on trade among the ancient people of the Mediterranean - the Romans, Egyptians, Phoenecians, etc.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Mehmet the Conqueror
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Clark, Emma
Publication Details: (London: Hood Hood Books)
Description: This book, from the "Heroes from the East" series, details the life of Mehmet the Conqueror, the Ottoman Sultan who conquered Constantinople in 1453, and, renamed it Istanbul, and established it as the capitol of his new empire.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Menorahs, Mezuzas, and Other Jewish Symbols
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Chaikin, Miriam
Publication Details: (Clarion Books, 1990). 102pp.
Description: Describes the significance of many different symbols associated with Jews and Judaism, their histories and origins and how they came to acquire their present significance. A very interesting book about a rarely discussed topic.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Mesopotamia (Ancient Civilizations Series)
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Shiotsu, Vicky
Publication Details: (Frank Shaffer Publications, 1997). 48pp.
Description: A basic introduction to numerous aspect of the ancient Mesopotamian city states. Includes reproducible student activities.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Mesopotamia (Calliope)
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Magazine
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications)
Description: Children's magazine about the rise and fall of the Mesoptotamian kingdoms and their scientific and technological achievements.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Mesopotamia
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Bayley, Rosalind
Publication Details: (Libraire du Liban). 48pp.
Description: A children's introduction to ancient Mesopotamia, its cultures, histories, and technological accomplishments.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Mesopotamia: The Mighty Kings
Region: All Middle East
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Publication Details: (Time-Life Books, 1992). 168pp.
Description: Discusses the history of the ancient Mesopotamian kingdoms. From the Lost Civilizations series.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Message for the Sultan, A: Suleyman the Magnicifent's Ottoman Turkey
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: History
Author: Reese, Lyn
Publication Details: (Women in World History Curriculum, 1993).
Description: Part of the Spindle Stories Series. This unit takes the point of view of a young girl growing up in the harem of the Ottoman sultan Suleyman the Magnificent, with accompanying questions, glossary, activities, and suggestions for further research.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Middle East, The: A Teacher's Resource Booklet
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Publication Details: (Mindsparks). Info-Pak, 15pp.
Description: The Middle East has long been one of the most volatile regions in the world. The deepest historical roots of this volatility have to do with Islam, and the confrontation of Islam with the West and the modern world. That confrontation took place in the context of colonial control by the West in the 1800's and 1900's. As a result, Islam has been divided in its response to the modern world - admiring and imitating its technology and science, while remaining deeply suspicious of its cultural values and democratic institutions.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Middle East, The: Opposing Viewpoints
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Williams, Mary E.
Publication Details: (Greenhaven Press, 2000). 212pp.
Description: Part of the Opposing Viewpoints series, this volume examines a number of debates related to the Middle East in a point/counterpoint format using short, primary source articles to lay out the key arguments in each side. Highly recommended.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Milet Picture Dictionary: English-Kurdish
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Turhan, Sedat; Hagin, Sally
Publication Details: (Millet Publishing, 2003).
Description: A thoroughly original picture dictionary featuring beautiful, painterly artwork. Vibrant pictures encourage the reader's creativity while they learn to identify objects and words. Key subjects are covered, including plants, animals, shapes, food, home, school, clothing, and more. The Milet Picture Dictionary is an educational and visual treat!
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Modern Persian Short Stories
Region: Iran
Country: Iran
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Southgate, Minoo
Publication Details: (Three Continents Press). 228pp.
Description: A collection of 15 works from contemporary Iranian writers. Some of the stories are only vignettes, others are complex stories, full of characters and plot.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Modern Syrian Short Stories
Region: Arab World
Country: Syria
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Azrak, Michael (trans).
Publication Details: (Three Continents Press). 131pp.
Description: A collection of post-World War II short stories from prominent and emerging Syrian writers.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Morocco: Enchantment of the World
Region: North Africa
Country: Morocco
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Blaure, Ettagale; Lauré, Jason
Publication Details: (Chelsea House, 1999). 144pp.
Description: An excellent overview of Morocco, its people, history, culture, society, politics, etc. Slightly dated (it was published at about the same time as King Hassan’s death in 1999 and therefore does not mention this), but still a very good reference. The language is simple, but the book will provide a good reference even for high school students.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Ms. Marvel
Region: United States
Country: United States
Type: Comic Book
Theme: Comic Book, Fiction, Islam, Religion
Author: Willow Wilson, G.
Publication Details: (Marvel, 2014)
Description: The first of the Ms. Marvel series, written by G. Willow Wilson. Kamala Khan is an ordinary girl from New Jersey - until she's suddenly empowered with extraordinary gifts. Bu who truly is the new Ms. Marvel? Teenager? Muslim? Inhuman? Find out as she takes the Marvel Universe by storm.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Mulid! Carnivals of Faith
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Atia, Terek
Publication Details: (American University in Cairo Press, 1999). 96pp.
Description: The Mulid is a quintessentially Egyptian experience, dating, some say, to early pharaonic times. In villages and cities throughout the country a tomb or shrine is the central pivot of a whirl of color, music, dancing, and people, which builds up to the climactic layla kabira, or big night, the last night of the mulid.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Muslim Women Through the Centuries
Region: All Middle East
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: History
Author: Aghaie, Kamran Scot
Publication Details: (National Center for History in the Schools). 52pp.
Description: This unit for grades 7 - 12 allows students to explore issues related to women in Islam as well as Muslim history. The main purpose of the unit is to give students an understanding of what Islam says about the role of women in theory, as well as demonstrate how that translates (or doesn't) into actual practice in various spheres, which will hopefully leave students with an understanding that the Muslim world is diverse and that Islam is not practiced and implemented in the same way in all geographic areas.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: My Friend Jamal
Region: Other
Country: Other
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Anna McQuinn
Publication Details: (Annick Press, 2008).
Description: A picture book story about a childhood friendship in which unfamiliar cultures meet. Playful visuals combine illustrations and photographs, and book recognizes the bond between two boys as well as sampling the differences in their lives.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out:  

