Ward Endowed Fellowships
To support graduate student research and writing and for short-term periods of foreign study or academic travel and/or work experience, related to Asia with preference for Southeast Asia or China.
Scholarship Information:
- Period: Competition is held at the beginning of each long semester
- Amount of awards: $1,000 - $4,000
Scholarship Restrictions:
- For graduate students currently enrolled in Asian Studies, Government or Economics.
- Completion of a minimum of 9 hours of coursework in residence, at time of application.
- UT-Austin GPA of at least 3.5
Other Requirements:
- Demonstrated scholarship in the fields of political or economic development or American foreign relations related to Asia with preference for Southeast Asia or China.
- Evidence of leadership ability and interest in public and private international careers.
- Submission of a two-page description of your research.
- One letter of recommendation from your advising UT faculty member.
- IRB approval as necessary (if awarded).
- A thank you letter and a report on use of funds will be required, if awarded.
- Application opens in LASSO on the first class day of the fall and spring semester.
- Recipients will be selected by the College Scholarship Committee and notified the semester they apply.
Contact the Liberal Arts Scholarships office at cola-scholarships@austin.utexas.edu for more information.