The students, faculty, and staff of the South Asia Institute wish to reach out to alumni of the South Asian Studies. Below are links to calendars and listservs, and much more.
Alumni Survey
Please take a moment to complete the Alumni Survey. Information will be kept confidential, and your contact information will not be shared with anyone outside of SAI.
Updating Personal Information
Remember to update your information on the UT Texas Exes website.
Keep up to date with the latest issue of the SAI Newsletter. Please send any information that will help us keep the alumni page up-to-date and informative.
This mailing list is used to announce upcoming events, conferences, workshops, and film screenings. During the academic year, announcements are condensed into a weekly eBulletin, which is sent every Monday morning. Subscriptions are available as email, daily digest, special notices, or no email (read messages on the webpage). You can subscribe and set your listserv preferences online.
This is a group for current students, as well as alumni, who focus on South Asia in their study and/or research within any program or department at UT Austin. All are welcome. No personal information is visible to us by joining our group, and any information given to us is held in the strictest confidence.
Instagram for the South Asia Insitute at The Univeristy of Texas at Austin.
Twitter for alumni and friends of the South Asia Institute at the University of Texas at Austin.
Contact with SAI Faculty
Faculty who receive SAI funding for conference or research travel are encouraged to contact South Asia alumni in the area of their destination. SAI will find out when and to where faculty will be traveling and attempt to get in touch with alumni in that area. If you would like to be informed when faculty members are in your area, please contact us.