FLAS Fellowships
CREEES has been awarded FLAS Fellowship funding for 2022-2026
Applications for Summer 2025 & AY 2025-26 open November 6!
Applications open: November 6th, 2024
Applicant deadline: February 1st, 2025 at 11:59 PM CT
Recommendation Letter Deadline: February 8, 2025 at 11:59 PM CT
Award notifications will come with admission decisions (generally 8-10 weeks after the application deadline).

The Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships program provides allocations of academic year and summer fellowships to institutions of higher education to assist meritorious undergraduate students and graduate students undergoing training in modern foreign languages and related area or international studies. Eligible students apply for fellowships directly to an institution that has received an allocation of fellowships from the U.S. Department of Education.
CREEES offers FLAS Fellowships to fund highly competitive graduate and undergraduate students (incoming and continuing) for the study of regional foreign languages, including:
- Albanian
- Bosnian
- Croatian
- Czech
- Polish
- Romanian
- Russian
- Serbian
- Ukrainian
- Yiddish*
- and more!
*Applicants pursuing Yiddish or any other languages for which they seek approval must show applicability to the study of our region, which includes the Balkans/Southeast Europe, Central/Eastern Europe, the Baltic states, Russia, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the former Soviet Union.
Students should consider applying for FLAS Fellowships with any applicable FLAS-granting centers at UT, including:
Or for summer FLAS awards at other FLAS-granting institutions as relevant to their research interests. FLAS awards are available for both academic year (in residence at UT or abroad) and summer studies (abroad or elsewhere in the US).
See our non-exhaustive list of CREEES language FLAS eligible language programs!
CREEES is committed to building a diverse FLAS applicant pool and we therefore encourage applications from students of all backgrounds and experiences.
To Apply:
1. Read the Graduate or Undergraduate FAQ pages thoroughly to understand eligibility, general guidelines, Academic Year and Summer award details (links below):
2. Download and use the online application guides below to prepare application answers and materials in advance.
- Summer FLAS Application guide
- Undergraduate Academic Year FLAS Application guide
- Graduate Academic Year FLAS Application guide
3. Once you are ready to apply, click the appropriate application link (Graduate AY, Undergrad AY or Summer FLAS)
Note: Students wishing to travel abroad on a FLAS Fellowship must receive approval from the Center issuing the fellowship, UT’s Global Risk and Safety team, as well as the US Department of Education Program Officer, and must abide by host country travel restrictions / quarantine measures.
Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships are made possible with funding from the U.S. Department of Education through its Title VI grant. CREEES is a FLAS funding recipient for the 2018-22, and 2022-2026 grant cycle. More information can be found online on the Department of Education website.
The Department of Education's IFLE Office has released the first FLAS Tracking Report, which contains information about former FLAS fellows who graduated in 2010, 2011, and 2012. Find out more about the FLAS Fellowship grants in general from the US Department of Education's website here.

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For additional questions, please contact:
Office: Burdine Hall (BUR) 452
Email: creees@austin.utexas.edu
Tel: 512-471-3607