Exploratory and Undeclared Advising

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Students in the College of Liberal Arts learn to think critically across disciplines; to communicate effectively and with depth; and to lead with conviction, compassion, and integrity. Our curriculum and our faculty emphasize critical analysis, innovation, citizenship, and the advancement of social and global progress. A Liberal Arts education prepares students for a wide range of career opportunities as well as graduate and professional school. Employers increasingly value effective communication, creative problem solving, and adaptability to new technologies and information over the hard skills emphasized in STEM fields. Learn more about why it pays to ChooseCOLA.
The Liberal Arts Student Division is the advising home for exploratory and undeclared students in the College of Liberal Arts and students in other colleges looking to transfer to Liberal Arts. Our advisors are extensively trained on the requirements of majors across the College and major declaration and internal transfer processes across campus. While major exploration is an exciting student-driven process, our team of expert academic advisors in the Student Division and career coaches in Liberal Arts Career Services are dedicated to helping you find the major and experiences you need to change the world.
Exploring Majors
- Getting Started
What are you passionate about? What are your long term career and personal goals? What skills do you need for those goals?
Consider the Why. Why you are interested in something is information that is more valuable than what you are interested in. Knowing and understanding the “why” provides advisors insight to you and your goals, and has the potential to bring to light many options you may not have been aware of.
Do you know all the majors offered? Check out the list of majors and degree plans and the course schedule to see what piques your interests. It's a great way to survey the possibilities and discover interests and majors you didn't know existed.
Meet with career coaches in Liberal Arts Career Services and research careers. Career coaches will help identify your interests and strengths in order to map out potential career ideas and paths.
Come talk to us! We're available by appointment and on a drop-in basis to help get you started, compare majors, or guide you through the declaration process.
- Ready to Declare
Current Liberal Arts students can declare most majors in the College of Liberal Arts by meeting with an advisor in that department. Some Liberal Arts majors, however, are restricted and require an application.
- Current Liberal Arts students who wish to pursue majors in other colleges must meet pre-requisites and complete a competitive internal transfer application to be considered for admission.
- Timing and Deadlines
Start early! It's never too soon and students should take steps as early as their first semester to remain on track to graduate. Some students (e.g. student athletes and those with VA educational benefits) may see eligibility impacts if they remain undeclared for too long.
Liberal Arts Undeclared students must have a declared major by their fifth semester of college coursework (at any institution.)
- Timing and Deadlines
Start early! It's never too soon and students should take steps as early as their first semester to remain on track to graduate. Some students (e.g. student athletes and those with VA educational benefits) may see eligibility impacts if they remain undeclared for too long.
Liberal Arts Undeclared students must have a declared major by their fifth semester of college coursework (at any institution.)
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Registration Resources
- Registration Information Sheet (RIS)
View your initial registration access time, identify holds on your record that may prevent registration and how to lift them, and verify your emergency contact information on your registration information sheet.
- Interactive Degree Audit
Review an informal snapshot of your progress toward degree completion to identify unsatisfied University Core and Liberal Arts requirements as well as those specific to potential majors of interest.
- University Core and Liberal Arts Course Lists
Identify courses which satisfy University Core and Liberal Arts requirements. Any course listed under a specific requirement will satisfy it. However, some majors and programs may require specific courses within the options provided; speak to an advisor to confirm. Taking a course in a field of interest to satisfy a University Core or Liberal Arts requirement is a helpful way to test out a potential major.
- Meet with a Liberal Arts Advisor
All Liberal Arts Undeclared students must meet with a Liberal Arts advisor to discuss course options for the next term before registering. Our advisors can answer all of your questions and review the courses you've already identified or help you identify options. Registration advising is available on a drop-in basis or you may contact us to schedule an appointment.
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Have Questions? Need Help? Contact Us.
- Liberal Arts Student Division
VISIT: GEB 2.200 CHAT CALL: 512-471-4271 EMAIL
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m.
Drop-In Advising: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday: 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Extended Hours for Chat and Virtual Drop-In Advising: Monday and Wednesday until 7:00 p.m.
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