Slavic and Eurasian Studies | College of Liberal Arts
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Balkan Circle Fridays at Noon

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The Balkan Circle is a bi-weekly seminar where lectures, presentations, exhibits, or open interactive dialogues will focus on any (and all) aspects of historical, political, economic, social and cultural phenomena in the (so-called) Balkans. The seminar is free and open to the public and will be held every other Friday during the semester from 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm.

We are very pleased that our online format led to greater engagement from the international community. Keeping this in mind, we've decided to continue our online presentations rather than regroup in our tiny second-floor conference room (as charming as it is). We will have occasional "in-person" speakers, but they will also be live-streamed to the international audience to allow for continued participation among The Circle.

Taking a (short) Break...

We are proud to have shared so many Circles so far, and intend to pick up again soon. In the meantime, check out the recordings of previous sessions below.

Balkan Circle on YouTube
College of Liberal Arts

Photo Credit.

Past Speakers:

Recordings of the past presentors are available on our YouTube Channel.

Note: some recordings are unavailable due to speaker request or technical glitches.

Videos by country:

Non-recorded speakers:

  • Power, Mis-representation, and Symbolic Violence  Ioanida Costache
  • The Secret Police Dossier of Herta Müller: A "File Story" of Cold War Surveillance • Valentina Glajar
  • Remembering the Past, Constructing the Present: History and Albanian Identity in North Macedonia • Vasiliki Neofotistos
  • The Production of Space: A Balkan Perspective • Diana Mishkova
  • Under the Radar: Hezbollah on the Balkans • Ruslan Trad
  • Islamic Revivalism in Yugoslavia and the Crisis of Europe • Emily Greble
  • Rival Power: Russia's Challenge to the West in the Balkans • Dimitar Bechev
  • Nonaligned Modernism: Tracing Transnational Artistic Ties Between Second and Third Worlds • Bojana Videkanić
  • Report from internship at the Balkan Civil Society Development Network in Skopje • Michael Kiel
  • The Cold War from the Margins: A Small Socialist State on the Global Cultural Scene • Theodora Dragostinova
  • Kosovo: U.S. Bureaucracies Adaptation to Conduct Post-Combat Operations in a Dynamic Multi-National Environment • Jeremy Kasper
  • "Come See Swords and Yatagans / and Quite a Few Bulgarian Heads": Constructing a Greek anti-Bulgarian Culture of War during the War Decade of 1912-22 • Charalampos Minasidis
