College of Liberal Arts
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PSY 357 Research

PSY 357 is offered on a pass/fail basis only. It does NOT count toward major hours for Psychology. A limited number of PSY 357 credits can count toward degree hours (as electives only).



The major purpose of this individual instruction course is to provide an opportunity for advanced and qualified undergraduates to obtain firsthand supervised research experience in psychology. The student will usually assist a professor with a research project by helping to prepare the study and by running subjects in the study. The student may work with a graduate student who is doing research supervised by a professor. The student should not expect to conduct an experiment of his/her own.


Grading: PSY 357 is offered on a Pass/Fail basis only. Time Commitment: The student should expect a commitment of 6-10 hours per week in the Fall and Spring semesters and 15-20 hours per week in the Summer session. PSY 357 may be repeated for credit. Credit: It will not count toward the 28 hours of psychology courses required for the psychology major, but may count as upper division elective hours toward the 120 hours required for the Liberal Arts B.A./B.S. degree.


Psychology 301 with a grade of C or better, completion of 30 hours of coursework, and written consent of the instructor.

Important Notes


  1. The lab you are working in for PSY 357 credit MUST be a run by a UT Psychology professor, meaning they MUST have an appointment in the Department of Psychology (for example: not EDP, HDF, or Psychiatry unless they have a dual appointment with Psychology). You can find this list here: 
  2. You MUST have permission from the professor who runs the lab in order to be added to PSY 357; while you may be working with a graduate student, they will not be who gives you your grade. Without physical proof of this permission from the professor, you will not be added.

Registration Information

Enrollment in PSY 357 is restricted and therefore students cannot register themselves.  An Undergraduate Advisor will add you to the course (so please be sure that adding the class will not put you over 17hrs) once you have submitted the DocuSign. Request to take PSY 357 by contacting the email below:

Current Oportunities

View current PSY 357 opportunities in the Eureka system.


More Information