How to Apply

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The New Writers Project only admits students for the fall semester.
Graduate School Requirements
To apply, you must meet the minimum requirements established by the Graduate School of the University of Texas at Austin. For U.S. citizens, these include a bachelor’s degree from an accredited United States institution or proof of equivalent training at an institution outside the United States and a grade point average of at least 3.0 in all upper-division (and, if relevant, all graduate) course work. Additional information regarding eligibility requirements can be found on the Graduate School website.
Submission Process
The Office of Graduate Admissions (OGA) processes all U.S. and International applications for admission into the Graduate School at the University of Texas at Austin. The application process for graduate admissions into UT Austin is now completely online. Mailed, faxed, emailed, or hand-delivered applications and materials sent to OGA or to the English Department will not be accepted nor considered. We are unable to return original documents sent to the department.
Please read the UT Graduate School admissions page in full before applying. Important information about the application process, including transcripts, test scores, and the application fee, is detailed here.
Who to Contact with Questions
If, after beginning the application process, you have specific questions about the following topics, please email one of the addresses below (The Graduate School asks that you not send the same email to multiple addresses):
- Transcripts: (Please do not send transcripts to this address)
- Uploading Documents:
- Letters of Recommendation:
- Residency:
- General Inquiry for International Applicants:
- General Inquiry for U.S. Applicants:
For questions about admissions, as well as general questions and queries about the program, please contact our email address at
The deadline to apply for Fall 2025 admissions is Sunday, December 1, 2024.
Please note: Your Graduate School Application for Admission and supporting documents must be submitted by December 1st. Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, and the fact that it can take up to 3 days after submitting the Graduate School Application for Admission to receive access to MyStatus, where you will be able to upload supporting documents, we recommend submitting your Graduate School Application for Admission a week in advance of the deadline (Sunday, November 24th, 2024).
If necessary, we will allow a short grace period for transcripts and letters.
The online application can be found here. You will be asked to select your major. The New Writers Project M.F.A. can be found under Liberal Arts.
Please submit your Graduate School Application for Admission at least three days in advance of the deadline to ensure that you receive access to MyStatus in time to upload the rest of your materials.
Our decision to accept an applicant begins with their writing sample. Our admissions committees are looking for nothing in particular--except writing that is particular. We favor no style or school or tradition; we read with open minds to find work and writers who excite us. Submit the work you most believe in and that you consider finished. We're interested in a diversity of perspectives and approaches.
For poetry, we accept a maximum of 15 pages of poetry, of any style or form.
For fiction, we accept up to 9,000 words of prose (12-point font and double-spaced), which may be a short-story, short-story excerpt(s), or a novel excerpt.
Include your first and last name and "NWP" in the header and file name of your writing sample.
In this short single-spaced essay (1-2 pages), discuss your specific areas of interest and professional goals. You may also want to explain your personal history of becoming a writer and why you want to teach.
Include your first and last name and "NWP" in the header and file name of your statement of purpose.
The Department of English requires three letters of recommendation. We suggest that at least two of your three letters of recommendation describe your writing ability and potential for teaching. Recommendations from your supervisors or colleagues can help us determine how well you would fit into the program.
After you submit your application and it loads on our system, the reference request email is sent to your recommenders. To allow your recommenders adequate time to submit their letters, you can submit your application and then submit your online Statement of Purpose later.
The department will not accept letters from Interfolio. Recommenders must upload their letters to the applicant’s online application.
You will need to upload PDF copies of your official transcripts from each senior college that you have attended via your MyStatus profile. Transcripts must have been produced within the last calendar year. Please carefully read and follow the Instructions for Uploading Transcripts.
International Applicants: Transcripts written in a language other than English must be accompanied by an official translation. Each transcript (mark sheet) should contain a complete record of studies at the institution from which it is issued (i.e., the subjects taken and grades [marks] earned in each subject.)
Please address transcript questions to Do not send transcripts to this address.
The New Writers Project does not require GRE scores.
For international students, we accept both official TOEFL or IELTS score(s).
More information about specific requirements for international applicants can be found here.
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- 1. Complete the Graduate School Application for Admission
Detailed instructions for submitting your application can be found here. (Please note: it can take up to 3 days after submitting the Graduate School Application for Admission to receive access to MyStatus, where you will be able to upload supporting documents. For this reason, we recommend submitting your Graduate School Application for Admission at least 3 days in advance of the deadline. If you do not receive the email with your EID and temporary password after 3 business days, please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions.)
- 2. Pay the application fee.
Application fee waivers for eligible applicants may be available here. Applicants who apply to both the New Writers Project and the Michener Center for Writers do not need to pay the application fee twice. When submitting their second application, applicants should select the option that says, “I will pay The University of Texas at Austin directly, outside of ApplyTexas.” Once the second application has been processed, the graduate school will automatically waive the application fee.
- 3. Upload your supplemental materials.
After you submit your application and pay the fee, you will receive an email that includes instructions on how to access MyStatus, including your UT EID and temporary password. During peak periods, it can take up to 3 days to receive your EID. Using your EID and temporary password, log into MyStatus and upload the required supporting materials (i.e. writing sample, personal statement, transcripts). Your application is not complete until you have uploaded your supporting materials. You will track your application progress, and accept and decline admissions, through MyStatus.
- 4. Tracking Your Application
Due to the high number of applications, the English Office cannot confirm the receipt of individual items. Applicants should check MyStatus to see admissions decisions and to confirm that all application materials are successfully uploaded.
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Please note the New Writers Project and the Michener Center for Writers have separate admissions processes and separate applications. Some applicants choose to apply to both programs, while others apply to only one. Information about the difference between the two MFA programs can be found on our "Which MFA?" page.
The New Writers Project and the Department of English cannot answer questions about the Michener Center for Writers. Students interested in applying to the Michener Center for Writers can learn about the program on their website.

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The New Writers Project only admits students for the fall semester. Admissions for Fall 2024 will open in August 2023.
Please see How to Apply and Admissions FAQ for more details.
We are a fully funded program. Please see our program description for more information about funding.
When reviewing your application, we consider all elements in the application file, including the statement of purpose and the letters of recommendation, but our focus is on the quality of your writing sample. Our selection among qualified candidates is a very competitive process. Meeting the minimum requirements specified above does not in any way ensure your acceptance into the program. In recent years we were able to admit less than 3% of applicants.
Please note: we offer concentrations in poetry and fiction only. We do not offer a concentration in creative nonfiction. While some of the writers who join us write nonfiction in addition to one of our primary genres, we are only able to accept applications and provide consistent course offerings in poetry and fiction.