College of Liberal Arts
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English Advising Contacts

Drop-in Hours: Wednesday 1:00-3:00 and Friday 10:00-12:00 
Drop-ins are available virtually or in person (in PAR 114-120)

To schedule an appointment, see fields below.

Current English Majors


Please feel free to visit our drop-in hours (details at top of page) or email for general inquiries. A good rule of thumb is to utilize the drop-ins or gulliver e-mail for questions that would not involve looking up your academic record. For anything else, let's have a conversation! You can set up a meeting through the links below:

Last name A-O: Mitchell's Bookings Page

Last name P-Z:  David's Bookings Page

If your "assigned advisor" is unavailable, feel free to meet with the other advisor. Additional appointments will be released on a rolling basis.