Title: My Friend Jamal
Region: Other
Country: Other
Type: Book
Theme: Culture
Author: Anna McQuinn
Publication Details: (Annick Press, 2008
Checked Out:  

Title: My Grandmother's Cactus: Stories by Egyptian Women
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Booth, Marilyn (trans).
Publication Details: (University of Texas Press). 165pp.
Description: A collection of short stories by many prominent and emerging Egyptian female writers, translated by Marilyn Booth.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Mystery of the Hieroglyphs, The
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Donoughue, Carol
Publication Details: (Oxford University Press), 48pp.
Description: Tells the story of the discovery of the Rosetta Stone by Napoleon’s army in 1799 and the subsequent scientific quest to decipher the puzzle of Egyptian hieroglyphs. A final section displays an “alphabet” of hieroglyphs and offers some fun activities for children based on hieroglyphic writing.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Next Year in Jerusalem: 3000 Years of Jewish Stories
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Schwartz, Howard
Publication Details: (Puffin, 1996). 58pp.
Description: A beautifully illustrated collection of Jewish folktales, fairy tales, and Rabbinic and Hasidic legends, many of which have to do with the importance of Jerusalem, not only within a Jewish context, but within the context of Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: On Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Fishman, Cathy Goldberg
Publication Details: (Atheneum, 1997). 36pp.
Description: Children’s book that describes one family’s customs and traditions associated with the holidays of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Includes a glossary of terms. Useful to help Jewish students explain their traditions to non-Jewish students.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: One More River
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Banks, Lynne Reid
Publication Details: (Avon Camelot). 225pp.
Description: Twelve year old Lesley's life is changed forever when her parents decide to emigrate to Israel in the mid 1960s. They settle on a kibbutz right before the outbreak of the 1967 war.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity
Region: All Middle East
Type: Videocassette
Theme: Religion
Publication Details: (Schlessinger Media, 1999). 50min.
Description: From the public ministry of Jesus to the legendary battles of the Crusades, examine the interwoven histories of these two distinct branches of Christianity. Although its followers were long persecuted by the Roman Empire, Christianity spread throughout the Mediterranean region and eventually became the favored religion of the Empire, following the ascension of Constantine to the Roman throne. Discover the differences between these two orders of religion and the various practices of the Eastern and Western followers.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No

