College of Liberal Arts
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Portfolio Program


The Graduate Portfolio Program in the Study of Religion offers graduate students across the university the opportunity to draw on the rich expertise of the Religious Studies faculty while completing a Master's or Doctoral degree in their chosen field. Portfolios allow students with a wide range of academic interests and professional goals to enhance their professional development by incorporating into their graduate program a focused set of Religious Studies courses. Students' specializations can be thematic, chronological, or methodological, but they will build on the students' departmental coursework in order to provide new perspectives on their fields of study.

If you have any additional questions about the Graduate Portfolio Program in the Study of Religion or would like to speak with someone about the program, please contact:

Graduate Coordinator
Office: BUR 533

How to Apply

Students can enter the portfolio program at any point in their graduate work, but it is recommended that doctoral students finish the portfolio’s course requirements before entering candidacy.

It is recommended that students discuss their plans with the Program Advisor as they formulate their application statement.

Students interested in developing a portfolio must complete an application form, to be reviewed by the Graduate Coordinator. This application should include:

  • a statement (of about one paragraph) explaining the rationale for the student's particular specialization
  • a statement (of about one paragraph) explaining the importance of this particular specialization for the student's graduate program and career goals
  • a list of six possible courses that form the proposed specialization
  • the signature of the student's faculty advisor and departmental Graduate Advisor

Download the Application (PDF)

After completing the application, save all of your documents into a single PDF, and email them to the Graduate Program Coordinator

The Department of Religious Studies is currently not accepting applicants for the Portfolio Program. We hope to offer it again sometime in the future, and this page will be updated when that happens.

If you have any further questions, please email