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Texas Language Center

Language Testing

Student Resources

College of Liberal Arts

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Language Matters!

Beginning in Spring 2025, the Texas Language Center’s monthly professional development series, Language Matters!, will feature talks dedicated to Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTLs) and translanguaging. 


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College of Liberal Arts

Texas Language Center

About the Texas Language Center

The Texas Language Center supports, enhances, and promotes the teaching of languages and cultures at the University of Texas at Austin. The Center offers services that facilitate language teaching at all levels through faculty seminars/webinars, graduate portfolio courses, and coordination with advising staff to assist students in selecting appropriate courses. The TLC also promotes the professionalization of language teaching faculty through funded research, course development, and recognizing teaching excellence.

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College of Liberal Arts
College of Liberal Arts

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College of Liberal Arts

"With languages, you are at home anywhere."

- Edmund de Waal


Graduate Students

LTC Portfolio

Undergraduate Students

Language Proficiency Testing
Foreign Language Teaching Excellence Award
Departments, Programs, Flagships, and Centers
World Languages Fair
Tutors and Translators
Language Conversation Practice Meetings
Study Abroad
Language Study Tracks  
Summer World Language Courses



LTC Portfolio Program

The Graduate Portfolio Certificate in Language Teaching and Program Coordination (LTC) is an additional credential available to current graduate students, along with their Master’s or Doctoral degree.

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College of Liberal Arts

LTC Portfolio Recipients

College of Liberal Arts

"Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach."

- Aristotle

Advisors & Instructors

Language Study Tracks
World Languages Fair
Advising Information for World Languages
Summer World Language Courses
Event Recordings
Professional Development Awards
Online and Print Resources


College of Liberal Arts

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Contact Us

Main Office
BUR 230

Texas Language Center
University of Texas at Austin
2505 University Ave, B7800
BUR 230
Austin, Texas 78712-1085

Phone: 512-471-6574
Fax: 512-475-8866

Social Media
TLC Facebook
TLC Twitter
TLC Instagram

Contact Us

Texas Language Center

The University of Texas at Austin

2505 University Ave, B7800 • BUR 230 78712-1085

Department Chair

Thomas Jesús Garza
