Minor in French

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Nearly all Liberal Arts majors require a minor. Regardless of your catalog, you must see your major advisor to declare a minor. Only one minor per major is permitted. Apply for a minor in French here.
For 2016-2018 and later catalogs, the minor requirement is satisfied with an approved minor or certificate. These minors appear on transcripts and require between 15 and 21 hours of coursework.
For 2014-2016 and earlier catalogs, the minor requirement is satisfied with 12 hours in a single subject. These minors do not appear on transcripts.
Transcript-Recognized Minor in French Studies
Applicable to students under the 2018-2020 and later academic catalogs
Twenty-one semester credit hours, including:
- FR 601C
- FR 611C
- FR 317C
- FR 320E
- Three additional semester credit hours of upper-division FR
- FR 406
- FR 407
- FR 412K
- FR 317C
- FR 320E
- Three additional semester credit hours of upper-division FR
At least 11 hours of the French minor must be completed in residence. The transcript-recognized undergraduate academic minor must be completed in conjunction with an undergraduate degree at the University of Texas at Austin. For more information regarding the requirements for achieving a minor, including a comprehensive list of minors, please visit the Minors and Certificate Programs section of the Undergraduate Catalog.
Applicable to students under the 2016-2018 academic catalog
Twenty-one hours of coursework in French, consisting of:
- FR 601C
- FR 611C
- FR 317C
- FR 320E
- Three additional hours of upper-division FR
At least 11 hours of the French minor must be completed in residence. The transcript-recognized undergraduate academic minor must be completed in conjunction with an undergraduate degree at the University of Texas at Austin. For more information regarding the requirements for achieving a minor, including a comprehensive list of minors, please visit the Minors and Certificate Programs section of the Undergraduate Catalog.
French Minor
Applicable to students under the 2010-2012, 2012-2014, 2014-2016 academic catalogs (non-transcriptable)
Requirements and options for minors vary widely among colleges and majors at UT Austin. Students should refer to the degree plan for their major to see if it requires a minor. The Department of French and Italian Academic Advisor is available to discuss appropriate French course choices with you, but it is best to check with the advisor in your major to clarify the exact requirements for a minor.

Undergraduate Academic Advisor
Heather Peterson
BEN 2.108
(In-Person Availability W/Th 9am-3pm)

Undergraduate Faculty Advisor
Undergraduate French Faculty Advisor
Heather Pelletier
HRH 3.110C (please email for availability)

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