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How do students register for New Student Orientation?
The New Student Services website will assist students with orientation information including registering, orientation schedules, fees, housing, and testing. Spring orientation takes place in January. Summer orientation sessions take place in June and July. Students who cannot attend a June/July session can attend August orientation before classes begin.
To register, click on "Freshman Students" or “Transfer Students” and the "Registration" link.
Where should students and parents direct specific questions about the College of Liberal Arts Orientation?
Any specific questions about the College of Liberal Arts Orientation may be emailed to colaorientation@austin.utexas.edu.
Where should students direct general New Student Orientation questions?
All general questions regarding orientation should be directed to New Student Services at 512-471-3304, Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m., or to nss@austin.utexas.edu.
Can students change dates for orientation once they have registered for a session?
Students who need to change sessions must do so at least 10 calendar days before the session they're registered for by visiting the online registration page. Students may only switch to a session that has space remaining.
Can students visit with a College of Liberal Arts advisor prior to orientation?
Liberal Arts advisors cannot meet with incoming students except during their orientation time. Students will receive individual assistance choosing the appropriate classes and will be registering for classes during orientation. If students are unable to attend orientation, they may schedule an advising appointment to have their advising bar lifted after all orientation sessions have passed.
Should students take placement tests while on campus during orientation?
Yes, when applicable. Academic departments use tests for placement in pre-calculus, calculus, chemistry, and foreign languages. Students will be provided more information about how to sign up for placement tests leading up to orientation or during their advising appointment.
What interactions can a student expect with the College of Liberal Arts Academic Advisors and Orientation Advisors?
Students will attend group and one-on-one meetings with both Academic Advisors and Orientation Advisors. During these meetings students will be provided with detailed information regarding their major, the College of Liberal Arts, policies and procedures, registration information, and First-Year or Transfer-Year Interest Groups (FIGs or TrIGs). If a student has college credits or transfer work from another university, they should bring a copy of an unofficial transcript to aid in the advising process.
Can students register for classes before attending orientation?
No. Students will receive assistance choosing appropriate classes and register for classes during orientation. They will not have access to online registration until the final day of orientation. If a student does not attend orientation, they will not be able to register.
Will students have a schedule of classes when they leave orientation?
Yes. If students follow the proper schedule throughout orientation, meet with their Academic Advisors, and register for classes on the final day or orientation, they should have a complete schedule by the end of orientation.
Will a student have the chance to change their schedule once they leave orientation?
Yes. Students can make changes to their schedules during the official add/drop period toward the beginning of the semester. Students can check their Registration Information Sheet to see when they can add and drop classes.
Do students have to pay tuition during orientation?
No. The academic calendar lists tuition payment deadlines.
What assistance is available for students with disabilities?
Disability and Access (D&A) can be reached at 512-471-6259 or TTY at 512-471-4641. Students who need to make special arrangements for testing during orientation should contact this office at least two weeks prior to orientation.