The Department of Rhetoric & Writing
A Humanistic Discipline and a Practical Art and Skill

DRW Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
Main Office: PAR 3
Phone: 512-471-6109
Email: rhetoric@austin.utexas.edu.

Department of Rhetoric and Writing Climate Statement
Department of Rhetoric and Writing Climate Statement
At the Department of Rhetoric and Writing, we are unambiguous in our commitment to fostering a respectful professional and educational climate.

2025 Trimble Prize for Excellence in Writing
The Trimble Prize for Excellence in Writing will be awarded for an excellent undergraduate paper in nonfiction (argumentative, research, expository, or self-expressive, or cross-genre).
Apply Here

Contact Us
Rhetoric and Writing
The University of Texas at Austin
PAR 3, Mailcode B5500, Austin, TX
Austin, Texas 78712
Department Chair
Diane Davis