Resource Bibliography
Flaherty, Colleen, “Illusion of Inclusion.” Inside Higher Ed, January 6, 2021,
June, Audrey Williams, “A Helping Hand for Young Faculty Members.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, September 12, 2008,
McClurken, Jeffrey W, “Why Not to Set Up a Formal New Faculty Mentoring Program,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, October 14, 2009,
O’Donnell, B.R.J, “The Odyssey’s Millennia-Old Model of Mentorship.” The Atlantic, October 13, 2017,
O’Donnell, B.R.J. “When Mentorship Goes Off Track.” The Atlantic, July 28, 2017,
O’Donnell, B.R.J. “Why Can’t Companies’ Get Mentorship Programs Right?” The Atlantic, June 2, 2017,
Palmer, Chris. “Becoming a Great Mentor.” American Psychological Association, January 2019,
Saastry, Anjuli, “The Right Mentor Can Change Your Career. Here’s How to Find One.” NPR, September 3, 2020,
Schumer, Lizz. “Why Mentoring Matters, and How to Get Started.” The New York Times, September 26, 2018,
Strauss, Alix. “I Know I’m Not Alone”: The Importance of Mentors Right Now.” The New York Times, January 21, 2021,
Zitron, Ed. “How to Mentor Young Workers in a Remote World.” The Atlantic, January 14, 2022,
Adams, Thomasenia. “Successful Faculty Mentoring and Retention.” University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications. February 1, 2016. Educational video, 1:58:48,
Buis, Brittany et al. “Faculty Mentoring in an Upside-Down World.” Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society. July 18, 2021. Educational video, 1:12:28,
Chimowitz, Marc. “Faculty Mentoring in Challenging Times.” Delaware- CTR Accel, August 2, 2016. Educational video, 48:59,
Hirsch, Marianne et al. “Faculty Mentoring Panel.” Faculty Advancement. June 16, 2020. Educational video, 55:50,
Malcom, Shirley. “The Importance of Mentoring Women and Minority Faculty at Every Career Stage: A National View.” University of California Television. May 30, 2013. Educational video, 59:30,
Murrell, Audrey. “Why Mentoring Matters for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. November 2, 2021. Educational video, 57:21,
Pearson, Helen. “Mentoring Strategies for Faculty Career Development.” Accel Mentoring, Education and Career Development Zone. May 1, 2015. Educational video, 57:36,
Penniston- Dorland, Sarah & Holloway, Tracey. “Mentoring and Nurturing Junior Faculty.” American Geosciences Institute. April 18, 2016. Educational video, 55:27,
Reddick, Richard. “Mentoring Across Difference.” William T. Grant Foundation Meeting on Mentoring & Career Development. February 25-26, 2021. Educational video, 1:21:28,
Singer, Judy et al. “Mentoring in the Academy.” Harvard University. June 8, 2010. Educational video, 55:40,
Swanson, Michele. “My Journey as a Faculty, Mentor, and Leader.” University of Michigan: Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies. February 18, 2021. Educational video, 53:49,
Models for Mentor Training from Peer Institutions
Carnegie Mellon University:
Guide to Mentoring - This webpage provides information on starting a mentoring program. The information is adapted from Cornell University’s Office of Faculty Development and Diversity and Columbia University’s “Guide to Best Practices in Faculty Mentoring.” The webpage provides specific information for both mentors and mentees. In addition, the webpage shares information on managing mentoring relationships.
Guide for Mentors - This webpage provides advice and recommendations for mentors in faculty mentoring relationships. Specifically, the webpage shares qualities of effective mentors and ideas for successful mentors. The information is adapted from Cornell University’s Office of Faculty Development and Diversity, Columbia University’s “Guide to Best Practices in Faculty Mentoring,” and University of Washington-Oshkosh’s “Mentoring Benefits and Roles.”
Columbia University:
Guide to Best Practices in Faculty Mentoring - This guide provides information to mentors and mentees regarding relationship building, best practices, roles, and evaluation. In addition, the guide provides information on organizing a mentoring program and mentoring resources such as checklists and models.
Cornell University:
Best Practices in Faculty Mentoring - This handbook was authored by the Provost’s Office as guidance to faculty and department chairs regarding best practices in faculty mentoring. The best practices included discuss various mentoring formats, mentoring focus areas, and considerations for mentoring across difference.
Harvard University:
Faculty Mentoring Guidelines - This webpage provides general principles for department chairs, mentors, academic leadership, and tenure-track faculty members regarding mentoring.
Guide to Faculty Mentoring in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences - This guide provides logistical information, best practices, and sample activities for mentors and mentees. Specifically, the guide details on responsibilities for mentors, mentees, and the department and key principles for mentor/mentee matching.
John Hopkins University:
Krieger School of Arts and Sciences Faculty Mentoring Action Plan - This guide provides information to mentors on mentoring faculty. Specifically, the guide offers information on implementing a faculty mentoring program.
New York University:
Faculty Mentoring Toolkit (Created by University of California at San Francisco) - This toolkit provides information to mentors and mentees on effective faculty mentoring. Specifically, the toolkit focuses on the mentor/mentee relationship, eligibility of mentors, various phases of mentoring, and provides templates.
University of California, Los Angeles:
Faculty Mentoring Handbook (Created by University of Rhode Island) - This guide provides guidelines for mentors, mentees, department chairs, and institutions. In addition, the guide provides resources such as models of mentoring and general characteristics of successful mentoring programs for women and underrepresented groups.
Mentoring Resources/ Council of Advisors - The Faculty Member’s Guide to Career Success Through Mentoring provides strategies for achieving success in academia by gaining adequate and appropriate mentoring. This guide will show you how to deploy a networking model to find an array of mentors who can supply help and advice in the areas where you need it. This guide explores how to establish and refine your goals, find and choose appropriate mentors, and cultivate and evaluate your mentoring relationships.
University of Maryland:
Mentoring Guidance - This mentoring guide provides information on creating a robust culture of mentoring, descriptions of the role of mentor and mentee, best practices of mentoring, and potential challenges. In addition, the guide provides templates for Mentoring Agreement forms, Mentor-Mentee Meeting forms, etc.
University of Michigan:
Career Advice: A Guide for Junior and Senior Faculty - This guide provides information to senior faculty on how to advise junior faculty. Specifically, the guide supports senior faculty in career advisement. In addition, the guide provides resources on career advising and mentoring.
How to Mentor Graduate Students: A Guide for Faculty - This guide provides information on the roles of both mentor and mentee, guidelines for mentors, how to conduct initial meetings, mentoring in a diverse community, and developing professional relationships. In addition, the guide provides resources for faculty mentoring.
Mentor/Mentee Training Materials - This webpage provides a bibliography of articles regarding mentor training. Most articles and books are hyperlinked on the webpage.
Principles and Best Practices of Faculty Mentoring - This resource is from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. This webpage provides information on the various models of mentoring (ex. group advising, one-on-one advising, etc.) and mentoring roles.
Resources on Faculty Mentoring - This webpage provides a wide range of resources on discipline-specific faculty mentoring. Resources range from mentoring programs assessment tools, information on how to develop mentoring programs, and mentor/mentee training materials. This webpage provides websites and articles on faculty mentoring as well as a bibliography.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill:
Departmental Recommendations for Mentoring Faculty - This webpage provides recommendations on faculty mentoring for each department at the university to follow. Recommendations include providing incentives for mentoring, providing informal opportunities for junior and senior faculty to interact, and identifying a mentoring coordinator that has an interest in department-wide mentoring and can check-in with mentors and mentees periodically.