College of Liberal Arts
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English Internships

The Department of English offers a handful of in-house internship opportunities.  To be eligible for these internships, a student must have declared English as a major and earned a UT-Austin grade point average of 3.0 or higher.  Most interns have also completed some upper-division English coursework.  Each internship requires 12 (or more) hours of fieldwork per week.  For additional information, including selection criteria for a particular internship, please click on the links below.  Students selected for these internship opportunities register for English 367E.  E 367E is offered on the pass/fail basis only, thus cannot count toward English major requirements; however, the course does count as an upper-division elective toward the Bachelor of Arts degree.

English Paid Internships

In lieu of course credit, students participating in the internships below receive pay for their work.  Additional details, including supervisor contact information, can be found on the links below.

Other Internship Resources 

All students are encouraged to participate in experiential learning opportunities, including internships.  Liberal Arts Career Services provides a number of internship resources, including coaching and course credit options.