Account Reports
- Report: Account Balances
This tool provides the same detail as *Define's GB2 module, only in a less Definey-way. Some prefer it, some don't. You have the choice of looking up all the accounts (budget groups) in a single unit, or a specific 8-digit account (budget group) number.
- Data displays as a table
26-6XXX-XX, LIONS and TIGERS and BEARS, OH MY!, September
Budget Category Free Balance Money In Money Out Reserves Pool No. SALARIES & WAGES 12 1 96,481 -96,480 0 01 FRINGE BENEFITS 14 0 0 0 0 02 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 50 0 683 -683 0 03 TRAVEL-DOM 75 0 2,836 -2,836 0 05 Totals 1 100,000 -99,999 0 (all) Unit: ####-000 Unit Title: Fields and Fields of Poppies
Unit Head: The Dog, PI ToTo: 512-232-BARK
- Data displays as a table
- Report: Detailed Account Balances
This tool also provides account balances with the same level of detail as *Define's GB2 module, in that less Definey-way, with language that matches *Define a bit more. This report is strictly by 8-digit budget group (aka account number). In addition to the default 'Summary' view, there's another even more detailed version under... 'Detail.'
- Data displays as a table
Account Title
Free Balance
26-6xxx-xx12 SALARIES & WAGES 1 96,481.00 -96,480.00 0.00 1.00 26-6xxx-xx14 FRINGE BENEFITS 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26-6xxx-xx50 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 3 682.73 -682.73 0.00 0.00 26-6xxx-xx75 TRAVEL-DOM 5 2,836.27 -2,836.27 0.00 0.00 26-6xxx-xx91 NONFEDERAL COMMITMENTS RECEIVABLE 10 -100,000.00 99,999.00 0.00 -1.00 Expend 100,000.00 -99,999.00 0.00 1.00 Income -100,000.00 99,999.00 0.00 -1.00 Totals 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- Data displays as a table
- Accordion 3
ERP Reports
(opens in new tab)'ERP' is a technology term that means: Enterprise Requirement Process (aka the online stuff our business needs in order to function).
Below are Salary & Fringe Reports in the Report Runner
ERP Payroll Ledger Actuals - Salary This is salary that has been charged to an account (including corresponding workday-related details) --run this report on the salary subs of your accounts. ERP Payroll Ledger Actuals - Fringes This is fringe benefits that have been charged to an account (including corresponding workday-realted details) --run this report with fringe subs of accounts ERP Payroll Ledger Encumbrances - Salary This is salary that has been earmarked for future charging to an account ERP Payroll Ledger Encumbrances - Fringes This is fringe benefits that have been earmarked for future charging to an account ERP Departmental Payroll Report
This is a slightly less detailed version of the above reports. Note: Be sure to select 'Salary' and run with a salary subaccount number, and then separately select 'Fringe' and run with a fringe subaccount. Some accounts have combined salary and fringe coming out of the same subaccount, but that isn't typical for sponsored awards aka 26 accounts. - Accordion 4Panel 4. Add body text in this space.
- Accordion 5Panel 5. Add body text in this space.