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The University of Texas at Austin
College of Liberal Arts

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Staff Leadership Academy

Imagine what it would feel like to step into work every day, no matter your role, as an empowered leader whose contributions are recognized and celebrated. What if it were possible to cultivate an organizational culture where you feel engaged and empowered as a staff member? What would it feel like to work in an organization where you feel deeply valued and your personal and professional development is highly prioritized?

The College of Liberal Arts’ Staff Leadership Academy takes bold steps toward building that workplace. Through this program together we:

  • Empower staff to step into their full leadership genius
  • Cultivate a community of outstanding, courageous, and transformative leaders
  • Build an organizational culture where we face challenges as opportunities
  • Stress less while accomplishing more
  • Work collaboratively to build a supportive and growth-minded community that furthers our individual and collective mission and work


College of Liberal Arts

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The Staff Leadership Academy is a place where you and the College make a mutual investment in your personal and professional growth, as a human and a leader. You will learn, practice, and build your skills in transformative communication and collaborative leadership. You will gain insight and strategies on how to handle challenges and breakdowns in your work and relationships. You will design a leadership project that captures your unique genius and launches your message more fully into the world. And you will do all of this with the support of a committed community of colleagues who will hold space for you to grow in your curiosity and impact. If you are ready to expand and deepen your leadership journey, this program is for you. 

The Staff Leadership Academy is a 9-month program that runs each academic year from September through May. The program has one, 3-hour live session per month, and weekly, 1-hour small practice group sessions, with meetings taking place in-person or virtually as necessary. The total time commitment per month is approximately 10 hours, consisting of live sessions, practice group meetings, and individual study. All monthly sessions and practice groups are held during work hours and are considered work time. Occasional reading and preparation may be necessary during personal time.


  • Phase I: Foundations

    The first month of the program orients you to the goals and structure of the program, focusing on cultivating a collaborative learning environment. We explore concepts and skills such as vulnerability and courage, growth mindset, holding paradox, grit and anti-fragility.

    The next two months of the program center on community building and deep skill development and practice, focusing on the relational tools needed to thrive as leaders. We expand upon the themes introduced in month one, adding topics such as transformative communication, collaborative leadership, conflict resolution, and resourcefulness, among others.

  • Phase II: Collaborations

    The second phase of the program is designed to connect and engage you with leaders from across campus and beyond, to deepen your well of resources and grow your network of collaborators. We hold an intensive workshop on developing leadership projects, explore what it means to care for ourselves as leaders, and connect with and learn from premiere COLA and UT leaders and partners. 

  • Phase III: Expansion

    The final three months are spent exploring new ways to approach challenges, failures, and breakdowns, as well as further honing communication and messaging skills. In this phase, you will design and complete an individual leadership project that addresses a need or challenge in your work. This phase is designed to put leadership skills into action. The program concludes in May with a "graduation" event where cohort members share their leadership projects with their cohort.



  • Phase IV: Expansion
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College of Liberal Arts

Photo taken by Crystal McCallon.

"I’ve experienced a fundamental shift in my thinking thanks to the Staff Leadership Academy. I always thought that a certain personality was required for leadership—one that I didn’t have. I’ve learned that I can be a strong leader while also being myself. There are definitely areas I need to work on, especially in terms of communication, but I now have strategies for improving that don’t require me to adopt a different persona. Learning this has given me an exciting confidence, both in myself and in my future."

-Kaitlyn Crawford, 23-24 Cohort


Learn More 

College of Liberal Arts

Practice Groups

Learn more about how practice groups are utilized during this program. 

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Leadership Project

Learn more about the leadership project and how you will engage with this project throughout the program. 

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Learn more about the certification process for this program and the required materials.  

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Learn more about eligibility and how to apply for the program. 

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Academy Leadership

The planning team facilitates the monthly in-person sessions, along with invited collaborators who provide instruction and expertise on topics such as wellness, mindfulness, and career growth. 


College of Liberal Arts

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Heather Gatlin, Chief of Staff

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Patty Prado, Executive Director of Career Initiatives

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Tamela Walker, Director of Human Resources

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Scott Brown, Executive Director of Student Engagement & Strategic Initiatives

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Emily Watson, Senior Training Coordinator

Contact Information

COLA Staff Leadership Academy