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The University of Texas at Austin


 System Training   |    *DEFINE SYSTEM

  • The 10-Second Logon

    Follow the steps -  Don't just read it, Dooo IT! 
    If you've never used *Define, this is a good place to start. Click on the link below, pull the browser window out on its own, shrink it a bit and position it over the instructions so you can walk through step-by-step.

    Head here: UT *Define (Virtel) -Feel free to bookmark this link.
    You may need to step through Duo Authentication and network security before advancing to *Define.

    1. On the UT Tower screen click on FISCAL COM-PLETE - you can bookmark this link.
    2. You'll land on a very 80s looking screen asking for EID & network password
      • DON'T MOVE the CURSOR-  it's already where it needs to be.
        --If you encounter an error with permission, circle back to LA Finance  or RSO re access issues
    3. You'll land on the logon confirmation screen. JUST HIT ENTER
      Next screen is a menu called 'COM-PASS.'.
      Again, your cursor will be where you need it, TYPE letter D (for *Define), HIT ENTER

    You're in, job done.

    For a useful (slightly outdated) video covering logging in/out, head here. (2:52 min)

  • The Basics: How to Move Around

    Before you try to go anywhere in *Define, let's tackle some basic driving lessons.

    Assuming you're logged into *Define, pull out the browser window so that it's floating on its own, shrink it a bit, and position it over this screen so you can walk through step-by-step.

    The Good Morning Screen!
    After logon, next thing you'll see is the 'Good Morning' screen --instead of a greeting filled with positive affirmation*, this is how UT inserts finance-related news items right in front of your face. It's still in use today, so be sure to read them (if you're new, eventually, they'll start making sense). Some contain process deadlines or web addresses for more info; up to you if you follow them, but they can be nice reminders. 

    HIT ENTER, past the Good Morning screen.

    *If the Good Morning screen feels like a missed opportunity, head here for a bit of actual affirmation. ☺️


    *Define operates in a way most folks aren't used to. It's not like MS Word - you can't just type.

    *Define is more like a fillable PDF form. Just use your tab button to automatically advance to each fillable section (tab-type- tab or tab-type-enter-more on this later), and use your shift+tab button to move backwards. That's all there is to it. 

    • Fillable sections are usually underlined in red.
    • You can physically click your cursor onto the screen with your mouse, but if you do so in a spot that isn't editable, not much happens.
    • Keyboard shortcuts are your friend in *Define.
      The better you get at these, the faster you fly like Buck Rogers hurling toward the 25th century... woo!

    Once you're past the Good Morning screen, you'll see the 'command screen.' The command screen consists of the main menu. This is the perfect place to practice moving around with your sweet tab-tab-tab skillz.

  • I'm Ready to Use *Define... Now What?

    Make sure you're logged into *Define, pull the browser window out so that it's on its own, shrink it a bit, and hover it over the instructions to walk through step-by-step.

    Define is laid out in a clear, easy pattern.
    Once you understand the basic concept, you'll be able to navigate all over *Define, whether you understand what you're seeing or not.

    At the very top of everything, in the command line, you see: MMM --What is that?

    Well, no one knows exactly, but...

    Main Module Menu or...
    Main Mother Module...

    Call it what you like... Main Menu Momma... My Momoa Menu - sure, if that works for you!

    MMM always brings you back to the beginning - the top of the pyramid that all the modules live under. So if you can't remember which module you need, start with MMM and it will be obvious where you need to go from there. Eventually, you'll just remember the exact menu or module you need, but for now, it's nice to have Mother... or, uh, Momoa... 

    1. In the Command line, you will always use a 3 letter/digit combo to get anywhere in *Define. And the particular letters in each menu give you a clue about the name of the module, such as MMM=Main Module Menu.
    2. Try entering VMM, hit enter. You'll find yourself one level down into the Voucher menu, V = Voucher, so VMM = Voucher Main Menu. In the VMM menu, you'll likely see the following modules available:
      • VTM Transfer Vouchers (T=Transfer)
      • VPM Payment Vouchers (P=Payment)
      • VEM Encumbrance Vouchers (E = Encumbrance)
    3. Enter VTM in the command line, hit enter -that displays the modules under VTM.
      You'll probably see: VT6 IDT Correction of Charges - that's how we process a transaction correction.

    Play with the command line. Use the tab and shift+tab to go back and forth. You'll quickly get used to typing the three letter combos you need the most. You don't have to memorize them. So long as you understand how the pyramid works, starting with MMM, you'll always be able to drill down into the menu and find what you need. It's completely normal after years of using *Define to just start with whichever of the main menus you think you need in order to find the module under it.

    Another good module to experiment with is the GMM. You should see a lot of choices to access in that module. Practice drilling down from GMM and notice how everything is structured. Soon, you'll recognize patterns, such as G=General, V=Voucher, L=Ledger, etc. 

    Once you understand how to dive into the modules, you'll be ready to start using them. Give us a shout if you think you are missing some basic modules --they have to be manually added based on your position, unit, business needs, etc.

    Check out the Modules link to dive further into which ones you need. 

  • Accordion 4
    Panel 4. Add body text in this space.
  • Accordion 5
    Panel 5. Add body text in this space.
College of Liberal Arts

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