Title: Palestinian Teenage Refugees and Immigrants Speak Out
Region: Arab World
Country: Palestinian Territories
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Marshood, Nabil
Publication Details: (New York: Rosen Publishing, 1997). 64pp.
Description: This collection of essays from Palestinians living in the United States, either as refugees or immigrants, dates from the late 1990s, before the start of the second intifada, although most of the narratives seem to focus on the first intifada of the early 1990s.
The narratives are strong, and by nature of who is speaking, they have a strong point of view. Counterbalancing opinions are not presented in this volume, but can be found with a little bit of research.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Parvana's Journey
Region: Afghanistan
Country: Afghanistan
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Ellis, Deborah
Publication Details: (Groundwood Publishers, 2002.)200pp.
Description: Sequel to The Breadwinner (also available). Continues the story of Parvana, a young Afghan girl masquerading as a boy in the Taliban's Afghanistan. Her father has died, and she must travel in search of the rest of her family. As she makes her way across the desolate countryside, she meets other children who are strays from the war. At times extremely sad and graphic, Parvana's Jouney is an honest and compassionate look at the situation in Afghanistant, yet never loses site of the courage and hope that can keep children afloat even in the most horrific circumstances. For mature readers.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Passover: Rookie Read-About Holidays
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Marx, David F.
Publication Details: (Grolier Publishing, 2001). 31pp.
Description: This Rookie Read-About Holidays book introduces young readers to the history, customs, and foods of Passover. Colorful photos and simple text encourage children to read on their own - as they explore this traditional Jewish holiday.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: People and Place: Curriculum Resources on Human-Environmental Interactions
Region: All Middle East
Type: Online Resource
Theme: Geography
Author: Arsenault, Natalie; Azulay, Allegra; Meyer, Rachel; Rose, Christopher
Publication Details: (Austin: University of Texas, 2007)
Description: Inspired by Hemispheres 2004 Summer Teachers Institute, People and Place: Human-Geographic Relations, this curriculum unit was designed to address human adaptation to and modification of the environment. Each case study includes myriad activities that build social studies skills by incorporating primary and secondary sources, presenting information in a variety of formats (including graphs, charts, and maps), including varied points of view, and using mathematical skills to interpret social studies information. Available for download from the Hemispheres Web site.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out:  

Title: Persian Empire, The
Region: Iran
Country: Iran
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Nardo, Don
Publication Details: (Lucent Books). 112pp.
Description: An account of the rise and fall of the Persian Empire, based in part on archaeological findings of the twentieth century. Part of the World History Series.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Pharaohs of Egypt (Calliope)
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Magazine
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications)
Description: Children's magazine devoted to ancient Egypt with specific emphasis on certain noted Pharaohs (Khufu, Pepi II, Akhenaten, Ramses the Great).
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Phoenicians, The (Calliope)
Region: All Middle East
Type: Magazine
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications)
Description: Magazine for children devoted to the "Sea People," the Phoenicians, their culture, and scientific accomplishments.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Preventing Terrorism: Terrorism in Our World
Region: All Middle East
Type: Videocassette
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Publication Details: (Schlessinger Media, 2003). 23min.
Description: Violent acts committed by terrorists in the name of their own political or religious agendas have become almost commonplace around the world. From suicide bombings in the Middle East to persistent strikes in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America, the battle against terrorism is a difficult confrontation against as often-invisible enemy. In Preventing Terrorism, students will examine how intelligence agencies in many countries cooperate in an attempt to identify terrorists and their networks. Students will also learn about the many strategies governments employ to try to prevent the loss of innocent lives and property, including increased security measures, the use of Special Forces and the use of diplomacy to further social and political change and settle international disputes.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Pride of Baghdad
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Graphic Novel
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Vaughn, Brian K.; Henrichon, Niko
Publication Details: (DC Comics, 2006).
Description: In the spring of 2003, a pride of lions escaped from the Baghdad Zoo during an American bombing raid. Lost and confused, hungry but finally free, the four lions roamed the decimated streets of Baghdad in a desperate struggle for their lives. In documenting the plight of the lions, Pride of Baghdad raises questions about the true meaning of freedom--can it be given or is it earned only through self-determination and sacrifice?Suggested for mature readers - there is some usage of profanity and violent illustrations.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No
Level3: Graduate

