College of Liberal Arts
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Each spring, the clinical area holds PsychFest, a daylong event and banquet in honor of second-year students. This event features individual presentations by second-year students of their current research (typically, the second-year project) and course of future studies. The department invites a distinguished speaker to attend the event, meet with students, and give a lecture; organizers solicit student input when choosing each year’s speaker.

Past speakers have included:

  • Ann Cohen, University of Pittsburgh (2023)
  • Sheri Johnson, University of California, Berkeley (2019)
  • Michael Otto, Boston University (2018)
  • Jim Pfaus, Concordia University (2017)

  • Sonya Lyubomirsky, University of California, Riverside (2016)

  • Matthew Nock, Harvard University (2015)
  • Ian Gotlib, Stanford University (2014)
  • Matt McGue, University of Minnesota (2013) 
  • Richard McNally, Harvard University (2012)
  • Charles Carver, University of Miami (2011)
  • Elizabeth Loftus, University of California, Irvine (2010)
  • Julia Heiman, Director, The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction (2009)
  • James Coyne, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (2008)
  • Andrew Shatté, Managing Director, Adaptiv Learning Systems (2007)
  • Bill Miller, University of New Mexico (2006)
  • Margaret Kemeny, UCSF (2005)
  • Edna Foa, University of Pennsylvania (Spring 2004)
  • Jack Rachman, University of British Columbia (Fall 2002)
  • John Weisz, UCLA (2001)
  • Michael Bailey, Northwestern University (2000)

To the right of this page is a list of student presentations from this year's event.

The Polka Docs, a band comprised of several clinical faculty members (and quite possibly the only band featuring an accordion AND a didgeridoo), has provided entertainment at a number of the evening banquets. 


Student Speakers


Jordana Breton, B.A. 

Galen Cassidy, B.A.

Garrett Ennis, B.A.

Isabelle Gallagher, B.S.

Abbey Hamlin, B.A.

Jocelyn Little, B.S.

Download PsychFest 2023 Poster (PDF). Read 2023 student speakers.

Download PsychFest 2024 Poster (PDF)


Past Winners of the Lee Willerman Award

Lee Willerman Award for Excellence in Research

A highlight of PsychFest is the presentation of the Lee Willerman Award for Excellence in Research, which is given for the outstanding student paper publication. Dr. Willerman, a distinguished researcher in the clinical area from 1971 until his untimely death in 1997, was well-loved by his students and colleagues. The area established the award in 2000 as a tribute to Dr. Willerman and his contributions to the department and the field. The winner receives a plaque and a cash award, and his or her name is added to the permanent plaque displayed in the Seay library.

College of Liberal Arts

This caption describes the image above.

Clinical Party

The area hosts a Fall dinner and party for clinical faculty, students, and their partners or spouses. A party highlight is the videotape made by second-year students to welcome the first-year students.