College of Liberal Arts
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Undergraduate Career Readiness Plan

One of the greatest qualities of a Liberal Arts education is its interdisciplinary approach, which makes each student’s four-year experience unique. No two students will take the same courses or follow the same academic enrichment and career planning paths during their undergraduate years. This four-year timeline is provided as a suggestion; please adapt this information to suit your personal interests and goals. 

To access this information in a PDF, click here.

  • First Year

     PRO TIP: Start small! Spending 5 minutes on Handshake or a quick Google search of an interesting employer is a great start.

  • Second Year


    • Create HookedIn and LinkedIn accounts to begin connecting with the UT community and building your network.

    • Continue to cultivate relationships with professors and TAs by visiting office hours.

    • Connect with employers by asking questions and introducing yourself to representatives at events and career fairs.

    • Update your resume to include your first year and summer experiences.

    • If you need an internship course credit as a part of your major requirements, browse our internship credit courses.

    • Visit the UT Outpost Career Closet to start building your professional clothing collection.

    • Develop your leadership skills through Texas LEAD programs. 

    • Meet with a career coach to discuss internship opportunities, work on application materials, or touch base about your career game plan moving forward.

    • Consider taking a career course for credit. LA 101M is a 1-hour credit course that you can take at any time during your undergraduate career.

    • Work on crafting a cover letter for internship or part-time job applications and have it reviewed by a career coach.

     PRO TIP: Find a friend to be your accountability partner. Spend time together focusing on career prep to help keep each other motivated. You can work on applications, job search, or complete a LinkedIn Learning course together.

  • Third Year
    • Browse Handshake to better prepare for required and preferred qualifications of full-time positions in your desired field.

    • Attend a career fair or employer event to network with employers and learn about job and internship opportunities they have available for the summer or the   next school year.

    • Obtain an internship or part time job that will help you develop transferrable skills and be competitive for jobs upon graduation.

    • Learn about the consulting industry and practice case interview skills with Management Consulted. Prepare early as hiring typically begins 12-18 months from start dates.


    • If you are considering law school or graduate school, schedule an appointment with a law school or graduate school admissions coach.

    • Complete the Career Crossroads activity to get a better idea of what you are looking for in an internship or a job.

    • Consider taking a career course for credit. LA 101M is a 1-hour credit course that you can take at any time during your undergraduate career.

    • Update your resume to reflect your second year and summer experiences.

    • Update your existing cover letter to include new experiences and have it reviewed by a career coach.

    • Visit the UT Outpost Career Closet to start building your professional clothing collection.

    • Schedule an appointment with a career coach to craft strong application materials.

    PRO TIP: Schedule time in your calendar to focus on career preparation and specify what you will focus on in that time. Stick to your schedule!

  • Fourth Year
    • Strengthen relationships with professors and TAs by visiting office hours.

    • Interact with alumni on HookedIn and LinkedIn who work at companies or in industries of interest.

    • Identify people (former/current supervisors, research program leadership, mentors) to serve as references for your job search or letter writers for law or graduate school.

    • Reach out to your network (current and former professors/TAs, job or internship supervisors, mentors, UT alumni) to let them know you are looking for a position after graduation.

    • Research companies and types of positions you are interested in using Handshake (and other job search tools).

    • Obtain an additional internship for fall, spring, or even the summer after you graduate.

    • Attend career fairs and employer events to meet representatives from employers you are interested in to learn more about the organization and full-time job opportunities.

    • Identify your goals and create a game plan. Full-time job? Graduate school? Post-graduate fellowship/grant program? Travel?

    • For full time positions, begin searching for postings at least 3-6 months before you graduate. This will give you time to network, interview, and secure a position. Some industries have hiring timelines that hire a year out. Meet with a career coach to customize your job search plan.

    • Consider taking a career course for credit. LA 101M is a 1-hour credit course that you can take at any time during your undergraduate career.

    • Take the LinkedIn Master Course to optimize LinkedIn to its fullest.

    • Finalize your resume and create various tailored versions for the specific jobs/industries you are applying to.

    • Develop a cover letter template and tailor it to each job you apply for.

    • Complete the Job Posting Analysis handout to ensure your application materials are highlighting key information from the job posting.

    PRO TIP: Have confidence in your skills and experiences. You don’t have to check off every qualification on a job description or have experience in the exact field to be a competitive applicant.

  • Post-Graduation


    • Meet with a career coach for up to one year after your graduation date

    • Access Handshake in perpetuity to search for jobs and connect with peers and employers.

    • Stay connected with other alumni and current students through HookedIn. Consider becoming a mentor for current students to help them in their own career journey.

    • Share your career success with us at Liberal Arts Career Services!