Title: Prince of Venice, The (Το Βασιλο Πουλλον τις Βενεδιας)
Region: Other
Country: Cyprus
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Tsangaris, Hambis
Publication Details: (Nicosia: Proodos Printing and Publishing, 1994). 96pp.
Description: Beautifully illustrated folk tale from Cyprus, written by Costas M. Proussis and illustrated by the famed illustrator and artist Hambis Tsangaris, recounting the medieval era when Cyprus was a Venetian colony. The story is actually tri-lingual; lavish paper cuttings carvings and elaborate calligraphy accompany text in the Pafos dialect of Cypriot Greek; accompanying text translates the narration into Modern Greek and English.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Purim: Rookie Read-About Holidays
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Bredeson, Carmen
Publication Details: (Grolier Publishing, 2003). 31pp.
Description: This Rookie Read-About Holidays book introduces kids to Purim, a Jewish holiday that celebrates the story of Esther. Colorful photos and simple text encourage children to read on their own, as they learn about Purim and how people celebrate it around the world.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Pyramids, The
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Weeks, John
Publication Details: (Cambridge University Press). 48pp.
Description: Simple looking book that contains fairly sophisticated language about ancient Egypt, the building of the pyramids, and their significance.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Qatar: Enchantment of the World
Region: Arab World
Country: Qatar
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Augustin, Byron; Augustin, Rebecca
Publication Details: (Children's Press, 1992). 128pp.
Description: Introduces the geography, history, culture, economy, and politics of the small Persian Gulf country of Qatar.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Queen of Sheba, The
Region: All Middle East
Country: Yemen
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Khalidi, Marion
Publication Details: (London: Hood Hood Books). 22p.
Description: Part of the "Heroes from the East" series, this book discusses the Queen of Sheba and her relationship with the Biblical hero, King Solomon.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Queens of Egypt (Calliope)
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Magazine
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications)
Description: Magazine about the Queens of ancient Egypt for children, focusing on several noted queens (Hatshepsut; Isis; Arsinoe II; Cleopatra VII).
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Ramadan
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Ghazi, Suhaib Hamid
Publication Details: (Holiday House). 32pp.
Description: Describes the celebration of the month of Ramadan by an Islamic family and discusses the meaning and importance of this holiday in the Islamic religion. Specifically written for non-Muslim audiences to have a greater understanding of the importance of Ramadan to Muslims. Beautifully illustrated. Includes a glossary of terms.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Ramadan
Region: All Middle East
Type: Videocassette
Theme: Religion
Publication Details: (Schlessinger Media, 2000). 25min.
Description: Part of the Holidays for Children Video Series. Over one billion Muslims worldwide observe Ramadan, a month-long religious observance that takes place during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Children will experience the beauty of Ramadan as they construct their own Ramadan diorama and hear the exotic sounds of live Islamic and Middle Eastern music. This program presents the religious principles and traditions that mark the holiest of the Islamic holidays. Children learn the story of Muhammad and the Qur'an, the meaning of the Five Pillars of Islam, and the importance of fasting, prayer, and sacrifice.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Ramadan: Rookie Read-About Holidays
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Marx, David F.
Publication Details: (Grolier Publishing, 2003). 31pp.
Description: Ramadan is a month of the Muslim calendar devoted to prayer, friendship, meditation, and fasting for people of the Islamic faith. This Rookie Read-About Holidays book introduces children to this Muslim holiday, using colorful photos and simple text to encourage them to read on their own.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Razia: Warrior Queen of India
Region: Other
Country: Other
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Asif, Salman
Publication Details: (London: Hood Hood Books)
Description: This book, from the "Heroes from the East" series, tells the story of Razia, one of the female Mughal queens of India.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Read Aloud Plays: Ancient Egypt
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Rearick, John
Publication Details: (Scholastic, 2002). 64pp.
Description: Explore ancient Egypt and make this captivating culture come alive with humorous, reproducible read-aloud plays based on folk tales, myths, and history. Key concepts include pyramids, pharaohs, gods, and the Nile. For each play, you'll find background information, discussion questions, writing prompts, and extension activities.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Responding to Terrorism: Challenges for Democracy
Region: All Middle East
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Publication Details: (Choices for the 21st Century Education Program, 2002). 46pp (student book); 42pp (teacher's guide)
Description: This unit addresses the issues arising from the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Students are drawn into consideration of the changing nature of terrorism, motivations of terrorists, and the implications for U.S. domestic and international policy. An excellent unit for use in civics, government, AP US History, and AP World History courses.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Rise of Islam, The
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Child, John
Publication Details: (Peter Bedrick Books). 64pp.
Description: Well written, even-keel book about Islamic history, where it came from, noted figures, etc. Ends with the Ottoman Empire, and touches only briefly on Islam today.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: Yes

