M&E Process

 Process Assistance   |    MEALS & ENTERTAINMENT

  • Overview: Meal/Expense Reimbursement Requirements

    Reimbursements for allowable entertainment expenditures require receipts that are itemized and that show proof of payment, whether combined or on separate receipts.

    • Receipts should also show the number of guests, as well as the name and location of the establishment and the date and time the expense was incurred
    • Receipts need to show the total meal cost, associated tax and tip. Tips are limited to no more than 20% of pre-tax amount of food and beverage costs, no exceptions
      • Reimbursement claims for meals/receipts that include tips that exceed 20% of the pre-tax amount need to reflect the pro-rated amount that lowers the tip to the 20% maximum
    • Reimbursement claims for meals/receipts that exceed CoLA's maximum allowable amounts need to be reduced to the allowable amount, including associated tax and tip
    • The sales tax included with food and beverage costs is only reimbursable with dine-in events.
      • Reimbursements for orders to-go, delivery orders, and from non-restaurant food sources, such as grocery stores, must exclude sales tax in the reimbursement request
      • Contact establishments in advance about honoring UT's tax exempt status, and bring the filled out Exemption form (fyi, form auto-downloads) to present at the time of puchase
      • If an establishment does not honor the exemption form, and sales tax appears on receipts for take-out and delivery food costs, remove the tax amount from the reimbursement claim and consider using vendors that do honor UT's tax exempt status


    • Receipts need to be legible and in English (or translated into English) to be eligible for reimbursement
    • Failure to obtain or submit an itemized receipt could result in disallowance of reimbursement
    • Meal/entertainment costs without proof of individual payment are not eligible for reimbursement
    • Receipts for meal expenses paid in cash need to include a statement to that effect, signed by the person requesting to receive reimbursement
  • OOEF: Official Occasion Entertainment Form

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