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The University of Texas at Austin

Green Design

College of Liberal Arts

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Patton Hall has LEED Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.

Sustainable design strategies in Patton Hall include:

  • Courtyard gardens featuring native Texas plants.
  • Collected rain water used for water efficient landscaping. Reclaimed water from the City of Austin will be used for flushing toilets. As a result, no potable water will be used for irrigation or toilet flushing, saving the University tens of thousands of dollars in operating costs each year. Low flow faucets and toilets will reduce water consumption from all sources.
  • High performance glazing that maximizes visible light transmittance while minimizing heat gain and cooling loads.
  • Natural day lighting to reduce energy consumption and heat gains from artificial lighting.
  • Solar pre-heat hot water panels to capture the sun’s energy to reduce energy consumption.
  • High efficiency heating and air conditioning to further reduce energy use.
  • A majority of spaces will have views to the courtyard gardens and Waller Creek.
  • Every faculty office has its own environmental controls to improve individual comfort.
  • Paints, glues, carpets and other finishes contain minimal or no amounts of volatile organic compounds to provide a healthy interior environment.
  • CO2 monitors in all classrooms ensure the proper amount of fresh, outside air during occupancy.
  • Many of the building materials are made within 500 miles of Austin and contain recycled content.
  • More than 75% of construction waste recycled and diverted from landfills.