Title: Road from Home, The
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Kherdian, David
Publication Details: (Beech Tree Books). 238pp.
Description: In the same vein as the Diary of Anne Frank, David Kherdian recounts the story of his Armenian mother as a young girl, when, in the waning days of the Ottoman Empire, the government began waging systematic warfare against its own population. Possibly disturbing for sensitive readers.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Roses in my Carpets, The
Region: Afghanistan
Country: Afghanistan
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Khan, Rukhsana; Himler, Ronald
Publication Details: (Holiday House, 1998). 24pp.
Description: When a young boy and his mother come to a refugee camp to escape the war in Afghanistan, he finds some comfort in the beauty of the carpets he is learning to weave. Beautifully illustrated. Some parts may be frightening or disturbing to young children.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Marx, David F.
Publication Details: (Grolier Publishing, 2001). 31pp.
Description: Dipping apples in honey and blowing the shofar are among the foods, traditions, and history highlighted in this Rookie Read-About Holidays book. Colorful photos and simple text encourage children to read on their own - as they learn about the High Holy Days.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Videocassette
Theme: Religion
Publication Details: (Schlessinger Media, 2000). 25min.
Description: Interactive children's video (for grades K-4) about the two High Holidays of the Jewish calendar. Children are introduced to these solemn, reflective holidays through a traditional prayer and a Tashlikh ceremony. They also learn about the symbolism of food associated with these holidays, the special clothing that is worn, the importance of the Torah and performing good deeds throughout the year. Folk songs and animated fables illustrate the deep religious significance of these holidays and children learn how to make greeting cards wishing health and happiness in the New Year.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Rough Guide to Sufi Music, The
Region: All Middle East
Type: Audio CD
Theme: Religion
Publication Details: (World Music Network)
Description: Sufis harness the power of music in their religious rituals. The mystical force, engaging diversity and art of trance-inducing Sufi music is explored in this captivating collection featuring internationally acclaimed artists from across the Islamic world from Senegal to Morocco.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Rumi: Poet and Sage
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Johnson-Davies, Denys
Publication Details: (London: Hood Hood Books). 32pp.
Description: This book from the "Heroes from the East" series focuses on Mowlana Jalal al-Din Rumi, the Turkish mystic and sufi who is still reknown for his poetry and writing.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Running on Eggs
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Levine, Anna
Publication Details: (Front Street/Cricket Books: 1999). 128pp.
Description: Story of two young girls -- one Israeli, one Arab -- who develop a friendship through their mutual love of running track, despite the cultural and societal difficulties involved.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Saladin
Region: Arab World
Type: Curriculum Trunk
Theme: History
Author: Khalidi, Marion
Publication Details: (London: Hood Hood Books). 22pp.
Description: Part of the "Heroes from the East" Series, this book discusses the life and times of Saladin, the Kurdish general who fought against the Crusaders.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Saladin: Noble Prince of Islam
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Stanley, Diane
Publication Details: (HarperCollins, 2002).
Description: The time was the twelfth century; the barbarian horde was the armies of the First Crusade; the great warrior was Richard the Lionhearted; and the leader was Saladin. This is more than the other side of a familiar Western story, the Crusades. It is the tale of an extraordinary man, remarkable for his generous and chivalrous ways, a warrior who longed for peace. Courageous in battle and merciful in victory, he would be revered even by his enemies as the "marvel of his time."
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Sam's First Day
Region: Arab World
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Mills, David; Finlay, Lizzie
Publication Details: (Mantra)
Description: Bilingual (English-Arabic) tale of a boy named Sam who loves to talk, but suddenly stops talking when he gets to school on his very first day. Find out what makes him speak again.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Sami and the Monster (Sami et le Monstre; سامي و الحش)
Region: Arab World
Country: Lebanon
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Laith, Umm
Publication Details: (International House Publications). 29pp.
Description: Tale of Sami the fish and his friends who are confronted with a “monster” -- a crab who has taken up residence on the reef. Subtle subtext about fighting prejudices. The text appears in English, French and Arabic.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Sami and the Time of the Troubles
Region: Arab World
Country: Lebanon
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Heide, Florence Parry; Gilliland, Judith Heide
Publication Details: (Clarion Books, 2000). 36pp
Description: Set in Beirut during the Lebanese civil way of 1975-1990, this book by the authors of The Day of Ahmed’s Secret and The House of Wisdom follows the life of a young boy, Sami, who describes his life in the war torn city. As with the other books, the excellent illustrations will appeal to readers far beyond the intended age group.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Samir and Yonatan
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Carmi, Daniella
Publication Details: (Scholastic, 1994). 183pp.
Description: Samir, a Palestinian boy, is taken to an Israeli hospital where he shares a ward with Israeli children and must deal with his hatred for the people he blames for his older brother’s death. Through his friendship with Yonatan, an Israeli boy, he learns to overcome his feelings. Winner of the 2001 Middle East Book Award for Best Storybook.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Saudi Arabia: Enchantment of the World
Region: Arab World
Country: Saudi Arabia
Type: Book
Theme: Geography
Author: Foster, Leila Merrell
Publication Details: (Children's Press, 1992). 128pp.
Description: A well written reference describing the people, land, culture, society, politics, economy and history of Saudi Arabia. Slightly dated (1993), but very even handed, particularly in its discussion of the royal family and the Saudi government and opposition.
Level1: All levels
Checked Out: No

Title: Science and Medicine in Ancient Egypt (Calliope)
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Magazine
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Publication Details: (Cobblestone Publications)
Description: Children's magazine about ancient Egyptian contributions to mathematics and science, and about using science and mathematics to study ancient Egypt.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Science in Medieval Islam
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Turner, Howard R.
Publication Details: (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2000). 262pp.
Description: Turner explores the history of Islamic civilization and the Islamic emphasis on learning that led to the medieval Islamic accomplishments in science, mathematics, medicine, astronomy, astrology, geography and other fields. He also discusses their effects on western thought and scientific knowledge. Many illustrations accompany the text; high school students may very well find the text useful and interesting.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No

