College of Liberal Arts
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Connect with @UTCREEES

Facebook • Instagram • @UTCREEES (Threads)

 LinkedIn (Join our CREEES group at this link; join the CREEES Alumni group here)


Student Organizations and Language-Practice Conversation Hours


Slavic Connexion Podcast

A fresh international chat show from the Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies meant to share research, ideas, and culture in digestible episodes within and between academic institutions globally. Each week we feature faculty, students (both undergraduate and graduate) from the University of Texas at Austin, and speakers of note from other institutions around the world. The Slavic Connexion is a student-driven production of the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies within the College of Liberal Arts at UT. Diplomacy Starts Here.


CREEES Professional Resources Forum

A forum where resources for students, alumni, professionals, and K-12 teachers are regularly posted pertaining to funding, career, and other professional development opportunities related to Russia, Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Updated daily, the site features postings about funding opportunities for research and travel, jobs and internships, conferences and seminars (including CFPs) related to our region -- and more!

Don't miss an opportunity! Sign up for our Professional Resources Weekly Digest to receive a weekly email highlighting opportunities we think are especially exciting as well as a list of all the posts added to the forum that week.



CREEES Events Email List


CREEES sponsors a variety of scholarly, instructional and outreach activities related to the region, which are announced through this list, including:

  • Lectures by distinguished faculty and visiting speakers;
  • Film and photographic exhibits, symposia; and
  • Outreach programs for K-12 teachers, including a speakers' bureau, etc.

To Subscribe/Unsubscribe: Go to the CREEES Events List information page and click on Subscribe or Unsubscribe in the left column menu.

Depending upon your interests, subscribers may also find the following web pages to be useful: CREEES Events Calendar, CREEES Outreach Program and About CREEES.


CREEES Volunteer Email List


Announcements for volunteer opportunities to help out at CREEES events, such as Russia Day, Fall/Spring Fest, film screenings and book launches.

To Subscribe/Unsubscribe: Go to the CREEES Volunteer List information page and click on Subscribe or Unsubscribe in the left column menu.