College of Liberal Arts
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MES Graduate Portfolio

College of Liberal Arts

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Middle Eastern Studies Graduate Portfolio Program

Offered by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES), the Graduate Portfolio Program in Middle Eastern Studies (MES) provides focused and recognized training in diverse aspects of the Middle East region to graduate students from across UT Austin. Faculty spanning 15 graduate programs offered in five schools and colleges at UT offer courses that provide in-depth scholarly approaches to modern and ancient Middle Eastern history, culture, religion, politics, and society.

The Graduate Portfolio Program in MES encourages graduate students to adopt an interdisciplinary academic trajectory by taking advantage of MES scholarly resources. Students enrolled in the program are also part of the CMES intellectual community, and are invited to participate in conferences, community outreach, and visits by authors, scholars, artists, and other guests. Applicants must currently be graduate students at the University of Texas at Austin.

MES Graduate Portfolio Requirements

MES graduate course 1

MES graduate course 3

MES graduate course 2

MES graduate course 4

Additional requirements:

  • Attend 2 MES events per semester while enrolled in the portfolio program
  • Two of the courses taken must be offered by programs other than the student's home department and cannot be cross-listed with the student's home department. 
  • Courses offered under ARA, HEB, TUR, and PRS course numbers cannot be applied to portfolio course requirements. 
If you have specific questions about our graduate portfolio that you cannot locate on the website, please email Taylor Peterson.