Title: Science in the Medieval World
Region: Other
Country: Spain
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Andalusi, Said al-
Publication Details: (University of Texas Press, 1991). 118pp.
Description: During the Middle Ages, a thriving center for learning and research was Muslim Spain, where students gathered to consult Arabic manuscripts of earlier scientific works and study with famous teachers. One of these teachers was Said al-Andalusi, who in 1068 wrote Kitab Tabaqat al-Umam, or "Book of the Categories of Nations," which recorded the contributions to science of all known nations. Today, it is one of few surviving medieval Spanish Muslim texts, and this is its first English translation.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No

Title: Seeker of Knowledge: The Man Who Deciphered Egyptian Hieroglyphs
Region: All Middle East
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Rumford, James
Publication Details: (Houghton Mifflin, 2000).
Description: A biography of the French scholar whose decipherment of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language made the study of ancient Egypt possible.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Seven Daughters and Seven Sons
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Cohen, Barbara; Lovejoy, Bahia
Publication Details: (Bench Three, 1982). 220pp.
Description: A (very) liberal retelling of an Iraqi folktale about a girl whose determination to use her skills and seek her fortune causes her to leave home and travel to the city where she disguises herself as a boy in order to make her way in the world.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Seven Special Somethings: A Nowruz Story
Region: Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Holidays, Middle Eastern holidays, Nowruz
Author: Khorram, Adib
Publication Details: (Dial Books for Young Readers, 2021). 30pp.
Description: "Nowruz is finally here! Kian can't wait to celebrate with his family. He's got plans to make it the happiest Persian New Year yet. But when a little of mischief ruins the family's carefully arranged haft-seen, Kian has to find a way to fill the table back up again."
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Shabbat
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Type: Book
Theme: Religion
Author: Nerlove, Miriam
Publication Details: (Albert Whitman and Co., 1998). 24pp.
Description: A child describes the Jewish holy day of Shabbat and the rituals associated with it in this simple yet useful book for both Jewish and non-Jewish students to better understand Jewish tradition. At the end is a description of Shabbat to help parents or teachers answer questions from their students.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Shifting Sands: Balancing U.S. Interests in the Middle East
Region: All Middle East
Country: United States
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Publication Details: (Choices for the 21st Century Education Program, 2002). 44pp (student book); 38pp (teacher's guide)
Description: This unit draws students into the policy debate on one of the world's most volatile regions. The unit analyzes the Arab-Israeli conflict, the significance of oil, the politicization of Islam, and other issues that have shaped America's ties to the Middle East. Excellent for US History, AP US History, and AP World History courses, as well as document-based question exercises.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Shipwrecked Sailor, The: An Egyptian Tale with Hieroglyphs
Region: All Middle East
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Ancient Civilizations
Author: Bower, Tamara
Publication Details: (Atheneum, 2000). 32pp.
Description: A tale, based on a story found in ancient papyrus scrolls, about a shipwrecked sailor who finds fortune when he is befriended by a serpent that is the Prince of the magical island of Punt. Drawings are in the ancient Egyptian style, and pages feature a part of the text in hieroglyphs with translation.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Silk Road Encounters
Region: All Middle East
Type: Curriculum Unit
Theme: History
Publication Details: (The Silk Road Project).
Description: A guide and sourcebook, accompanied by CD, to introduce teachers and students to the variety of cultures and arts along the series of trade routes through Asia to the Middle East collectively known as the Silk Road.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Silk Route, The: 7000 Miles of History
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Major, John S.
Publication Details: (HarperCollins, 1995). 32pp.
Description: Traces a fictional journey along the Silk Route from China to Byzantium in the year 700 AD, describing the various cultures and civilizations a traveler on the road would encounter.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Sinan
Region: Turkey
Country: Turkey
Type: Book
Theme: History
Author: Clark, Emma
Publication Details: (London: Hood Hood Books). 22pp.
Description: Part of the "Heroes from the East" series, this edition focuses on Sinan, the architect of the Süleymaniye mosque in Istanbul, and who is said to have built more buildings than any other architect who ever lived.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Sitti and the Cats
Region: Arab World
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Bahous, Sally
Publication Details: (Roberts Rinehart, 1993). 24pp.
Description: Tale of a kind old woman living somewhere in the Levant who befriends a family of cats who bring her good fortune. The story teaches the moral that good fortune comes only to those who deserve it.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Sitti's Secrets
Region: Arab World
Country: Palestinian Territories
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Nye, Naomi Shihab
Publication Details: (Aladdin Paperbacks, 1998).
Description: A young girl describes a visit to see her grandmother in a Palestinian village on the West Bank.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Sleepy Sami (Sami A Sommeil; سامي الناعم)
Region: Arab World
Country: Lebanon
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Laith, Umm
Publication Details: (International House Publications). 29pp.
Description: The tale of Sami, a fish who lives in the Persian Gulf who finds that he is unable to sleep, and asks his friends for advice to help him sleep. The text of the story appears in English, French and Arabic.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Song of the Old City
Region: Middle East
Country: Turkey
Type: Book
Theme: Culture, Istanbul, History
Author: Pellicioli, Anna
Publication Details: (G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2020). 38pp.
Description: "A little girl ventures through the old city of Istanbul, receives many kindnesses along the way, and practices the tradition of passing on what she receives". 
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Space Between Our Footsteps, The: Poems and Paintings from the Middle East
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Nye, Naomi Shihab
Publication Details: (Simon and Schuster, 2000). 144pp.
Description: A collection of poems and paintings from countries throughout the Middle East, some in translation, some originally written in English. An excellent resource for Middle and High school English teachers.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Spanos and the Forty Dragons (Ο Σπανος τζι οι Σαραντα Δρατζιοι )
Region: Other
Country: Cyprus
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Tsangaris, Hambis
Publication Details: (Palaniskia, 1986).
Description: Beautifully illustrated folk tale from Cyprus by the famed illustrator and artist Hambis Tsangaris about a warrior who must defeat 40 dragons to save his village. The story is actually tri-lingual; wood-block carvings and elaborate calligraphy accompany text in a local dialect of Cypriot Greek; accompanying text translates the narration into Modern Greek and English.
Level1: Primary
Level2: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Stars in my Geddoh’s Sky, The
Region: Arab World
Country: Egypt
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Matze, Claire Sidhom
Publication Details: (Albert Whitman and Co., 1998).
Description: Alex’s grandfather, who speaks no English, comes to visit the United States and Alex learns about his grandfather’s home in Egypt.
Level1: Primary
Checked Out: No

