Academic Advising
- Email Advising
Please be sure to include your UT EID in ALL email correspondence.
General advising questions for any PSY advisor:
Psychology majors should email your assigned advisor (info on the right). ALWAYS Include your UT EID! We will try to respond within 2-3 business days; during peak times within 3-5 business days.
- Zoom Advising
- Location
PHONE: 512-471-4410
OFFICE HOURS: M-F 9:00-11:00 am & 1:00- 4:00 pm until further notice ADDRESS:Undergraduate Advising Office
College of Liberal Arts, Psychology
The University of Texas at Austin
2505 University Avenue, Stop A8100
Austin, TX 78712 - Advisors
The Psychology advisors see students based on student last name (the last letter in your UT EID); these have recently changed, so please check to see who your advisor is:
A - C:Grant Overman, BUR 230
D - I: Jay Brown, BUR 230B
J - M: David Valenzuela, BUR 230E
N - R: Summer Cacciotti, BUR 436F
S - Z: Joel Mendolusky, BUR 230D - Accordion 5Panel 5. Add body text in this space.
Academic Advising for Current UT Psychology Majors
Must be a currently declared PSY major to meet with a PSY advisor
***Next Virtual Drop Ins via WaitWell: March 4***
Waitwell Live Virtual Drop-Ins DO NOT require an appointment. Please see orange button below.
Upcoming Virtual Drop-in Dates (all times are central, 5-10 minute meetings):
- March 4th 9:00AM - 11:00AM
- March 10th 1:00PM - 3:00PM
- March 18th 9:00AM - 11:00AM
- March 24th 1:00PM - 4:00PM
- March 25th 9:00AM - 11:30AM
- March 26th 1:00PM - 4:00PM
- March 27th 9:00AM - 11:30AM
- March 31st 1:00PM - 4:00PM
- April 1st 9:00AM - 11:30AM
- April 2nd 1:00PM - 4:00PM
- April 3rd 9:00AM - 11:30AM
- April 7th 1:00PM - 3:00PM
- April 15th 9:00AM - 11:00AM
- April 21st 1:00PM - 3:00PM
- April 29th 9:00AM - 11:00AM
Please see options below to meet with a PSY advisor.
Answers to common questions may be found on the Psychology FAQ.
Spring 2025 Registration: Please see updated Registration Information.
- WaitWell
Live Virtual Drop-Ins
No Appointment Needed - Microsoft Bookings
Schedule Advising Appointment
Virtual Option - Microsoft Bookings
Schedule Advising Appointment
In-Person Option - Tab Option 4
- Tab Option 5
Must be currently declared PSY major to join virtual drop-ins
You may join the virtual drop-in queue by clicking this WaitWell link or you may click the orange virtual drop-in button below
These live drop-in sessions are limited to 5-10 minutes
See instructions on How to Join Psychology Virtual Drop-Ins via WaitWell
- The Psychology Advising Team is using a new online system (WaitWell) to serve current PSY majors in a live, virtual drop-in environment to field quick questions related to fall 2024 schedules, degree requirements, or time sensitive registration matters (NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY)
- See instructions on How to Join Psychology Virtual Drop-Ins via WaitWell system
- Current PSY majors may click on the orange Drop-Ins button below to join the queue to meet with a PSY advisor
- Current PSY majors will be served on a first-come, first-served basis by the next available PSY advisor
- The queue will close at the specified end time (or earlier, if time is needed to serve all current PSY majors already in queue)
Students NOT eligible for this service:
- students who are not currently a PSY major
Effective September 9, the PSY Advising Team will accept standard 25-minute virtual appointments to discuss a broad range of topics: short-term and long-term degree planning, general academic concerns, graduation questions, SUCCESS agreements (for students on academic warning), and post-graduation planning. Current PSY majors may schedule a virtual academic advising appointment via Microsoft Bookings at the provided link or by using the orange button.
PSY majors are welcome to schedule an appointment with any available PSY advisor.
Effective September 9, the PSY Advising Team will accept standard 25-minute in-person appointments to discuss a broad range of topics: short-term and long-term degree planning, general academic concerns, graduation questions, SUCCESS agreements (for students on academic warning), and post-graduation planning. Current PSY majors may schedule an in-person academic advising appointment via Microsoft Bookings at the provided link or by using the orange button.
PSY majors are welcome to schedule an appointment with any available PSY advisor.
Please be sure to include your UT EID in ALL email correspondence.
General advising questions for any PSY advisor:
Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here.
Psychology majors should ALWAYS Include their UT EID when contacting a PSY advisor! We will try to respond within 2-3 business days; during peak times within 3-5 business days.
Anything that cannot be resolved via email will be an advising appointment; you will schedule your appointment via Microsoft Bookings. See here for additional instructions on how to log in to Zoom if you choose to schedule a virtual advising appointment.
Be sure to check the Psychology FAQ first.
PHONE: 512-471-4410 (option to leave voicemail which will be returned in 48-72 business hours)
MAILING ADDRESS: Undergraduate Advising Office
College of Liberal Arts, Psychology
The University of Texas at Austin
2505 University Avenue, Stop A8100
Austin, TX 78712
- Psychology majors may meet with any available psychology advisor.
- If there is a specific advisor a psychology major enjoys working with, they are welcome to email quick questions to that advisor directly.
- If a psychology major has NOT yet worked with a specific advisor or does not have a specific advisor preference, they are welcome to email quick questions to the advisor assigned to the section of the alphabet that contains their last name (see below).
- Psychology advisors make every effort to answer email correspondence in a timely manner. Please do not email the same question to multiple advisors.
A-Ch – current Psychology advising staff
Ci– F – Anna Kent, Academic Advising Coordinator
G-K – Sarah Infante, Senior Academic Advisor
L-N – David Valenzuela, Senior Academic Advisor
O-Sh – Lupita Camacho-Garcia, Associate Academic Advisor
Si-Z – Joel Mendolusky, Senior Academic Advisor