Debra Umberson is CAPS’s Director and heads the Center’s Administrative Core. Professor Umberson oversees the Center’s administrative activities and works closely with the Center's Development Core Director.
Karen Fingerman is CAPS Director of Research and oversees the Center’s Pilot Project Development Core.
The internal CAPS Faculty Council develops policy and oversees all Center activities, including evaluation and oversight of the pilot project program. CAPS receives administrative support though the PRC. The PRC and CAPS work in close collaboration to support shared research interests and activities.
The external Advisory Committee collaborates with the Faculty Council to develop strategic directions for the Center, and to evaluate pilot project proposals prior to NIA submission.
CAPS Faculty Affiliates have faculty appointments at UT-Austin and are also members of the Texas Population Research Center (PRC). Faculty Affiliates address complex aging and population science issues as is reflected in their grants, research interests, and publications.
The TX Aging Network (CAPS TXan) brings together some of the most outstanding scholars from across Texas who conduct research on the demography and economics of aging from a population perspective, providing opportunities for collaboration across institutions.