College of Liberal Arts
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Purchasing and Reimbursements

The Sociology Department works with Liberal Arts Centralized Business Services Group 1 (CBS 1). All forms and up-to-date information can be found on the CBS website.

When using DocuSign PowerForms, be sure to use your EID email address so you can find your form later, e.g., Completed and signed Purchasing Exception Request forms, Travel Reimbursement Exception Request forms and late TAR memos should be forwarded to CBS for processing.

Equipment and Supplies

Department members should order office supplies and technology products through staff. Furniture and other equipment must be purchased with the Procard. Please see Julie Kniseley for Procard purchases. A list of disallowed purchases and vendors can be found in the Procard Policies and Guidelines.

The University has a standing contract with Office Depot and is unable to reimburse office supply purchases made with other vendors.  Please use the online Office Depot catalog for product numbers when making requests so staff can be sure to get exactly what is needed.

Computer, monitor, printer, other hardware, and software purchase requests must be cleared first with staff. All purchases must be approved before purchase. Most computer products are purchased from the Campus Computer Store through UT Market. Please use the online Campus Computer Store catalog for product numbers when making requests so staff can be sure to get exactly what is needed. Typical turn-around time is 2-4 weeks, but a 6-week or more (as far in advance as possible) lead is recommended. Computers purchased on University funds are University property and must be tagged for inventory by inventory staff, even if purchased with research grant funds. Limited computer and computer-related purchases may be possible with a Procard, but again these must be cleared with Julie Kniseley prior to purchase to ensure University policy compliance.

General Reimbursements

For general reimbursements, reimbursee must complete the COLA General Reimbursement form and email it along with receipts to, or submitted online. These items will be processed by COLA.

  • General reimbursements include books and other materials that are not related to entertainment or travel.

  • Reimbursements must be processed within 45 days of the event/purchase.

  • Please ask staff to order office supplies and technology products from UT Market. Furniture and other equipment must be purchased with the Procard. Please see Julie Kniseley for Procard purchases.

  • Due to ownership, license, and warranty issues, all computer hardware and software purchases must receive prior approval and be acquired through UT Market or a purchase order or, in certain cases, with the Procard.

  • Institutional memberships and dues for professional organizations on state (14- and 20-) accounts require approval prior to purchase.

  • University employees are exempt from Texas sales tax if a purchase is made for University purposes. Employees are highly encouraged to utilize this status as sales tax is not reimbursable. The Tax Exemption Certificate is available here. Present the certificate to the vendor for University related expenses to claim the exemption. Each vendor may have their own procedures for claiming the exemption. No reimbursements will be given for any Texas State sales tax for approved purchases on department funding. More information (including how to claim tax exemption on purchases) can be found here.

Payment for Professional Services

If paying for a professional service (eg, speaker visit, book indexing, interview transcription, etc), as far in advance as possible (no less than 2 weeks), please:

1. Submit a Professional Services Payment Questionnaire (PSPQ) to CBS Group 1.

  • Sociology visitors will need to make their own travel arrangements (lodging and transportation) and submit receipts for reimbursement. Possible exceptions are prospective faculty and students, officials visiting in an administrative capacity, and visitors with special financial considerations. Please check with staff in these cases.

  • Honoraria/fees for international visitors are subject to a 30% NRA tax and therefore strongly discouraged.

  • One PSPQ may be submitted for a group of visitors for the same event; just attach a spreadsheet including the visitors' names, UT EIDs (if known/available), emails, dates of service, brief descriptions of service, honorarium amounts (if any), and reimbursement limits (if any). Please also email the spreadsheet to David Rhodes ( or (as backup) Kevin Hsu (

  • "Requester" is the person receiving the service or, in the case of a visitor, the visitor coordinator. "Vendor" is the party performing the service (eg, the visitor). The department does not record services. In the Vendor EID field, unless you know the EID, put "Power PIF has not been initiated," as instructed by the form. In the Nepotism Statement field, if none, put "None." To look up your individual account(s) or workgroup account(s), please see staff. "14-" and "20-" accounts (state funds) can be used for honoraria/fees but not visitor travel. "Department Administrator" is David Rhodes (512-232-6347, Use the General Notes section to clarify or provide any additional information. Send a Copy of the Request to the Requester (yourself) and the Department Administrator. Submit the form to CBS 1.

2. Inform the party performing the service in writing with the following information:

  • A Payee Information Form (PIF) will be sent to you from Please complete it as soon as possible.

  • Receipts (itemized and showing proof of payment) must be submitted no later than 45 days after the visit. Reimbursements typically take two to four weeks after the visit.

  • Economy roundtrip airfare to AUS is reimbursable. Ground travel to/from university/hotel and parking are reimbursable. Per diem, including lodging (room and tax only), is reimbursable up to $260/night (during peak times exceptions for standard-type rooms may be requested). A list of hotels near the university is here.

  • For international visitors receiving honoraria/fees: Honoraria/fees for international visitors are subject to a 30% NRA tax. International visitors must also first determine and certify their eligibility (visa table) and submit the list of required documents (B visitor checklist, J visitor checklist) for honoraria/fees before or on arrival. All documents on the checklists are required.

3. Email a copy of any Purchase Order (PO) sent to you by CBS to the party. (Please note, depending on nature and scope of work and vendor status, you may need to complete further forms including a Business Contract Review Checklist (BCRC) and a Business Contract. Additional time should be allowed. See Business Contracts Office Procedures and Templates. Submit completed BCRCs and Business Contracts to COLA via the Contract Submission Form, not to directly.)

Receipts and invoices should be sent to CBS at for processing. Please contact CBS or (in case of contracts) Business Contracts Office, or see department staff, with any questions.

Cash Advances

Travelers who will be paying for additional research needs are strongly encouraged to request a cash advance before travel. If a trip will include group travel and/or research payments, please ask about the possibility of a cash advance. Submit a Cash Advance Request Form here. Please contact CBS at with questions about cash advances.
Travel cash advances provide the convenience of receiving funds before travel begins.
Study cash advances are also available for payments made to study participants.
Travel involving payments made to workers, non-commercial lodging, group travel, entertainment, and program expenses can be made via a travel cash advance with prior authorization.
With a cash advance, traveler is able to pay third-party consultants or pay for group travel. Please remember that without a cash advance traveler cannot be reimbursed directly for these payments. For example, traveler cannot be reimbursed for paying for travel expenses for others, but can pay expenses for other researchers on their team with a cash advance.
Cash advance requests should be submitted within 2 to 4 weeks before the date funds are needed, and receipts are due 14 days after travel has been completed.
Please contact CBS at with questions about cash advances.


See Entertainment.


See Travel.