College of Liberal Arts
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Alumni: Degrees Earned

The history and quality of a department is  not only reflected by its current activities, but also in the alumni it has produced, since their ambitions and their achievements form their own professional networks.

Off the links below, you can find the titles of dissertations, theses, and reports written in the department, as well as a list of the placements for our alumni still active in the professions.

As you can see, the Department of Germanic Studies works in a tradition as old as the University of Texas at Austin.  The School of Modern Languages offered German as a primary language and Germanic Languages as optional courses beginning in 1883. In 1891-1892, the School of Teutonic Languages is listed in University Catalogues as an independent department for the first time. Its first MAs were in 1897-- see links below for titles of early degrees given.    Enjoy learning more about our past and finding new friends in the field today.