Title: Stepping Stones: A Refugee Family's Journey
Region: Middle East
Country: Syria
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues, Refugees, Arabic Language
Author: Ruurs, Margriet
Publication Details: (Orca Book Publishers, 2916). 212pp.
Description: This bilingual (English-Arabic) picture book explores themes of war, loss and family related to the Syrian Civil War and refugee crisis. Features art by a Syrian artist living in Latakia, Syria.
Level1: Elementary
Checked Out: No

Title: Stone in My Hand, A
Region: Arab World
Country: Palestinian Territories
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Clinton, Cathryn
Publication Details: (Candelwick Press, 2002). 192pp.
Description: Fiction book about life in Gaza: It has been a month since eleven-year-old Malaak's beloved father left Gaza City to look for work in Israel, only to disappear. Every day she climbs up to the room and waits for him, imagining that she can fly to the prison cell where she is sure he waits. She spends her days in near silence, preferring to communicate with the dove she has tamed. Malaak's brother, Hamid, has his own way of coping. The volatile twelve-year-old feels only anger, and becomes involved with militant extremists who preach violence as the only way to change their fate. To save her brother and herself, Malaak must find the courage to move beyond the strife that surrounds her.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Tasting the Sky: A Palestinian Childhood
Region: Arab World
Country: Palestinian Territories
Type: Book
Theme: Language and Literature
Author: Barakat, Ibtisam
Publication Details: (FSG Kids, 2007). 180pp.
Description: In this memoir, Ibtisam Barakat captures what it is like to be a child whose world is shattered by war. With candor and courage, she stitches together memories: fleeing from her home and becoming separated from her family as the Six-Day War breaks out; the harshness of life as a Palestinian refugee; and her unexpected joy when she discovers Alef, the first letter of the Arabic alphabet, and his family of letters. As language becomes her refuge-a true home that can never be taken away-she begind to piece together the fragments of her splintered world.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No

