College of Liberal Arts
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College of Liberal Arts

Institute of Classical Archaeology

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College of Liberal Arts

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The Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICA) carries out multi-disciplinary archaeological research projects in the agricultural hinterlands of ancient Greek colonies in southern Italy and on the Black Sea coast of Ukraine. ICA was established as a research unit in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas, Austin, in 1978.

Since its first excavation project in 1974, with support from public and private sources, ICA has developed long-term projects to explore the rural populations of Metaponto and Croton in Italy and of Chersonesos in Crimea, Ukraine. Principal collaborators include the Archaeological Superintendencies of Calabria and Basilicata and the National Preserve of Tauric Chersonesos at Sevastopol. ICA's research and publications have brought it international recognition as a leader in the study of the ancient countryside in the Greek and Roman world.

The Chora of Metaponto 7 Now Available

The seventh volume in the Institute of Classical Archaeology’s series on the rural countryside (chora) of Metaponto is a study of the Greek sanctuary at Pantanello. The site is the first Greek rural sanctuary in southern Italy that has been fully excavated and exhaustively documented. Its evidence offers unparalleled insights into the development of extra-urban cults in Magna Graecia from the seventh to the fourth centuries BC and the initiation rites that took place within the cults.

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College of Liberal Arts

Contact Us

Institute of Classical Archaeology

The University of Texas at Austin

ICA 3925 W. Braker Lane, Austin, TX 78759

Department Chair

Adam Rabinowitz
