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The Spanish-speaking world--both Spain and the Spanish American nations—plays an important role in Jewish history and culture. During the Middle Ages, Jewish culture enjoyed a period of flourishing in Spain; at one time several hundred thousand Jews lived in the country, where they became prominent in philosophy, poetry, translation, medicine, and many other arts and sciences. Though the golden age of Jewish civilization in Spain ended with increasing persecution and finally the 1492 Edict of Expulsion, Jewish life later gained a foothold in Spanish America, where sizable communities were established in Buenos Aires, Mexico City, and other cities. A number of distinguished Spanish American writers and filmmakers are from these communities.

As you study Spanish civilization at UT with our two medievalists, Professors Michael P. Harney and Madeline Sutherland-Meier, you will learn about the complex relations between Christians, Moors, and Jews in pre-1492 Spain, as well as the ballads created by the Jews of Spain and their descendants. In courses on Spanish American Jewish topics, offered by Professor Naomi Lindstrom, you will encounter the novels, short stories, poetry, and films of Spanish American Jewish writers and filmmakers. Learning the Spanish language, which is taught at all levels from Introductory Spanish to Advanced Grammar and Writing in Context, will enable you to explore the Jewish life of Spanish America and Spain.

Visit: The Department of Spanish & Portuguese website for course offerings.