College of Liberal Arts
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Model Theses

Each year, the Plan II associate and assistant director choose 10-15 theses that represent first-rate work submitted by Plan II students with a variety of interests.  These students, whether or not the student is completing another major in combination with Plan II Honors, are engaged in different areas of research, from economics to architecture, literature to fine arts, history to religion. Of the many excellent theses we receive each year, the directors choose the strongest to serve as examples for future generations of thesis writers. A number of these, we believe, although undergraduate work, are publishable.

In addition to the selection of the model theses, Plan II awards the annual Albert Prize, which  recognizes an outstanding Plan II senior thesis related to the field of medical science. Plan II also awards the Trice Award for creative writing.

Beyond Plan II, UT awards the University Co-op George H. Mitchell Student Awards for Academic Excellence.  Since 1999, this honor is given to up to seven UT undergraduate students for superior scholarly or creative achievement. Plan II students are often recognized. The Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost provides a concurrent award of half the value of each student's award to the academic department in which the scholarly work was supervised. Recipients are chosen by the Co-op Awards Selection Committee composed of University faculty.

Faculty members nominate students who have demonstrated superior scholarly or creative achievement through a notable paper or thesis, research project, creative or artistic endeavor, or other product of the student’s academic work. To qualify for an award, nominees must be either a junior or senior currently enrolled at UT Austin or have received their undergraduate degree in December of the current academic year. Submitted work should be finished or close to finished (e.g. a complete draft of a thesis or research paper). Previous University Co-op / George H. Mitchell Award recipients are eligible only if the submitted work is a completely different project.