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The Path to Admission through Co-Enrollment (PACE) program offers alternate entrance to The University of Texas at Austin to select students. PACE participants spend their freshman year on the Forty Acres part-time, taking one class per semester at the university while completing the majority of their coursework at nearby Austin Community College (ACC) – Rio Grande.
A student cannot apply to participate in PACE; rather, eligible students who apply for freshman admission are offered the opportunity to do so. For more information on admissions, eligibility, and requirements, visit the Admissions website.
Benefits of PACE
Guaranteed transition into four competitive colleges
At the end of the year, those who successfully complete PACE requirements continue their undergraduate studies at The University of Texas at Austin full-time and on track for on-time graduation, and are automatically admissible to a number of majors in the College of Liberal Arts, College of Education, Moody College of Communication or the Steven Hicks School of Social Work.
Dynamic academic advising
PACE students have a dedicated team of advisors at both institutions whose job it is to ensure their success. PACE advising employs a student-focused comprehensive advising model to help participants successfully matriculate while navigating issues common for first-year students.
Advisors support students by cultivating the use of holistic perspectives in developing and accomplishing personal, academic, and professional goals. In addition to assisting with academic planning, advisors work closely with students to promote a growth mindset, assist in development of life skills, and positively impact the UT-Austin and ACC campus communities.
Participation in a strong mentorship program
The PACE mentor program connects former and current PACE students. All mentors are former PACE students who successfully transitioned to the University of Texas. Mentors provide current PACE students with advice on their first-year experience and best practices for navigating two institutions. Mentors also facilitate weekly classes, conduct group and individual meetings, and plan social events.
Weekly seminar classes and workshops
These weekly, one-hour non-credit courses provide support for academic transition, help students develop a sense of community, and serve as an extension of comprehensive advising. Classes are led by PACE mentors and UT-Austin PACE advisors, with support from advisors at ACC.
Students learn about important tools and strategies for success in their first-year and beyond, participate in activities and events with their PACE community, and explore various majors and careers.
Jasmine Rose (JR) Schmitt, M.Ed.
PACE Program Manager
GEB 1.308
Christina Bui
PACE Program Coordinator
GEB 1.308