Title: Teenage Refugees from Iran Speak Out
Region: Iran
Country: Iran
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Gina Strazzabosco
Publication Details: (New York: Rosen Publishing, 1995). 64pp.
Description: This slim book begins with a history of Iran up to 1993. In the chapters that follow, seven teenagers who were born there speak out about the circumstances that caused them and their families to seek asylum as political refugees in the United States. They address similar themes of displacement, fear, assimilation into American schools and culture, and fierce devotion to family and their homeland. The four-to-five page narratives are interesting and well written. Teacher guidance is recommended to handle background material, especially since documentation is weak. Black-and-white photos appear throughout, but their captions are often vague, not pinpointing time and place. One describes an Iranian protest, yet the signs the individuals are carrying are written in Italian. Editorial notes and clarification of information and statistics are lacking. Janet Bode's New Kids in Town (Scholastic, 1991) takes a similar approach, but is a better book. Teenage Refugees does, however, raise interesting questions and introduces students to the Baha'i faith.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Terrorism: Opposing Viewpoints
Region: Other
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Egendorf, Laura K.
Publication Details: (Greenhaven Press, 2000). 212pp.
Description: Part of the Opposing Viewpoints series, this volume examines a number of debates related to terrorism in a point/counterpoint format using short, primary source articles to lay out the key arguments in each side. Highly recommended.
Level1: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Terrorists and Terrorist Groups
Region: All Middle East
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Currie, Stephen
Publication Details: (Lucent Terrorism Library, 2002). 96pp.
Description: Part of a 4-volume series of books on 9/11 and the subsequent war on terror. This volume discusses the formation, agendas, and political beliefs of many different terrorist groups around the world.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: Three Lucys, The
Region: Middle East
Country: Lebanon
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues, Children
Author: Charara, Hayan
Publication Details: (Lee & Low Books, Inc., 2016)
Description: This Lee & Low's New Voices Award winning picture book explores issues relating to loss, rebuilding and healing, and is based on the author's experiences in Lebanon.
Level1: Elementary
Checked Out: No

Title: Tickling Giants
Region: All Middle East
Country:  Egypt
Type: Documentary (BluRay)
Theme: Culture, Media, Politics
Publication Details: 2016. 1 hr 51 min.
Description: In the midst of the Egyptian Arab Spring, Bassem Youssef creates the satirical show, "Al Bernameg," which quickly becomes the most viewed television program in the Middle East, with 30 million viewers per episode. But, in a country where free speech is not settled law, his show becomes as controversial as it is popular. Despite increasing danger, Bassem employs comedy, not violence, to comment on hypocrisy in media, politics, and religion. Tickling Giants follows the "Al Bernameg" team as they discover democracy is not easily won.
Level1: High
Level2: University
Checked Out: No

Title: Understanding Migration: Curriculum Resources for the Classroom
Region: All Middle East
Type: Online Resource
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Arsenault, Natalie; Azulay, Allegra; Meyer, Rachel; Rose, Christopher
Publication Details: (Austin: University of Texas, 2007)
Description: Developed at the request of educators like yourself and piloted at professional development sessions in the spring and summer of 2004, Hemispheres is pleased to release the final version of our popular curriculum unit online. Explore the basic concepts of human migration, and download classroom-ready activities to use. There's even a PowerPoint presentation to help you get started! Download the full unit from the Hemispheres Web site.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out:  

Title: Wadjda
Region: Arab World
Country: Saudi Arabia
Type: Blu-Ray and DVD
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Publication Details:
(Razor Film Produktion, 2012). 97 minutes.
Description: Wadjda, a fun-loving 10-year-old girl living in Saudi Arabia, has her heart set on a beautiful new bicycle. However, her mother will not allow it, fearing repercussions from a society that sees bicycles as dangerous to a girl's virtue. Determined to turn her dreams into reality and buy the bike on her own, Wadjda uncovers the contradictions and opportunities ingrained in her world.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: War Against Iraq, The
Region: Arab World
Country: Iraq
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Miller, Debra
Publication Details: (Lucent Terrorism Library, 2004). 96pp.
Description: Provides an overview of the 2003 war of the United States and its allies against Saddam Hussein and Iraq, including historical reasons for the conflict and its political and economic ramifications.
Level1: Middle
Level2: High
Checked Out: No

Title: When the Moon is Low
Region: International
Country: Afghanistan
Type: Book
Theme: Contemporary Issues
Author: Hashimi, Nadia
Publication Details: (HarperCollins, 2015). 384pp.
Description: A story of a family forced to flee violence in Afghanistan, only to face unimaginable hardship and separation in Europe.
Level1: High
Level2: Undergraduate
Checked Out: No

Title: Young Voices from the Arab World
Region: Arab World
Type: Videocassette
Theme: Culture
Publication Details: (AMIDEAST, 1998). 30min.
Description: The lives and times of five teenagers. Everyday aspects of Arab culture and society are conveyed though the lives of five young people from Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait, and Morocco. They'll take you into their homes, schools, places of worship, and favorite entertainment spots.
Level1: Middle
Checked Out: No